/4%* fo?
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G r=
‘ Leaders —1lm0st Tie KEEN “°M"'°""“"°N Gl Cl b ' R d  
’ • 1 mn PARTS IN ···1·m·: 6’6’ H U 60 )’
° F F' P ‘ ° “°‘*'L*’ ‘""°W" For Comin C r
...4 or zrst osztzon — g ancer
Trlal Cut for Part of Flor; Wlgglnn _1_____
l , ";"*' .*• Wl *¤ ¤¤¤¤¤ and WM NM ¤• Only Twelve Da s Until The Strike the L r ‘
‘ ' Mnss Ruby Jane Tucker Leads by Less Than One New ¤,,,,,,,, ,°, ,,,,,,, ,,,,_ y in Choius y ° and Sm
M — Suscrlptlon. Substantml Gams by Those _ '
  Lower in the List. . F '”
l · cbr r l -— ,
. .._.....;.. CHANCE FOR ARTISTS. ua y 7 In Opera House
» REMEMBER NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS COUNT 200. The r¤h<»¤r¤¤¤¤ rm ··*n·e College Twv,. dm Wm like 8 mmmy ____ 
._....;.... Wldow" are progressing ln a manner long time gy you huyg tf, “-an that long    
Following lg the ottlclal standing of   that forecasts the best production ever rm- money {mm h(,m,.’ 0,- mm- gm to BY MR·  
contestants gt 6 p, m. Tuesday:     offered by the Strollers. The keen get back' But in me Ordinary course      
Mig; Ruby Jane Tucker ........, . ............ 8,790     competition for parts has resulted ln of evpntsv you hardly nome the mw  
....................,...............,.. 8,600 . ,
• Min Jeanette Bell     the formation of an admirably bal sam, of Such a Short lmerml of uma commuuon and Byluwl of the Km-
Mlgg Paulina Hgnk ...................,................... 2,960 ._t anced cast, eery member ot which ls It is just twelve day" umu me mee ' k l
` ’ uc y ntcncholaatlc A••o 'atl
Miss Frances Gelsel ......... . ...,..................... 2,580 VIN", catch".- Y. M. H. Alu Audb enthusiastic over me Success or the Club (.0m,€rt’ and it behmves an 8 t H °' °"
Mtns Lila Eaten ,.........................,....,,............... 2.200 umum snurday Evening In a play. young gentlemen who {mend to take •¤ *0 Wh 8<=h¤¤|• Over
Miss Elisabeth Rodes ..,........................... 1,520 The closest contest Iles around the. , I i, . , the State.
55 to 15 _ExhIbm°n I youxg ud es, as well as all young
Miss Rebecca Smith ....,.... . ...,..................... 1,320 ' part of "Flora. Wiggins, u promlnentlmdgcs who intend to ask young genuel ——;
Mins Sue Matthews ....,.......,......,...........,....... 1.220 waitress? This is a, comedy role thatlmen to take them, to get busy BMISPMNG CONTESTS SCHEDULED
Mins Floronce’Hughes ..l..................... . .... 1,010 EVERY.°°Y STARS- requires clever handling, and at pres- make Home ,,l,0€d_ The Same Suggetp -— 
Mina Ruby Barnett ........, . ........................... 830   ent lt is impossible to decide between tion holds good for mom of both the` MMG ¢h¤¤ A year uso there was dis-
, With only three weeks loft until The V*“"“Y Me "mmped the *1****** Miss Omar Wllls and Miss Naumne masculine and feminine gender who <’¤¤¤¢d by various high school prlncl·
  the close of me contest and me pm. tot from the Loulsvllle Y. M. H. A., wO0d_ Both have the Hugs pergecqy. {mend to como unucqmmnkd by pglq4snd.c1•.y school superintendents
· "numm of me ncouoge widowy by Saturday evening, on the `Audltorluxni ,,,4   mmmrm-·th° opposite mx--- The ct Kentucky gn orggntugnm to hg
V tho Bu·0ll•r•,A •xcttem•¤t In runnin: .°°’· ss *° in- TN mw md wm° isms lutc the part. This has resulted young married folks wm get all the ¤6d of the Public Secondary
_   muon! the contestants ·¤d their team Outclalled the villtors   BVBrylin two interpretations, each Bttractiye best seats   you donvt beat ven) to   Schools of the St.$'.€,   WO\]‘d
B · friends who are working hard to cc, department, and piled up the more in ,_ dmemm way_ It win take muchl And, believe me, this is going to be have for its purpose the promotion
cupy one entire box that night at the “lm°“t at will thought to decide upon the final cast.- no 0,- ,. e · and ¤'€K¤l¤€i0¤ of inter-scholastic ac-
, dlna y gl e club concert. Its
, expense of The   The game WIG scheduled to rOpl$CG ing_ Guy   is unusually gggd going to be A concert that   make tivitles, DKYUCUIBHY BUIIGUC, music
{ Last week was by fu. the most suc the cancelled Heidelberg game. as Jack Lambee, the football coach, folks set up and take Home and Suck and public speaking. On June 10th
censtul week of the contest. With In th° mu hm! th° Vamty r°g' ¤·¤d will |`¤¤ J- C· C¤|h¤¤¤. male IGN up their ears from the sides of their last' u meeting wu held at the Sum
I new subscriptions counting two hum istercd 29 polnts, with 14 tleld goals (Billy Bolton) ,_ close race for honom hea S no C0 University, attended by all or the high
_ d a ncert has done here be-
· dred votem many who have been WML and one foul. Scott was the heaviest The comedy screamiof the show is fore, It didnw who more than two School principals and school superin-
ing The IDEA without having signed Wim wmn°r• swung fm"' mud sh°tB· HOD- EIBH1 Hicks, and hm ¤0¤ Bub- of minutes to convince the reporter of tendems wh° were present at me High
up responded mad", to me added The Varsity five passed over sndlgqmmmmvnle; ··gm·· C,-oss and 0_ g_ this {ML when he happened to drop Sclwol Conference held at the Univer-
,nc9nm,€_ Another supply of cards under the slower Loulsvllle team, andlwmett have proven to be the best in on A rehearsal of the Ongact skit sity. At that time a constitution and
had to be printed and rrom me way Bh°“’°d °· 8***** *mP"°V°m°¤t Bmw Iposslble selection for these two "rub¢" that is to be one ot me features ofthe byhws was di°°““"d· It was nm
they are being taken it ls safe to pre- thm °“t°m mp- In ¤¤¤1¤¤¢h§¤f¤he parts. pr0g,.am_ It is Simply u Screum_ You €0¤Sid€r€d to be complete and cover
_. dict that every Student in the UM Kentucky tive continued their fast The management of me Strollers dom have to Hcome prepared to all the points the men had in mind,
versity will have punlclpamu in uns g°‘"g· ““d 8““gg°d 26 '“°"°· “'*“‘ 12 will give two crvlwstru seats for the 1¤ugn.·* Y¤u·11 laugh yuurselr most “"d it “'“S "°""’ at “ ’*“b**°‘l“°“* **'“•‘
contest. md g°“'“· “"d “ °°“p"" "f f°“*”· C- best desi:-an for the nrosrum cover. and mw sick unylmw. "’ ""'i“* "“d °“"*’g° me $3***9-
Zerfoss was high man with fourr shots, No Scum fm. me bpst design for the The posters um Out, and have ab On Anvenlber 27th another meeting
+4+ + + + + + I. _, * _• _·_ + _, * * rum "iS“°"¤ ¤l¤¤w¤¤ 1*0*** *0¤`¤¤¤ in poster to no used in the adverlislng mu·t4·4l much attention. Several of was Mm ut H"` Ph°€"i" H"'*`l· 1***
* A number of cards have been +I nusslng uml shooting and it was only t-mmmtgn_ All artists in the Univer- the t;n»t— Club members have said that mgt°“' Ky" and u r°vi“‘°° "°"“m"‘
+ turned in not properly Signed + ln the lust half that they were able my um mmm to can at rglleursms Hwy didnt n_ulm_ how handsome and tion was adopted by representnt|v•·
* These cannot be counted H it to get any fleld goals. Capt. She to gm dum yo, me design, and to Sul, mumylookmg they were umu they high school men from different sec-
+ you are in doubt as to whether * plnsky displayed class ln tout tossing, mit plates to Leo _y_ Sandmam or E_ Saw their pictures on the pouet Oh, tions, ol the State. h
+ you have signed up, See Mr. + and scored all the points by this route T_ Danforth within the next mn dayS_ u wonderful things is primers. mk! lt as the purpose or me organization,
* Schwartz, Subscription Mana- * in the first period. It wm take wem mst work, so get The prices of Seats me vm,). low, us stated ln the opening section, to
+ ger +| The Summary Shows that every busy- R€h€‘¤¥'S¢ilS M0¤d¤Y. Tuesday considering the expense- of u produc- promote and regulate an annual State
• _, _, +`_• + + + + • * * + + + * *,W“d°¤* had his we ¤‘im¤¤€d· T- Z¤°=¤‘· and Wednesday evenings at Patter·lt10n at the Opera House. This house wide i'"°r`S°]‘°laS°i“` track """’t-
Ifoss was out of me game with a. bud Son Ha", 7 Ouock Sharp- was wlecwd because of its very Sw music and forenzic contest to be new
• * * 0 + + + * * 0 + 0 * * + 0.             .. i—..._,i;j_ periur uL_0uSticS' u factor   is   at     lvniverslty   K9lltucky_
, V place Cleaned up “m1 a wml of Seven INSTRUCTIONS IN \,EG,|$|,A. the greatest importance ln musical “m\ this m mmd various central
'·’ bor the benefit Of some “h0 + baskets. TNE ASSEMBLY AND AD- productions points have been named as places
"’ M6 ““d°*” *1*9 ¤¤¤vr<=~¤¤¤<>¤ that '•’ "The features ofthe game were the MINISTRATION OF GOV_ Next wwk we hope to pubmh u where preliminary contests win be
O th lr no ub rl tl u tltl + % ` . .· .
8 0 S gc D 0 an es {me plunging of Tum°' and me pm" ERNMENT AND POLITICS copy of the entire progran1—·a pm mm {0 d°"‘d“ “h° Shan "““"` nw
·I· them to any number of votes. ·|· mc; btocmng of Scotty gram so replete with every kind of rlnul contest an me State University.
: the contest editor desires to ·|· The summary; Under the Direction of Judge chalk"}, musk and fun that it wm make the These points and the vice-president
Btaw “° Such "°t°S are being ‘·’ Kentucky. umm of l,€bmm_\_ the Um RL new of each district are as follows;
•Dc0untd.Atl·tl·kib-O g. ~ ` A v *· · ·.
* ing kim on Zulxllsilgtd uid; + lilorgan, Helxriedir and Zerfoss ......   l· Judge l.humt,y_ of me Law Uwm.t_ ,mmttm-tt or (nu- Club productions ut {Ulm"' M"   (‘ (h°`k‘
+ Il U ‘ vm vreston and ur s         ....   L, mem, has begun n Class in legmumc slum ivurllnaron, hy., |>. l·.. Dudley.
"° ‘ "‘“"“’m“c°“ “ 0**** Sub' + bcolt und Tuttle (c) , A .   ,, .... (1 _ __ _ llzmlinsbnrg, Ky., 'l`. Sanford \\'ll·
· + smpmm be wuuwd twice. + Y M H A ·¤>·¤   W _ n:>\~¥:1lguilre:n. Ky., T. C. sherry,
""";"""__‘ ur n .     Y .‘ ·· _   _·
D b ku Sl lspss y ` ` fulrs. Along with the above mentioned Friday, February 6th. _ W _)\ er ) _him Fl0u`w“'
Few days left to get An- *;"°“ 2 l‘“:’ ““ {\“"“ “:‘°;"“"; “' class he nu also organmu tl nm 1.. .... “"“"°"'· *"·· “· ‘· “‘“""·
‘ core —-' t- *‘9,L.'—-
lllllll pl€t\ll‘€S mhdé. __ Y M yH "QVZB9 F:} u° ° ° the udmlnlstrutlon of government uml |·l-tmlises or plenty or run and nlce| (Continued on page Six)
——————-—1——— =»¤»; .... , —— o,
mam goals Mor 2 P t r l’°mk`s· cats ure hereby nnnounced to tempt -·r -~~-——— ---- ~———·——+e-—~—-—————·—
— ' n . r n . ..
MUTUAL'TY· parks 3 Sum 4 Cuz { fs; tt: llw Judge was aware uf the urgent nn Freslnnen from under cover to ul- cups und their girl classmates.
, - . ‘ , . er s ,
Cabbage °“ uw “°*°“d "°°"· F _ _ 0 B u 8 need of able men to uid in administer- mnt] the tlrut unnnnl cluss reception. The occasion will be tendered to
Liver on me mst, .», (/olemun Z, Sheplnski 1. i I _ _ V _ _ _' _ _ _ __ , _
Fond bums pr t 3 bl I k b HS U6 80V6!'nnwnl¤.l uffuirs Q] our pmt;. noclul, nuxen, or frolll (how- the class of llll. by the \onng Meng
. . ' — es on , ` ‘. ,
Wlltll IB btillg cooked HEX! door? Referee and ul ir lwpns y d lunnmonwoulth. lu order to govern ever you wish to ternl lll. ut tllv Gylll and Young \\'ulll¢·ll's (`llristlun ASSO-
. , . n» ·
Must be welncrw urst. Tmen ulwmumly I 8- mms tm well one must have the knowledge of building tonnorruw evening nl 8 ciulions.
` government und polltlcs. lt ls believed o'clock. No printed or written invitations
'I . ~ -t— --r—.....-.... ...._
O“i°"“· Y0U ‘“" bet t“° bl"- that through this kind of work men The entire second tlnur will be have been issued, but all members of
Whit ¤ wok D¥‘9l>¤·\'€¤. Few. days   to get An- will be trained who will work out thrown open lntu n dazzling and hun- the class ure hereby given the cordlnl
AI\.Y\Vh6l'€ &|°0Ulld Our Hu!. nual plctufes made, nmny troubles which confronts the py rotrent froln ull cures und \\‘ol‘l‘ies request to be on hand und get bellcr
• bV°ryb°dy ”ha"°“· —-·—;-—-· Stale of Kentucky. \of the weurers of the orzulge bultoned ucquulnted with euch other.
l l