— l
I • a11d 11olds a music deg1·ee from the 7  
        University of Kentucky in 1934.    
• · At a rece11t ceremony sl1e was 2 I
Of State Nurses Assoclatlon presented a plaque, are gift of l  
Miss Marion B. Sp1·ague of Lex- terim sl1e completed three years llwlle lllllll ’l>50O_ Sllldlillls and    
lnotoii, who has been associated of llU1'S€Sl training at Johns Hop- lellcllevlls who colltlllllllled one cent g i 
with the Clark County Public kms hospital, Baltimore. For many elwlli lllle l’l'“"`lllllllOll was lllllcle {
lloalth Departineiit, VVi11clIester, ye21I‘S she Served in the public   Lheétell   Tmll€lStllad’ Super-  
has been appointed executive sec- health departmciits of Fayette lllsoll Ol lllllslclll the lilly SCllO°llS‘  
’ i-oraiw of the Kentucky State As- county, New York State and the Ill Colllmllllllllg OH Mm Skllt  
sooialion of Registered Nurses State of Connecticut where she ll"_l"“ plan le l`€ml€’ D  Rowllmll  
_ . . said, "Probably no single 1ll(l1- 2
with ll(’2I(l(]IIFl1‘}E(31'S at Louisville. also acted as teacher of health . . . l` T
H . , . vidual 111 the history of the Lex- l
lhe appointment was an- education. . . l
. _ _ ington schools has had a direct I
- nounced by MISS LOIII‘€€ P0’U- Miss Sprague is the author of _ _ ,· , · _  
dn0_€1_ President Of the State aS_ two mzmazine wticleg ,,Saf€ty contact \\1ll1· as many pupils as  
? .’o _. _ _ ). _ _° _ so ° 7;’ _ has Mrs. Skinner. Thousands of  
wmmUH` l°ll°"lllg ll .m€Ltmg Of E°l“°*‘ll$’“ m e“h°°lS; Whlch all persons g'1'O\V11 to adulthood, now  
the executlvc board. MISS Sl)1`3ig`l1€ pcared 111 ‘Forecast in 1937, and living in Lexington and elsewhere, I  
was the tirst girl-to complete a ‘lRll€1ll1l3t1C Fever," which was Owe her 8 debt Of gratitude for  
four-year pre-medical course at written for Trained Nurse and awakening and iustmmg. into .  
the I'nn·e1·s1ty of Kentucky from Hospital Review 1942. Them 3 lmje of musica:  
which she also 1'€C€1V€(l her baehe- At present Miss Sprague is sec- _ I ·
lors degree in science in-1920. I11 ond-vice president of District No. S. A. Bolcs To Direct — ,  
1928 Miss Sprague received her 2, Kentucky State Association of Housing Project ,  
masters degree in arts from Registered Nurses. She assumed S A (Daddy) Bolos, “vhO has _ '  
Columbia University. Ill the in- her new duties March 15. been Conmmted with tho Athletic {  
  (l€)H1‘t1ll€11lZ since 1916, ll3$ l>€€11 1  
B°lll`g°°lS Oll Faculty Ml`? Sklllllcr T0 trzinsferred to Cooperstown as    
A Joseph E. Bourgeois, a graduate Retna As Muslc Teacher manager of this 11ew housing l)1`0Zl·   ‘,
of the Ilniyersity of Kentucky who Ml`S· lgllell T- Sllllllllllr lllllslc ect_ The appointment was effective  
recently was discharged from the teacher lll the l“*l‘“t’·`l°“ public begllllllllg Alllll ‘l llllcl Ml" Boles l
‘ ‘_ _ schools for the last 27 years, will wok Chm.,,.€ immodmtol); , j ‘
“l ‘l““" l"‘“ l"’€“ ll’l’°“‘l“l all l“` retire at the Ml of the 1>1‘eS¤¤t iiiii-iinlriie so you-S since he y gb
as structor in the department of mod- $(311001 yoon came to Lexington and the Um_  
____, ern languages at Xavier Univer- She Wm dom hel. husband, versity M1,. BOIGS has Served m i V  
1_€nd€l.9d  _ Sllir Cl1I<¢iI1IIati,it was announced. Charles E. Skinner-, at Oakland lllally oapaoities from instructor _ .
11 Mm], llc is a Isoli of Ml; and hll·S_ J_ Z_ City, Ind., Iwhere he is dean of in physical education   a.tl1let;li
tary Pd I ll><.>111‘gcc1s, 11oXVest Seoond SL Oakland ·C1ty College, but they (lireotoig He has wor {ed ui F
_ . — M1·.Boin-geios, who ]_‘QQQ1\7Qd_1]_iS will retain their home here tllld every head coach of football and V rl
lllalwl D1- ll. ll. in 1936 and M_ A_ in 1939 spend part of their time in Lex- basketball from Dr. J. J. Tiger, d   i
Illllex lllld - Sistant in the department of Ger- Mrs. Skinner has been co1111ected Fl01`l€l2l to Pfllll Bl`Y?llll?· H6 was I ·""°”"‘   ‘
0 mllllallll llllllll€ lllll§`ll&`I.{l`GS at Columbia Uni- with the oity soliools in Lexington f0lI1I(l€*1` of lll€ Sllky, Del) 0l`galll'   I
l will el" V"l`*ll5` llllil was Olnployetl by the giiioo l$)]§), when Professor Skinner ZH.lClO11 OII Tllé CHIHDIIS, 3HCl WEIS lll-  
co11S€l€“'  l F°11 for a year Ellltl a half old Lexington senior high school, Htl1l€l€S will atlllelics lll lls best   `
to accelll lll`lllll'l’ he entered the Army in which was supplanted by Henry light.   e-  
Xceptloiul Z llll2. l-lo Sowod m Eugkmd, C1,,ymgh_H€ msigmgd that postill As Cooperstown manager Mr. W  
lor resulls FI`*III<·e and (lor-molly as a mastm. 1944) gomg to Qakldnd City Boles will be in charge of rentals, S_ é
lbnted lll _ l°l`l¥l‘*IllT in combat iiitelligoiioo in l\[rs, Skinner studied i11 various Illilllllelltlllw flllll li"l’*lll`“ llllll   P1-  
Ffonctiolr lll" lll“`I*lVtl1 Corps, oohsol-volorjos and Colleges, in- general siipcrvisiouloil the student ld  
Personilll _lll` “`lll PISSu111c his duties at oluding the Cincinnati Conserva- housing project which  the hwg- 1,-  
dl  · Xllvler Juno go tm.), amd N'€\v York Unlvorsity, ost of its kind 111 the Ulllt€(l States. I I  
$ - I 21  
. I