shaved your used cylinders. We didn't have to
throw a very stiff scare into Jennings to learn that he
had also acted, on occasion, as a messenger."
  Mandelle thrust his arms out limp on the table
and let his face sink down between his elbows. His
fingers twitched spasmodically and his shoulders
shook. Fogarty went quietly over, taking from his
pocket something that glittered with a nickelled
brightness, and snapped the locks of the bracelets
upon the extended wrists.
  At the touch of the cold metal the lawyer raised
his head and sat gazing at the handcuffs. Then, in a
faint and broken voice, he inquired, "Not that it
matters much   . . . but how     . . . did you
know   . . . about Carrington"
  "By shadowing you when you ran to him. My
man was in the lobby when he waited for you to
telephone to your office and when you dictated a
telegram to Sevens to be sent from there."
  Stupidly the lawyer nodded, then raising the man-
acled wrists and looking at them, he spoke steadily.
  "You're right. It's every man for himself now.
I'm ready to talk, and I want my statement to be
dated early. Call in a notary to swear me."
  Again Fogarty went to the 'phone. When he had
given the call that the prisoner suggested, he added
an instruction of his own.
  " Now please despatch the telegrams that you have
there marked Number Two and Number Three."
