’ much speculation among growers again the importance of the use of li aud
V ; as to how much later the heavy old straw or insuring the germi-   gflll
' mulch applications ivould cgugg 118.iQlOIl of tilé \Vi1C8.i3 seed b€f0l`C ` Phu
T . those berries to be. Also it was HPPIYIHS the mulch- Y D
. pointed out by sonic that in hold- A eeyrrlete Sct ef lmrvcst Nt" Wat
l — mg back oomo of the blooms tbo ards will he kept ea these plete   m zz
j h hoovy mulch might protect those showing the dates of harvest and  V SO. 1
· p1Ot`S from late froozo or frost the trend as tO.Ci1l`i11lCSS and late- { whl]
_ ihjmoh ness of each ot the plots, as well  _ Soil
On most of the patches where fsf the iizc ejyljje tgitiifgéd     ge
~  T there was ear edema of the me tt Zim?-J§F&..to.-oio ooo will   e ...*3
I there was noticed considerable th t g d f C} u_€atmCmS‘ hr  7
T washing of soil away from the . ti then S?  rgar More Negril;  .
· 1·oots of the plants on the edges of m¤ .8 wifi? geasohs of diffwcnh  a P]
g the ridge. This was more notice- covgliiilg 0 B .l`1 f C0 Imc b  
i able on first-year patches than on °°u I mms wl * O I. ` ’ ° 1
T second-year patches where the nfmied b°f°I§ any hdggmtfo °°n'  h ·
I l foliage and growth was thicker. Gusmus can 0 rea'? c is lgmt  
Om patch Where the rows nm up eral recommendations asec on 1
- and down the slope and are quite the Wm-k' `
  _ highly ridged showed severe wash- ————-————·  
= in¤· of soil away from the plants W-H NT-ED  ` “'°
a   j ancd showed considerable root and ITE GRUBS WA tha
. Y CTOW11 injury where th€ soil had Every year Strahvberry growers cbt
` ° l b€€ll Washed 3WaY mid the €l`0“`ll have trouble with grub worms and ars
  ‘ ef the plant and the base ef the woot to know how to get rid of i m°
  roots had been exposed to the hard {hgm_ The truth is that Export l cu]
_   fl`€€Z€S ef kltff Wllltm`- A €€l`t¤lTl ment Station workers are at a loss pet
  21111011ht of 'fhlS _l¤Jl1l`Y Collld also to answer such questions, since no We
·.-‘~   he laid te hwvlng hy fl`0$t; tlllt one in this country knows mncli fhg
.   aa We have had a rather mild about obo grub worms injurinr W
.—   winter, most of this was laid to StI·aWhB1·I·j€S_ PN
  i i' the Washing ef the Sail, especially Dr. P. 0. Rnobor or the Experi-  ‘ Pri
    Wha? lt WaS hated that ll¤d€l` tilt? ment Station has studied white he
  ‘ earlier mulch in the same field this grubs as sod pests for Sovorai all
b ;§; Sell Waehma had net taken plaee years ooo is beginning o may of “°‘
   · and the plants were well bedded grubs as Stmwhoryy homo Hg go j Shl
  i in tliietsoil and looked to be in iine trying to hhd out tho kinds og Pl`·
    in Con 1 lon- grubs that injure strawberries ·
#7;;] The threat and danger of using He is studying their life cycle, and lar
  lj fresh straw was brought out again trying to find out what crops _ gr
  gi   iu some of the plots that had been strawberries should follow te i Tt
  mulched early. There was a good avoid injury. · qu
  _ stand of young wheat coming up Every grub found in a straw-{ er
i;;.1{t_§· in spite of the fact that the bales berry patch may not be a kindk 32
Qi-{ E had been broken open and allowed that feeds on berry plants. Soniw cu
·‘ ‘ ’ ‘ bl
jgillg. o to be wet and sprout by the fall grubs feed only on manure or
ji gl _ rains before applying the mulch. other organic matter in the soil. at
~f_   l __ In other plots the straw had been Other grubs may be feeding or “’·
  E A brought fresh from the barn or weeds. The only way to find oul C?
. l. .
 =   - the stack, and some wheat is com- the kinds of grubs injuring bef- W-
  1 . ing up there also. This emphasizes ries is to watch for dying plants Ye
5 l 2 g