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S5 Million for Plant Cleanup UK Bequest Society and
The Kentucky Research Consortium for Energy and Re- ' ' Ap '
search, a collaborative research program of the Univer- Annual Glvlng peals to Alumnl
sity of Kentucky, Murray State University, and the B K stm Cmser j
University of Louisville, will have $5 million in federal y rl
fimds for miealgclzlon ilngmnmelggéfasscssllgena and Private support is the margin of excellence in institu- i
C GESIUP mt E . 3 Llc;. isiioss L} duiiog mg ` tions of higher learning. Since its inception, it has been
6 Colfwmum IS imc e y m 6 rms €€’ Rm- the driving force behind UK’s success and it continues ·
fessor of civil engineering at the UK College of Engr- to be Vital to the university i
ncermg UK alumni are finding that support for their alma y
Architectu re Wlns Natlunals mater comes in many forms, including outright contribu-  y
_ tions, bequests, and other gifts made through tax-wise
Students and faculty in the School of Architecture of the estate planning. ¤
UK COu€g€ ef Design have earned 3 Pan nf Pfssdgidus To encourage ever-greater private support, the UK i
awards from the National Council of Architectural Reg- Bequest soeiety honors those alumni and friends who  
. islratien Boards (NCARB) NCARB 2004» held in POF? provide enduring and generous support for the univer- ‘
i land, Ore., drew entries from architecture schools across sity through their tinaneiai aud estate planning  
  the nation, with UK the only college or university to re- A bequest or an estate gift is what we refer to as a  i
I €€lV€ mere than Ons nwnfd- _ _ planned gift, and may range from a modest amount to ‘
_ The UK entry, nine C0nlPY€n€n$}V€ P Y01}°¢€t¢ A PYn€· millions of dollars. Charitable bequests can take many i
I tree-based Stud1o," was one of only five CRITICS to be different forms, so it is important to plan your bequest  l
A awarded _n $7,500 cash prize- _ _ in a way that will best accomplish all of your estate ob- I
`iln this entry. Students engaged ln CQnnnnnnY·bss€d jectives. It can be absolute or contingent upon certain i
Rmlscis frem Pmgmnsmlng in Schematic design and ds- events. It can be for the general support of the univer-  
sign d€V€l0Pm€nY~” sind Dnwd M0hn€Y» dssn ef the UK sity or restricted to a ptucpose you feel is especially im- ii
College of Design. portant. i
Another UK entry. "Break1ng Ground: Partnership Likewise, annual giving can take many forms Re- l
| nnd Prneess as Dsslgn snntsgf €nm€d_n0n0Yabl€ nl€n· cently, UK has instituted a new avenue for giving: auto-   ~
i [lOl] .ffOl’Il Ii`l€ ilZ'tilOIlé`il illfy panel COITlpI“lS€Cl of d€3IlS of matic withdrawal,   allows donors to have g set
leading collegiate architectural programs and other pro- amount withdrawn from their hauk aeeouuts rnonthiy_ l
I fnsslnnnls- Charitable gift annuities are another favorite among
donors, according to Dion Guest, estate and gift plan-
UK Resea rch Featured In Time ning officer. A gift annuity begins with the transfer of
cash or property to the umversrty. In turn, UK agrees to i
' Research on stress and the immune system conducted by pay the donor (or a designated beneficiary) a fixed
' Suzanne C. Segerstrom, UK associate professor of psy- amount annually for the remainder of the donor’s life or i
i chology in the College of Arts and Sciences, and Gregory the life of the designated beneficiary? In addition to the  
Millet. z1SSiSl2tnl p1‘Of€SSOf of psychology at the University annuity payments, the donor receives an irnmediate fed-
of British Columbia, was featured in the July 19 issue of eral income tax charitable deduction. i
Time Magazine. “The tax benefits, along with the satisfaction of sup- I
The research shows that short-term stresses people face porting UK, make bequests and annual giving particu-
- like speaking in public —- tend to boost 21 persons im- larly attractive to alumni and other friends ofthe I
mune system while "long-term stresses prevent the im- university? notes Guest, l
mune system from being as effective as it could be," The generous support of alumni and friends eontin- i
Scgerstrom said. Her research focuses on psychosocial in- ues to be vital to the sueeess and advancement of the yi
fluences on human immunity. particularly the interaction university Regardless of size, every gift is important to y
between environmental stressors and personality charac- UK’s future ll
teristics. She also is interested in the influence of optimism l
on stress-related changes in the cellular immune system as I
well as how cognitive processing styles such as worry affect I
wcll—being and immunity. I
U 1