of the long, arduous task of producing your 1954 Kentuckian. Though our smoke-filled, paper-strewn office no longer rings with shrill voices raised in confusion or the fiendish laughter of insanity, we can't help rejoicing because our job is completed. We think it's a good job, too, and that makes us even happier.
This marks the completion of the second year of our experiment with offset printing, and I believe that it's here to stay. Although more work is required of our staff, offset printing permits the use of more pictures and a much more interesting style.
We sincerely hope that you enjoy the added spice, beautiful gals, and full-year coverage in your 1954 Kentuckian. By straining your eyes, a drop of blood can be seen on every page. But although it's been work, we've enjoyed every minute.
Tribute must be paid where it is due and the 1954 Kentuckian is up to its ears in debt to Kaki Edwards who managed the final layout end of the Kentuckian. Betty Jo Martin and Jimmy Fisher did a bang up job of scheduling group pictures. Kaki and Betty Jo spent nearly all their spare time working on the annual.
Tippy Daniel, Phil Mcintosh, Jane Perkins, Bob Powell, Clara Yates, and Barbara Varney did a terrific job in writing organizational copy. John Strachan's copy for each month and John Bichardson's apt cartoons will cause faces to break into wide grins. Car-
olyn Ball worked faithfully in typing senior copy, as did Jean Skinner who mounted the Greek and senior individual pictures. Bob Barlow's punch lines are a constant source of amusement.
To Mr. Charles Mitchell, owner of the Kentucky Engraving Company, goes our thanks for the rush job in producing our plates.
To Mr. Don Grote, Bob Sparks, Ed Swift, and entire Kernel Printing plant go our heartfelt thanks.
Public Belations provided us with many photographs when they were needed immediately.
Mack Hughes of Lexington is responsible for most of the beautiful photography appearing in our book. Individual photographs were taken by Jean Sardon Studios of New York.
Kingsport Press, Kingsport, Tennessee, did the binding and beautiful covers for the 1954 Kentuckian.
Dr. Niel Plummer, our adviser, constantly spurred us on to greater efforts. Special thanks are due artist Bill Hubbell. An air of elegance is created by his calendar girls and division pages.
Finally, thanks to you for buying our creationnow your college days may be restored from time to time as memories fade with the passing years.
James B. Perry