seriously injured by scab, a spray in trees over winter and on the ground   bl
the green-tip stage is suggested. The is also strongly urged. The disease  A cr
pre-pink and pink sprays are gener- lives over for several years in these  i of
ally the most important in scab con- old dried mummied fruits. Disking,  X ra
trol. It isawell known saying among about blossom time, an orchard that  `_ th
apple men that scab has to be hit suffers from brown rot will help re-  ` ar
early and hard and that it has to be tard the disease by disturbing and = St
controlled before the blossom period. covering many old mummies. {  dt
Cool, wet weather favors the early __   \‘<
maturity and diseiharge of scab spores. ij fl`
T is explains w y wet springs give - - Y ., i . 4 l?
more scab trouble than dry springs. KENTUCKX RFATIL HORVI l'   dt
It takes 51 soaking gain to caluse CULTURAL MEETINU    
scab spore ischarge. wet sur ace .- , X · _  ?
is also required for the spores to germ-   {tgiaiglgozll-;rsi°l`;£.e§£SOf·   di
inate and start a scab infection. Lime the Cong X Of A X_.CiXitu _ X S deirilr aj , ll
sulphur has proved the best control Fc0nOmicE°Oi mg ignivellit U 1- if'? r' it
for scab, but it should be applied be- dick COO Biotin W S if lrd 9 Min.- _ ,l
fore infection starts. Surfaces that H€idyK€nr€uck gh Jgnuai   lodge- A
are well covered with sulphur resist A id? Q muy’ Oi- imcwyt d’ f,  
infection. Since growth is rapid in mwegs gttengcd and weeks 8   Ll] Q_ a
early spring, several sprays are need- gba discussions S eakm, il? il   tl
ed to keep the expanding leaves and Ml, Herman Yo ri,1_Of Q, V5 uM° tl
fruit parts covered with a protective gill Mi. Frankprgtmet ' Mil W   l¤
coating. This is especially true Amiistroii Mi. Home Ci , i',X d' cl
when rainy weather is just ahead of DI, L F gleineé U S 5 A el ed‘ir5_‘
or present during blooming. In such P   `Rilcher fmln Lelmi when r' —
seasons some growers go over their ' ` g ‘_
trees every 5 to 7 days. In most The officers elected to guide, the o
eases o good Spray Should give pio_ society through these trying wartimes (
tection for 6 to 8 days. Since rains were ML Harman YOPP· Paducah.
wash off some spray material as well Prasldanli Me Wm· Eagcllbush
as cause more spores to discharge BL}€‘Ch€1· Ml`· Fred C· lan HO0$°·
and furnish moisture for spore germi- Mmgoy Me C· _R- M€COllOm· Hclldcrj X
nation, We can readily See why reins son,_V1ce Presidents; and Mr. W. \\. ·
cause the apple men to Woii.y_ Geii_ Magill, Lexington. Secretary-Treas-
erally, Sprays applied 2 io 3 days eitei. urer. All members receive free oi { l
a rain, will control spores discharged ;hri§?C;S€F?3§l0’§l xglll lll/Eeaglllai l
by the rain. ` ,` _ Y0 l`· l`_'Jl
Also since scab is less active in dry ggnvlirggsereAu;gg§gg§tg$i%OGr;e_§Stno? · i
sprmgsi less Spraying is rleeded dur' Central rand Northern Kentugk * · l
ing a dry pre-bloom period. These growers mot at Loxm .- r ‘
gton during the l
facts about scab, when understood, Farm and Home Week fm, an -mm_ {
will help trgeheppre gr°.Wer mgks e sive one-day discussion of proldlems.
wrster use O rs Spray trme rm. ma` At both the above meetings the grow- - .
terial. Also by knowing varieties, he ers Seemed aware of their mlm.
realizes that Grimes Jonathan and · ‘ ¤ i
J problems and of the importance ol
Paducah do not require as marry scab their work and showed determination
sprays as Red Delicious and Winesap. in facing {he idiom-
Control of Brown Rot
Red léird, Charrlipion, J. H. Hale and FRUIT CROP OUTLOOK FOR
Heat ling peac es are very subject _ .
to brown rot. They, therefore, need 1943’ AS OF MARCH 1
more brown rot sprays or dusts gen- The past winter gave us consider-
erally than Elbertas. Some states able cold weather scattered all
have found it very helpful to apply through the season, at intervals with-
a spray of wettable sulphur to the out any general sub-zero tempera-
Red Bird variety (or any other one tures. The near-zero temperature of
seriously affected) in the pink bud mid-February killed some peach buds
stage to help reduce the blossom in some locations but it appears gen-
blight stage of this disease. The erally that most trees should have a
destruction (outside the orchard) of fairly heavy blossom. This will give
all dry mummied fruit hanging on the a good crop if they escape 1`rosts at