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.   Foreword  
C i Always it is far more simple to promise to do a thing than actually
i A ; do it. This we all have found to be true, and in publishing this, the first
    issue of the Kentucky Alumnus, we of the editorial staff have found no ex-
:   ception. Last fall when we announced that one of the activities of this I
  Q   A year would be the beginning of a magazine, exclusively for Alumni of the
    University, we were in good faith. Little did we realize the many and
j 4   ` varied difficulties that have to be met in the publication of a magazine.
K     However, we are proud to present to the Alumni of the University of Ken- ~
 A   tucky this, the first issue of the newly reorganized Kentucky Alumnus.
l f · Even though it leaves much to be desired in the way of Alumni magazines,
  we are proud that we can live up to our promise. In publishing the first
j { issue of this magazine we have met all the difficulties that it is possible to
I A ? meet in a venture of this kind. To what extent we have overcome these
¥ l L diliiculties remains to be seen. At any rate we offer to you, the members
.   of our Association, the first issue of the Kentucky Alumnus, hoping that;
. you will overlook the mistakes that are sure to creep into the first issue of
any magazine.
i . ` ’ In giving up the Kentucky Kernel as our organ, we naturally feel some
I little bit of sadness, for the Kernel is dear to the hearts of all of us. Con-
Q tinuous growth is necessary in an organization like our Association and we
{ have grown to such an extent that we must graduate from the Kernel
_ i to a publication exclusively our own. To our minds we have made one
‘   [ of the most progressive steps for our Association in several years. With
I     the beginning of the Kentucky Alumnus we begin to take our place with
i I the foremost Alumni Associations in the United States.
I In choosing William Benjamin Munson, the first graduate of our Alma
’ Mater, as the person to whom to dedicate this first issue of the Kentucky
  Alumnus, we feel that we have made a wise and happy selection. It is _
, most fitting that the first issue be dedicated to the first member of our As-
· sociation, and who for two years was the only member.
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