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·, j. Hm Skinner 80 K ~ l
· I lenzlcrson
j (5$,:,§*€$?;,,..,,,,,,,,.,,, ,, Looking for Wildcat Legacies: Recording Your Story
  M This summer I had the pleasure of meeting with alumni in San Francisco, Calif. The first to arrive at the re-
, fm; kat 72 ception was David Wilson, a 1969 graduate of the Gatton College of Business and Economics. He had
'”"'”’"" driven from Sacramento to personally thank President Lee T. Todd Jr. for the Legacy Tuition Program, a
gggggwgalssllff program that enables UK grads living out—of—state to send their children to UK at in-state tuition rates. The I i
800-269-ALUM program is one factor in the growing quantity and quality of students at UK. It’s also providmg additional
 cd"/A'"m"l revenue for the university as it becomes a deciding factor in a student’s decision to choose UK. His daugh-
.w~»fk¢e»t *72 ter, Liz, is a freshman this year. She will be writing an online diary of her first year at UK. You can read 1t at 3.,j,j
A.w»aAv1;pua·mow www.uky.edu/Alumni keyword: diaries and see how similar today’s student experience 1S to the one you  
amok b i ~·
LtzD1·n1nran 68, '76 rcmcm cr- · _ _ _
,,,,,,,,,,G,N(, ,,D,,,,,, Just yesterday I got a call from Richard Johnson, a 1991 J D/MBA graduate who now lives m Lexington. —»`
’»’"¢'¢* ""*¤‘ **4 He`s a legacy in the third degree starting with his grandfather and continuing through his father to himself,
;¤»;#‘t»;;/Alf/jlftjg/tlk but his UK connections run deeper than that. You’ll read more about his family in the next magazme. 1
0 H I/(I (HI! . . . ·
5 K I know there are so many stories that ought to be recorded. The association would hke to have yours.    
  ,` ':` :'.'l' .. . . · ·
l1i·ll€;tI/lllixwbbw Who are the alumni m your Wildcat generations that followed one another to UK? Who was the first in _
,,_,-,,(,,,,,m- ,,,m-,0,, line to graduate? What influenced those that followed to come to UK? You can post your story in the ‘
‘”""' ·""""”"‘ "“ online UK Alumni Community at www.uky.edu/Alumni keyword: family or mail it to Editor, UK Alumm `
  Hum Association, King Alumni House, Lexington, KY 40506. Photographs are welcome. _ -
fmltt ;j¤;v%e·/¤¤¤0¤ .
US (/ll('.<-]I(l>\’l'Il_l{ /HL'HllM’I1Y. l
#0 ,,*00-1 l’nuwxi[1· rg/` _ _ _ _ _ _ [
’{<‘·*’~·‘fr»*’~~*~;I I r Kezitucky/llzunriz I read the story about forensic anthropologist William Bass 1n the summer
l' XKUCIII IUI], l£\'L`L'I Il' lt' l' . _ . .
~··~·¤t l`l;'*·‘»* ·;»·»i¤·/»·’»·~p< m¢*X¢*Zl¤<’ W¢’l€0m¢’5 issue. Does UK have a body donation program? I have thought of doing
av rr xxx ·4 iu I r· ' ·nIuc ·· J ) , · .
f.,l,,t.,.2.,.. ,,.. ,‘ ,...   ..,. 2, I-<~< o to the Edltvr this. t
-.,—._.II[»,",_( ` .) ,·v ·' .
fQ’rI.£IT,}Z,.,,£ }lI?'/{AZ] ..,.,,.i» f"’{" !"‘ ’ “““’·‘ ~"{“’_"'g — B. Bam ,
.·I.m»¢utI1'nu 1u‘I}u*Ii'llIl1’I5il)‘ lll(’Il' I([Ul`lS [UK] OPINIONS ,
"/'K""""`k" about the magazines _ _ _
{i`m*;;;;{<;*(*{;_,)_ m,m»,,;_ [,(»m·,·_, Yes, the UK Department ofAnatomy and Neurobiology administers the ,
~·~··»~t~·. l‘r~‘»¤l··?»·»·r must be signed body bequeathal program. Bodies donated to science play a critical role in ·
.·l.umiuIi4n1, King .·llumni ` . . . . (
u.,,,,.·. at-.~u».. tw wu! may iw vdrtvcl teachzn g and medzcal research. Gary Ginn can help you sort out your - i
· ir · .   · i ·. · , · T
,$¥;l5¥i,iq:,,l`I""" "` I"' {WH'}! out thoughts. You can reach him at the UK Department ofAnatomy and Neuro- , {
ill?}.}l}§(.i§$.i}ZZlZil,-.-.l,, "[";{'i‘Y  "'[ [““”’“' biology, MN 225 Medical Center Lexington, KY 40536-0298 or telephone _
"'*'_’{"` "Q"""‘ , [O ‘{ Im" _ _ _ him at 859-323-5160 or e-mail gwg1nn@uky.edu. Informatton is also available y,_
'f""‘ "*T‘ """·"""¥"" UK AlumniAssoczatzon, · V
*···#‘·’··/·’~~~· #···~’~·,¤-F, . . at www. uky.edu/neurobzology/body.htm . _
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