Moore, Turner, Macklin, Steilberg, Noyes, Kuegel, Moody, Brown, Podkulski, Buell, Palmer, Lyon, Nutt Parr, Griffin, Leet, Williams, Morrissey, Glass, Perry, Ashbrook, King
The Student Government Association was installed on the University campus in 1939. It replaced a divided system in which men were represented by a Men's Student Government Council, women by a Women's Self-Governing System.
The constitution of the Student Government Association was drawn up in the spring of 1939 and went into effect in September of the same year when it was ratified by the student body. This constitution was revised in 1943 and the revised constitution is now in effect.
The Student Government Assembly is composed of the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and twenty-nine members selected by and from the various colleges at elections held during the first and second semesters.
Officers: Carter Alan Glass, president; Fred Williams, vice-president; Pat Morrissey, secretary; and James Perry, treasurer.
Members of AssemblySpring 1954: Barbara Ashbrook, William Billiter, Johnny Brown, James Buell, Jack W. Clark, Carter A. Glass, Judith Griffin, Cliff Hagan, Kay King, John Kuegal, Lee Ann Leet, Jane Lewis, James Lyon, Tom McHenry, William Macklin, Louis Maradie, William Moody, James Moore, Pat Morrissey, Wendell Norman, David Noyes, Van Nutt, Ann O'Boark, William Podkulski, Charles Palmer, Diane Parr, James Perry, Glenn Sanderfur, William Shadoan, Alan Steilburg, Capp Turner, Fred Williams.
Members of AssemblyFall 1953: Wallace Fluhr, Frank Kelley, Mike Gangi, Joyce Hamrick, Ray Jones, Deward Johnson, Robert Shipp, Lois Smith, Frisby Smith, Vena Southwood.