xt7k3j393326 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k3j393326/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19150107 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 15,  January 7, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 15,  January 7, 1915 1915 2015 true xt7k3j393326 section xt7k3j393326 s
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’ University of Kent k
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I; Judge Lafferty Makes Ad- ~· Q rg EE ,l"""' " » i Gospel Teams Visit (jarljslo
· dress Before Amemcan ” * T and Falmouth During
Law Schools Body. _ , . the Holidays.
_" ll 2 l   —
__`__   ` O- . V l ,  _
State Unlvcrslty of Kentucky was , ·  _ * _   l ln a tearless, yet helpful manner
repnsonted at the- annual meeting of Q l_   t F l the eight men on the State University;
  tho A··¤¤l¤¤¤¤ of ·¤¤¤¤rl¤¤¤ IM ,,__ _ .   o  Y. hr. c. A. gospel mms wom at their
to ’ 8°h°°l’ in Chl°'•$‘l· J““““'Y 2830- DY ' - __·: WH l _ W _ ow I   · sl i   r v_ work of teaching practical Christianity
r ·'¤°•° W- ’l'-}+•¤°¤Y· Dew °* °h° C°‘· l   . _,     l to the men and boys or Carlisle gud
· l°" °' LV'- ‘**~r—· Falmouth, Ky.
This unoclstlon is composed ot The campaigns W d
. » . er
{ fcrty·thr•• law schools ot standard .----»-- ._..._.... l me days beghmm V:} gon Ected for
l gndo. Ita purpose ls to advance law mth and 'endm mi S ednes `:y’ D°°‘
· s
l school work ¤d.t¤ build up the grade NATURAL SCIENCE °U'L°'N° Carlisle is B sue C0 un as;   3m`
r    mm
l and nundord of the schools. _ —i;"i— 1300 people Som f rt un ic about
I ·' r 9 0
· _ Q 9 _
, The ot the law college ot             I   g Lexington on th L Z :1 es from
· Stats University will be raised next They did not med I mm°°d‘
l YOU'. All students under the age ot |‘ ’ ’ _ mma pahaps than¤t;0¤D6 team any
{ ·"·"*··· ¤···**°··*··*···—= M Str l I lllll lll llllllll llllllll! llllllllll Slllll Sllllllll   town     l °£"°”‘° “°“"
. whim- 1, ms, wm. mroquiroa to ao “"` “* “‘°" hw
__...... ____ pened to have a few live wires living
one you ot collage work before grad· _ _ _ i there who knew th t dm
Moog mm ol, Conoco 0, Low First Ed1t10h of Journal for Umon and Patterson Meet Rehearsals for B1g January ,,,,,,3 md blooded °w° mi"°°° “
t . . , l _ · · Diesen on of
• A number or aaaromn were made Kentucky H1gh m The1r Annual Production Resumed at Christianity to the young people C
at the meeting. Joseph H. Beale, Dean Schools I D b t P C Cole a pmmi t M th . .
. »- . heh .
or uio Law School, mma the prmci- ° a €• atterson Hall- nm mn headed th I il °‘"“ l’“*“
.1. ..1 . o
pal address. Judge Lailcrty made an This week las b'r ht [ th th and was aided r i 0; c°mmm°°’
r i ou r .. , ., om n
dare.- on the uwork of the Pr·cti%‘ g 0 E         The CBSY. {OP Ch8.l‘lBYS Aunt, [h6 b E J D en y throughout
Gnu"'}, l Iflrst issue of the Kentucky High play which is to be put on the road y ‘ ‘ Beem S¤¤<>rl¤t¤¤¤<>¤¤ of the
—-—-—— P b
A very gnurymg incident of tholS°h°°l Q““"“"'l*'· TM ·l°“"‘“l ml The annual debate between the early this month by the Strouem the b;1`§l;r1;;;r;?:nj:;d}?y uSch00L also a
meeting was that, ot the ninety dole- published under the direction of Prof.l Umon and lmwrgon Llmmn, Socio Dramatic Club °f State U“i""S“y· ’·"l house But th Ga if a` wholesah
· . . . o m
Solos prooom from rortyohroo slalom J. T. C. NOG, head of me Department] ` ·ah··ounoed at the close or hutushuuuuyll V an 0 pronounced
ave of the deans were   Kan I · [l€b   be ll€ld ln chapel Friday night l‘€ll€8.l'S8,lS 8{ Patterson   by Her' eadgrshlp in the community is Rev'
mcklum . lor Educatmm and from the mst edi` at eight o'cl0ck. The date for thislbert Graham, stage manager, is as w` F` Reason puswr °f uw Christian
° _ , _ [ ’ l· . rr _
Arrmnmuw no about to be com! tion augurs to become a valuable pub contest was Set for December, but m|l0llowS_ xlglcllwlea ugdo lhs if you ever Saw
rlma whereby Judge George Duran. "°““°“ “" K°“‘“°"’ "‘g" ”°“°°‘*‘· order to sho ore member of the PM- Sir lmls Ch°’S"“y_E‘ L` F""i°”’ First ohrl r e pastor of the
; of Lounvum gndmw of Yolo, wlll Professor Noe has put forth much of- tgrggn Society umpio time to prepare Lawr€m`€burg` but his hesalgu shllm:1 of Portland,
w v · l F0
d•liv•r a course of l•cturo• on Federal fort that The Quarterly might be pub- · , , . S*~*¤l¤€¤ °p°mg“°_“m“““ Shin" , B Own' and he
_ Ihis speech it was pontponed until Fri- mok Shelbyvme mm Gd buck to Kentucky, which he
court practice to the law students of lished and at the Salllo llmo llas been V , ' ' .. ., .. , .
Sum University Judge Duran was a Ida; night, January Sth, rlmSSotl__lolm Marsh, Muysvmo eels seems prowidenttai, as both the
judge on me Appellate bench for Bigml assisted by *”°f"SS°"S· *‘t“d""“* ““d 'l`he Union Society will be repre- Jack (‘hesuey—Louis 1\Iacl0skey, (Qmldr?1 can g° “’ “h°°l HOW ln ***6
y•·r8 and for the   four years has principals of lllgh SCll00lS. sented by luessrsl     Combs C `V Collingswood,     !b0uth* Those Yuen Dl`€[J8.l'Bd [hi) way
Th 1 ui - I ' " ' ~ . · . . Iforasret kb ·
been Federal District Atwmeyn ) e open Hg ar ce was produted Bailey and H. N. Fmmer, and mel (harley tt yhuhummjullleb Maroo.! a w°' Y States gospel
by Professor G. M. Baker, associatel nel', Arllllgtom |t°8·m·
J“d$° L¤·¤°"Y GU'! uw I"' llbmw r I, t, Fd i I Patterson Society by Messrs. 0. \‘»’. . .
is to be In md with addition of 600 p 0 essor 0 . ucat on in the Univer- Wmot J S S tl d F O L I Lord pullrourr Bubbr,rloy..Loo _l_| Skeptical at Start,
V0 \lm9B W ¤ ¤· 0 UW- nci€m_y.,, Many other articles follow U18 ° Br M"S· MANSON CAWEIN   me **-r*~r ¤·¤¤¤r· w·¤<···] tm J"   ,"lE"‘ r .   ..m.....y ...... ru “ T" 21,
. T In b _ i U I i ie excep on o . r. ru or, ows w io cou
After  Sark For 0 GIVE A READINGHl‘_mU“‘“;;vi;;y  ‘;:;“i’:;t°;‘ea;" Aihelall members ot the mlm, which ls rt l"““`ll ll straight Christian massage
G ICS. ` · so ull-on o l l ll and follow it with a al ·
___ Mrs Madlson Cawoln. Loulsvlllo. ll ust or mt- judges has hooh soiohtou ` S [w' mw lu pam in pr°"°°° mn Mrk-
_ Sl ll rl l _ ll I hand-to—hand en- t ... l V 4 _
          give u reading In Lexington Tues. to Select thnxe Iuvlubors from the two] Y0 BF hll'0 UC[ ODS 8l1(*B,l'S&l§ W9]‘6 tin U B I   (Dull er 8 Ul<*d AI. gét
-—— day afternoon. January 12, undgp rho “_um_ to mmwm the Umve it .l`*`=llllli€ll lmmediately oh the ruluru ur! K l resi ent to make url out and
(Lexington Herald.) . r . . _ ` rg y.the members of the cast from their out *******1 Y0? Christ.
l’·u8l·*l¢·98 of UN') (~0ll¤S¤ Wolllllll S Ul·lb· against lleorgetowii ln the Kentucky I ll ·
Eau;-tu of Connie Muu; the lggdgr This Bngugenwm was made www lmmmg Asslwiuuonl lhollday, I llt Mate had the men at Cggrliglg,
O or the Philadelphia AUIIBNGB of the the death of her husband, and Mrs. 'l`ht~ Kontut·ky—Georgetown debate. ———_•-•-•-W M_ las wen as the other mum of me Same
American IAa'8u8' to land James Park' (`uwélll lltibl (l€(?ll.l\éd ll0[ to Cull('€l l[. I “ il] [lp |ll·|d lll our yhupel Friday I       ,5ort at huhuoulhi and both teams
the stellar hurler with the State Uni- Mm llowolll lo ooo or [lm wldolylmgml Mmm no ,l_h`_ question {Url SATURDAY 3:30 T0 5:30 "'“d" '“j°d·
vorslty base ball team for his pitching known ro dom , _, ,. l _ __ { _ Q-- The larllslo Wlllll WHS led by E. L.
u or this ronntu. llw this tlvbztto will be Resolved That 'l`l lll lrd ·· l· l ' · ·‘
Nl! nut ¤0•¤¤¤. Wow nlndo known progyanl rollowo. lu ot Y R 'k ' ‘ " ' "“" “’l’ °‘ “‘*` F"' “lll Nall. Secretary or the irulrrrulry y_
‘ m.`·t· '·t·· l · . ,,¤_ _,l._ , Y _
yesterday   Coach   Brun]- Aurruveung Niall H bv Lady Gregory ith X dig. t) ` lt ll 'llt ) Bl10Uld &(lUl){' lltl llllll lll lll? ··\|lll_0l) 5dllll`\ld) cull l"   ( .     l[ll llllll W't*I`•$ Clluufd [lul-
IDIBG, of NIB UDlV6fBi[y team, through Ur“up of poelns __Yl:hH (Nd q rin   ( Inu kjuuelu h-) steal of govern- llllllll ll`lllll .lj.{ll [0 ,lj;{0_ A Saxophone Sou. Hart Peak and Karl zerfosi
who r · · —U K. uncut. lreorpgvtovitt chose the nega— trio will furnish the music for the Thr. l tu —~
lll the Philadelphia management is --llroumS.·· ..·l-ho whlmmrwm .. ..,1,hel U 1 I _ vi _ ' _ l ll Vlrlsl hosted in advahco by
.,.,,..,... M r....·.. ...rm..   .,..._..,...   ..., »     5,           " ` '`i`i‘` ” ``’''      ' ``’‘' `“¤ ‘’'` `     ‘‘``    
' ’ ‘ · lL\$ \‘t‘ll lftlti YULLFS 5 HUG I 1656 two llS>illl'•.‘tl. · . , _ x , H V
Wright, an outtlelder, also is slated forl Mm ouwoln wm Slug {mw pmlnml msmuuuus mw um in debuw nd TI It iw. i r 1 lint ·l lhnd lssut! Proton! {rlloll
a berm with me Cleveland team, it BN to musk. bv mm!. d Hm J P l ' l n lost trslrut, to attend who lluvoluospel meetings beginning \\'t·dnes-
M l d - · ** » · ·ltli1s contest will be one of much in- unt yet t‘t¤‘t*lV9d lh€ll' tickets Gull Ub·|tl|y evening at the llaptist lillllr ll
l t Eli li »   . ¢ -
(Continued on Page Su,) l run an u. ausen llartmtss. teicst, itnm sauna from tllé &‘0I1llllulld&lll. Il·`all1el‘ and sous meeting and cluuilll;
.l• - \

 Best Copy Avail
• »» H
* s
• 1
2 T H E I D E A •  
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the Go’s Go.
“°°‘ I HE ORPHEUM I HEA I RE °""""°" °" **
Me At ‘ Admission l0c
FURIT-ct.Asa IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. OTAMPKR. Jr. Own•r and Mana or. OPIN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. I,
1 l ’
wservlce at the (`hrlstlan Church," etc., "Do My Sins Effect Others," Saturday   tion was held ln Birmingham. Ala-4 WANTED TO KXCHANGI t  
etc. evening. Mr. Lee M. Terrell, State   bama. Mr. James Park was the dele· ._.... 2
A U A M   D E L Opens Wedn••d•y Nlght. \Student Secretary or the Y. M. C. A., gate from the local chapter. Messral wmmit thm hn mgm with h" ·   I
5 The team arrived just In time for Mr. Terrence and Mr. Redwlne made Clark Rogers and Harry Melton aIs0· H°°v°" "°°"‘
D   the opening service Wednesday night. · talks at the Fathers and Sons meetlng   attended the convention. '_"` ‘——‘1__—  
      i·l·lle (-rnwd was smell, but they gotlsunday afternoon. Frank Kennedy.; The hl·annuaI conference 0f the   QI Many
lrlght down to business, every man me uve leader or the team, made thelslgma Alpha Epsilon {Mmmm, was U , ,t ; tu
2 NEW SHOWS WEEKLY l"“""““ °" "“"‘“"'“"‘° "'°°"""“’"""“ °‘°""* °‘"‘ °" """‘° '“"¤’“ '°' C“°’·lhem ln cmme. Mr. E. B. webb me nlv¢!°9l Y ¤
talk. Thursday nlght Dotson ham- acter," Sunday evening. resented the State University chapten ’
8 ' '     ' ° 8 mered down a few facts 0n the calls All the meetings were enthuslastl- The nluouu convention of the M_   J
ef Ulf das. mr men. Peak followed the cally attended and m-uch interest was ph. Tm Omen fraternity was ln K K  
next night with a heart-reaching an- manifested by the people of Falmouth Nuhvmg Tenn. Mr- Roy wwwa   y r
      pea! to cutout bad habits. On Satur- In the work of me team. The mem-lwu the ,0mcm delegate from me Offers free tuition in all dum"' TM
      day night, Zerfoss exposed the evil hers of the team held personal Inter-B chapter here • , TY:
ilnfluence of a sinful life on others. Ivlews with a large number of men of, méntl to thé Q I'8 d \1 8 t 0 l M I . ° '
l All Into It by Sunday. the town each day. The boys and  of Kentucky High School; who Q   m
  l By Sunday the town was awake. young men of Falmouth were especial-‘   are prepared to enter the Fl,“h_   prlnzc
lThat afternoon a crowd of fathers and ly requested to enlist ln Christian M   l
  lsons crowded ln to hear Zerfosn and service and to interest themselves in - man Cl·”• ‘ °' °x°°
· [Hall. Decisions were recorded to the young peoples' organisations oft   Each county in the State ig > Thq
'   lllltt.9 Wtth thB Ch\1TCh and llve b0t.tBl"thg various ()h\]l'ch¢§, Each of [118   to     of mi. V :l:·b;·c
5  lives. But the closing service brought tegm gpnke to them nrgnnlnnllnnn gndl A . , ee
,   over halt the town out and seats were to the gnndny §ch°°]g_ I rl. mon. mIt1'i¢\1lIti0¤, ]Ib01‘It0l’! try. con
_,   G at high premium. even the aisle! belns That the unselflnh work of these Y. _ ` ·· and other fees, one or more ap- l md m
r}%$g•§ / I/aka filled. M. C. A. werken was appreciated byl · A ’ . O v Pointe". · ::°n;,1
  On Saturday nlsht f0lll' cellese men. the people of Falmouth was shown byl mr
"~ K is Bart Peak and Karl Zerfoss, of State. the tact that they were so courteouslyy     Necessary QXIWDWU m°d9!°·tU• I Th?
  Paul Reagor and John Barclay, of received Into their homes and treatedl ¤”mP£ABO¤Y@@,TMN! For full inf°¤nati°¤ rgggd.  
" {fj-- ’ Transylvania, and Howard Wills, man-'with the utmost kindness. The   · .
  . lager of the Carlisle skating rink,|team wishes to express its apprecla- mg appointees, cout". of .tud,° um °u`
T` Q played s. local team a game of basket tion ot this kindness through the FOR PENS AND PENCII3 rest ef boardo ctcn ·PPlY to ‘ Th° d
ball at the rink ln which the f0l'lnG|' columns of The IDEA. , H. S.   ` puum
won 35 to 10. In this way many of the -j-•--1 TAB!-ETS AND FINE Prqddqut, { Bundu
V fellows ln town were interested in the N O BASKET BALL $1'A110N£RY Idlinltbn, Ky. g mm °
meetings and on Sunday afternoon a GAME FRIDAY NIGHT   ’ mu"'
....,6 Crewe ot bm cme out ———— *°“"$"°”'$ °*”°Y —·—————— i ···¤···
The presiding Omcer in introducing Both games of basket ball that were  e c z     Tum
scheduled to be staged ln Buell Ar- keeper
Secretary Hall as the closing Spénkéf. mory Friday night have been cam   E     {
expressed the gratltlcation of all whol I ’ °   ¤”t· 1
celled. The neason for cancellation 339 W"; Mnln ur"; ht",
I   had attended the meetings tor the was the mmm of mow in charge be   be bot
great awakening ot the community. mg unable to agree on Omcms mal Q U
,He stated met lt was the ilrst time mm!. I     ‘° °‘;
{since he had lived there that thel A majority of the umu of the boys,   & C0_ mm _ ’ Zzgé
churches had gotten together; umtlteam will be played away from h0me.\ ·u°°·“°r t° BARE', ‘ co' , , ` mae
  he me ¤r¤·=¤··¤ M ¤· ·—···|S,.,, gm. will M T. U. gm. ... .. 107 W- Mm St- Lewin Cigar Co. , ,,
church who had avoided it for twenty practice game next week. IQQT QODA FOUNTAIN IN TH! W °°°
years; that the leaders ot "dlves" had` UTY- FINE CANDIEU ·· tum `
• actually been reached; that just "t0- the si
  Reduced day we have organized among our-   WHERE AM I GOING? TM 1
And at Prices that Count selves to clean up this town." --t— To °r°°t
Make Good lmpnulcm Graduate Manager Turner has an- used
..Bm of extraordinary im_8mst’·· he nounced that arrangements have been       C    P. Dr. Je
S • Ov t 'Bmted_ ··“.8S the fact that Bmw UDL completed with Vanderbilt to hold a g g p Y   perlm
    sy v€,.Sm,_ our Own umv8,.sny_ uw,. track meet on Stoll Field April 17. ` T lng 1
a ` tmany years of reputation entirely com} Other colleges and universities are · Charlr
    wary to this sort of thing, has geguu asking dates for a meet and it is evi- gave
through its Y_ M_ C_ A_ to show au`dent that the track team will enter feedir
Kentucky that among her students are,B€v°"“| °°m°°”· C. C,   &     °l°°t°
    men of Christian leadership and ln-} Tm
ltluence. "We shall," he added, "all}     •¢18•Sn l   '"'-
Caps Etc. ’°"‘ “""” ‘T? “"“‘““"   "°’“ “‘°’“ "‘ A .. . ..s. tm.! me ,..,...¤c SPORTING GOODS AND HARWVARE g
Y the future. t 8
M committee fourteen ot the rresnmeu Foot Ball and Gymnasium Snp{,"es E
Prices marked way d¤W¤»1°E""·$ °'” ‘”°”" AT F*""°°"' t°°"’°" °°‘"“° °[ Sum U”w°:°l°{ Bicycles and Repairs, Pennants and Posters, ~ ‘
look at the winkows as you ` ....- were awarded their numerals, 18. Fi hi T kl •
'llle Y. M. Y. A. G0¤D6l Team. ¢0¤l· The committee considers the wearing S ng ac e .
pass' posed of Frank Kennedy, MBTCUB C. of the clggg numQrQ,l§ gg much gu     on     mn M, l • ; ‘
Redwlne. J. T. Gelder and Jee T0l'·lhonor as the coveted   The men md suppuw -I-°y·_ · l
l‘9n(5€, which Vlslted Falmouth, Kyqlgwllrded the nllmgrglg wgre; C, Hgy- L
from December 30 to January 3, re- don, rl·_ Hnydnnl Wm_ R0d8s_ Gibson, ‘46_I48 WEST MAIN ST- LEXINGTON. KY.   ¤ i j
    PU"! H Dl°0l°l¤lbl9 !il1l9. 'Earl Grabfelder, Kelly, Britton, Kin- I ‘   ·
7 The y<>¤¤s men held e series ef ney, nubeuk, meuereeu, James sur- ___._.._...._...-_,_-____ _,___ s____ ___ __________ . J
meetings at all the churches of the ver, Dempsey and gpaldlnn   Q
& CO• xtown each evening in the interest ot A ‘*K" te Robert C, Dabney of the  
houwnud ‘tll6 b0>’l=l Mid lllell of F¤l¥¤0\lUl· Th9Y '14 class, was given for tennis playing. W E   H & M U R   5
i were ably supported by the ml¤l¤tel‘¤\ it is the nrst time that such a recog‘ni· _  
The College Fellows!   xot the town and other local W0l‘k9l'I. [ion wg; mgdg for {gnu]; Thg gwgrd   5
Mr. Redwlne made the first talk of was made by Dr. John J. Tlgert, Wh0       j· V
_ • • the l=l**l'l<*S 0ll '"l`€lllDi¤U0¤»" Th¤l'¤d¤Y based his decision on the rulln made ° P l
  Cigar C0' evening. Un Friday evening Joe T0l'· hy former Coach Sweetland tlfat any l¤C0!l0l’Il.d•. ` ki p
M“:::;:::·': M `rence spoke on "'l`he Kind of Men the nlndnng rnnrnnnntlng the Unlynrnlty I
    W0l'ld le Uelnlllldlllg." M¤¤¤l‘¤- K€¤· for a certain number of times should • • /_ '
  nedy and Ibedwine sang a duet at this be gllglblg {nr n ··K_··           1; ,
meeting. J. T. Gelder made a talk on __ ____•_,___; g · \
*“ WE" '“'*'" [glu" __-__......_._._____._ ern: s·ru¤zn·ra A·r·r:N¤     Nl
unlmsuy nmol. smc DR _,_ D_ USER "‘""‘j‘LTI_ °°"""‘"°‘   l l
c·‘•r• •x°|u•|V•Iy `° ·`“d•”" A Eye, EAR, NOG! ·”d THROAT Several State students Htwndbd COD-     A      
wd F““nY °' ·““ U”I""“Y I ·P¥clAl-WT ferences of their respective fraternl- x ‘
A. B. B  0'•\::g•:;:‘:”:s::df:":•'· Inep};u:`¤:;uth;ll:1<;;::2’¤é`ll0u wmu_\ D 124-128 North Limestone L¢Xi|\It0|\, KY-   ' I
\OI. I. LIMIITONI AND COLFAX Omg Phgng |§¢.X kggldgylgg 1||-X I 1* ·
· 1

.opy Avallable
i. _ l..
•   I T n 11: 1 o m A s
,.._g;;,  -• ..  
* · ···‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ` I   I *°"'°'· Call and get acqualnted
° ""‘*‘ with r dv rtlsers.
J J (Agricultural J J nm, o uhm, to mo. ot ts. wise; _._2.‘L.i..L......-.._
. Take counsel of those observant who’ve strlven
. —---;-- lang ln the haunts of men. Dssplse  
.· ln .... ...,..-....... .......... s.un.. ~·> ···¤··>¤····»¤ ¤•·¤~· ····¤ BARBER SHOP
I     `and lectures were hlghly lnstructlve T° D"' Y"' '"Y M \-•0MN| H¤t•| ’
{uu u...·..e¤.. “`·> · ¤·¤¤*•* dv ~¤~¤ urns
e         The Peunn Aeeeehuen We- new And an earthly llfe llke Heaven. BOOSWELL IRO8., Proprlatora
z U Wednesday ln the Agricultural Bulld-
I In- The exnIbIu In me ennery ue When breeses steal ’neath hlblscus or palm, W, S,  
2 ---1- Bright stars twlnkllng hlgh ln the skies,
I excellent and the llne of spectators ls The Sanital, Gr
I. Occ!
2 Many F8l'm6l‘S Attend LQC-Islwsys present. The swine Breeders‘ C‘°" "‘ °"m“ “"“°““· *"‘°°f“l 'md °‘““· Ph y
I _ .u......l.u.... also met 0.. w..r.....¤.y. ¤¤·"*¤¤ tm uv-- ·¤¤¤¤¤*· v¤··= ·v•·— one 720
l tures and Farm Pro The eenereee envee every Inmeeuen Temptatlon’s whlsp’rlng Cor. 8. Llmeatone and Vlrglnla Ave.
· duct D1s la s ·
I p y ° of belng highly successful and ls sure A' °h°mb° lupus- "`“’"’
· I     to be an annual agrlcultural fclthal Ba whe' O Mndcm bo Who!  
2 to the joy and prollt of a.ll who are ln- G d n
N A 1 :1,
~' “·· e····*···* **·**¤··*···*·* ¤·····*¤··· ‘°'°"°"· ·.Z....'I..`Z.Z.. .'ZZ..Z.'Z..`Z"?ZI° .‘.1`L'2....?I‘,.‘i£ un 1 T turns
l· known as Farmers' Week, ls now ln -——-—~••-——· · ° '
l l Gam t Lu , d ll ·
O   sssslon. Tuesday was the opening l to pv me ° ° ° m W 127 Ch€aP9'd€
‘ say and the congress Wlll contlnue wml mmm. chmmgo md bouuul nt' Hourss s rn tos p rn Phene 864 X
Whom Chance there lead ` ‘ ‘ ° `
during tb• andre week with a well
0 F t de eed,  
Q planned series of lectures and displays     The cqsrzt line,. my hem, ,, I
ot excellent agricultural products. l D Y K
T. —————
> M enum mum of agriculture in · · Tho hoary hls locks and wrinkled his brow, O Ou now
embraced ln the congress. Beef cat- Course In H1ghW8y COD- , .
, , Steps grown feeble, whod not, forsooth. The heat sa none too good
I': ‘;°mk;::’f::;° §:;d°;:d:;:;` struction (ln TIPS week sit in the game you’re playing now when it comes to a photo-
' ’ ' ' p ' at UYUV€Y$1tY• And klndle anew hls flres of youth, graph? Be on the safe aids
and mule breeders indicate to some —· And 'xu M. rmt md “•
’ extent the scope of the falr of such Am"! um t°°t‘"`°° °t um C°m°°° °t Or mm in b
_ e_nee,.nIne Inteneet ne the I.e_I.n,e,._ Highway Construction belng glven at
0,lf elth,h1 dttruth?
· There ls also an assoclatlon for the 3;:::iE"::;'::'·§h:;;::°;*1;::*::: r n Gr · wor °      
ladlea. The Home Economics As- ° 3]] W, Mnin Sg“•g_
soclatlon has s wlde promm covering ¤¤*l¤*¤¤ of · tml- mo ¤¤ tho ¢·¤¤· ‘;“" ‘;‘I“:' "':‘h‘° th: °”°,’;;‘ ’;‘" T The S, d I, Photo be
. the entire llve days of the conventlon.| p“'· mm mm 9 D G se 0 l u an · lr-P
The nIenIe" In tm. Inte,.eeI_Ine de_ This exhibition of construction ma- Bwk in hu WM w" “ b°“°' ny; I
I Still l th 1 t bl rt.  
partment are located ln the Education °hm°"y i' pr°b’bly '·h° l"'°“ °f iu M; 6 u ur: yr`: no er p· Isnkart I Fotach, Proprietor;
euuour me no qulte stu-scm. and **¤¤ ¤v¤* bold *¤ K¤¤t¤¤¤- A ¤···¤<·| ° “° '““ ’ ° ‘° E I B b Sh
To sharpen the edge, a e     0
Wen enendee SneeIeI Ieetnree endl tent has been erected on the campus g p
lllustratlons have been glven by the t° °h°lt°r um m*°m°°ry wh°'° tha As you Mm for Bly Cupid, hi. duh O 1°7I°°“"‘ ;""‘”*°”• °*"°•*
I public ls lnvlted to come and Inspect P"' °° U" h°°""‘ H°*" B'°°k
"°°°' °°""°Yt°° with mu °°°°"'”°'"‘\ cohslder the wager, tho, Malden fair! I-•¤l¤st¤¤. Ky.
I Tuesday the Beef Cattle and Bee- °h°’° m“°m“°'·
. A heart like jessamlne seen ln the night- Fmsmcl-Ass WORK OUARANTEUO
neenen. Aeeeehuene met [ne tonne,. The public ls also cordially lnvlted
‘ ’ , lal
nut, In the Ag,,IenItn,.eI Bnumng end to watch the construction ofthe tarvla A" ° "il t° ° °hr°°d °'° ° p°l°'°° t° r Mag M. Agar the Gun, nt
nur In chlpal when the crowd could need wmen Ie the new eemneemen fe,. Of a bandit who shamedly skulks from the light-
e s. better ..u.mm°s.t..s. The mess. md ¤¤**¤*¤¤ ¤¤¤t *¤t¤>¤¤¢·¤- T“° ""‘°° ’°“ ""°° MCGURK S
. eeuen et the stew end Neuenu Gev_ In addltlon to these exhlbltlons T° um °°° h° lu" .
I In III I, In I I ,_II Is lt rlght, lovely meld, ls lt right? wh•¤’• •" ¤• wd! •¤d GOOD-
I ernment ln slaughtering animals in- °°° W il d° ‘;° ur: °°°"° °°i H cel I.
_ modern met o s o roa construct on, of occ tc clad d [
‘ {acted with tho foot and mouth di an of which will be 0 an to the ubuc Whot if You win all Yet mit remains.  
’°"f ,{"' ‘§"'°'°" “““,,j°°',j’j’“‘§‘°I s.......... ..............°... ._..,.,.. ...°.... .. And oe. ol tho oo¤¤i¤s om my unt. D, I Edward Gerd n
2-eso u on- mwln up` th 6 its an urged ee eteend tneee Ieetn,,ee_ Will happiness crown so hazardous gains ° ‘ 0
ss: ·::ku;::dth:irp:;sn§ ::;;:16; Wlth never a sorrow, regret, or sting? DEN’|'|$’|'
The Leglslature was also asked to     glnththo :01:;: s;:_:;s Mcckualld Building
l' 6 I ll B  
°'°°* ‘ "“""‘“* °" “‘° °“‘“"“° *° "° _ -- Find s place lh the lap of sprhn;2 -c. B. w. .,0 TO
I used as a lecture and exhibition hall. Examlnatlons to remove conditions ’
nr. Joseph Kestle, director or the Ex- wlll hegln Thursday srternoon end YQUNG JOURNALISTS olthor sldo of tho question to bo so- Johns DYUK st0|'€
.. perlment Station, gave a very lnterest- I will also be held on Friday, Saturday       l9°Wd· N°xt t° Put °m°°
4 _ lng and instructive address. Mr. and Monday of next week. Any stu-   For hacrtptlousp Slauouuyp Soda
' Charles Caldwell, ot Danvllle, also dent who has one or more conditions John R, Mnrsh, Maysville, Miss wltif (utk Pi $ and us
gave an lnterestlng talk on cattle which he desires to remove should Chrlgtlne Hopkins, Loulsvllle, and , —···—···*··—·—-··——·—-—·—
feeding. Mr. C. H. Berryman was re- confer with the registrar and the pro- Herbert Graham, Frankfort, were the     -*-4 , _, _ 4, I__  
¤!•¢t•d president. fessor in charge ot the subject and ar- winners gf [hg three prlzgg, 0u6|'QdI This is · ·p°cI·1t’ mn mus. our I- I      .  
The beekeepers’ assembly was held range the date for the ordeal. mr the best "storles" on a lecture de- t·u0rl¤‘ JI,“,.|¤m_ B, nudymg your I ·.   I !fIn__ __  *  
I   llvered to the students ot journallsmlpersonallty we are able to tailor lndl- ..._Y JQ     ;____  
—- . and the members of the Strollers, by "id“*:t7 mw Y°“’ °l°th“· N W• out . --.. .. -...`
INGISDB VOD HOUEOH GUN100, !IlH.I18gBl'l€:d’°`:n, tgegatsgaztlcgg  
· • e B • S or the Ada Meade Theatre. The prizes        
_ Léxlflg tons 7gg88f ¢OT8 In no. to and :4 were zivon oy $ 1 8 UP By weunng on tacked
Messrs. Gurnee, ot the theatre, and Ce_II
• and see our large display ot lm- golgg wh
l       S   Enoch Gl'8h&l1, hold of [[10 j0\|l’DB.li8¥l1 DOYtOd and (IOIIIOIUO WOOIOIII llld hlY8   ,   W:  
I • I   .. ,. your measure taken. on on OY t 6 B8m€
I ,......._........-.....--  department. The stories were price work done  e
' l passed upon by James M. Ross, man-   you eeait
‘ k A ° P ° °‘"" °‘"°°' °‘ T"° "’“°°" ““" P"°“‘ To be ·¤·out.u nl ......T.;...,,.., `
I Untl8Ud,,y t¢'T(lCC1U€ T1C28 OT! ley Atkins. city editor or Tho Herald. and glve murseuou in every umn, cmgagg uumk shag Hapalnng
' “ Mr. Marsh, who won the llrst prlse, W° 'und bwk °t ""Y °'d°' '·‘k°¤•
I *¤t¤ ¤¤· ¤¤¤•¤t·•- 113 South Broadway
· lis a Junior in the Arts Department. Rteeuelln we CUT AN¤ FIT ALL ______
L joring ln journalism, Miss Hopkins °A””lNT• oN TH; P
Cl 11 3Tx Im ¤=M·¤=• ·
\   C f Ils a Senior and Mr. Graham ls a L•xIngton'a Rsllabla and Orlglnal Ktnkcad   CO,
Suite and Overcoats   ‘““‘°"“‘ ‘“   t°`°   A¤**·*·¢**¢ and B**·····i·······
` I O
  _ lustnght Tanlurlng co. COALS
= I
§·. I . ·   ENTERS N. I. Corner Ihort and Market. .
  = And All Shvm. Neckwwn. PENTAGONAL LEAGUE  
* `#~ ' Underwear and Other Furnishings.
— Prot. J. T. C. Noe chairman of the
¤ • L. M. LAIL
‘ • debating council, has announced that JACK DUNN
ft;.       f0f YQung Men arrangements has been made to meet .
fl n `0hlo uulversltles ln forenslc contests.   Haberdashery
W   The Iwo is composed of Cincinnati
-.1 .....-.--M»»—  ~-»-————-——-—————————
I ’ _ University, Ohio State University, Sfykli for C0n¢y¢ Men
= · Miami Unlverslty, Dennison Univer- and
· I I hln C0 . . .
_ I   C   S O Islty and State Unlverslty ot kentucky. Mak"' of Engheh Clothes
I 3I 4_3I6 Week Mein Sweet I The questlou for discussion and the
I O I date has not been announced but eoah Pho.-h Hotel Bleek llxineeon Ky
_ llnstltutlon will have a team debating, ’
. * V ° -

 Q . 4
I ""` `   THE IDEA _ T `
    ! Insst be composed or married men.  
Published every Thursday throughout the College year by the stasont bod! TM "°!“‘ "°"°’ “"’ “‘° “°M W   S . [ 
or the ltate University of Kentucky, for the b•¤•¤t of the under- tha rush" ls equally applteable to the ee y   *
graduates, alumni and faculty of the lnstltutlon. umm ommnu on mm, no me . I
TRI IDIIA ls the oftchl newspaper of the Unlverslty. lt ls lssnod with km '°"mN° “ U" °°‘°“"*  ""
the view of turnlshlng to Its subscribers all the college news of Kentucky --—— —— ,
mcafee; = gt:-est of ltems ot Interest concerning the unfvsrsltles or R. L. Blerbaum says the more he gpg gyupggvg Ngw ygAn•• .·•°LU·yI°”•_ I I
 ;__·_‘__·'___________________I____ __ _g_o_r____+_____; reads about the moneys and supplies ...; ,  .
htlld-at Lexington Post Oflloe as second class mel! ||II¢\•|'· M0"! M *'*¤h9¤ M *9*6 • mth B•'• l WILL take down any pictures or mottos from my walls that do not ` 
 :t:·.;,i;::ve——z———·v;—. Klan b0y_ h I the th f   t   b tt   I  
·¤·*¤···~ ·*······ ·•·~·•··· .-. "2 w.ZL'§I...$ .I’.`Z.. ‘Z..,Yf 3...2, `3,’..r..f, ..   .... ....... .....,.. .. .. ..  
CLYDI P. TAYIDR .............................................. Idltor. Flirting by freshmen co•ds st Penn- mn no www time In the at I h V tt rl f nod ml h' G mm _Q
J. owns aamoms .................................... Assistant seam mv•¤s• u su-may uw tm me mm wh", mn"' " " ° " ° ' ‘ '° °‘° " ;
h lol l l I h bl b ` ‘ 
A•••e•••• letters   ' ‘°° :2. ' A':" °·° gmt: I: 1 wm. make a perslstest and aetermlseu snort to msrove oo my habits 21
JBANITTE BELL .... Patterson Hall J. E. BOLLING ...... Mech. and Elec ch M; an   of W"! of study. My temptation ln the past has been to go at lt In a slip-shod and  ‘
A. B. LEIBOVITZ ........... Alhldlcl G. C. ROGERB..... ......... .“ll|I| h·]f.hg·ng(| mgunggg _ V 
H. I'. BRYANT ........... Agriculture KENNETH DORRIB ....... Exchange A mov. L". on mot w mc a | wm], bg exact".; In my No gf c°n·,ct_ wh°|°·°m• gllmm own I., I I
    *;,; . ·. _ _ _'     lnndlnl   M       ;)Q;l0ll|; Tpmnce, [nd   the cuIu'·¤°¤ of   M N M  
"*"'* by substituting drlll ln plane of atb- "° °t °up°"°r t° m°°°‘ I o
LISTIIR W. GRAD! ................................... Bnslness Manager hm, In mms". Fwthu men In I WILL do Munn, o domino ond roooonoblo omoum of Noam. on no . 
J- T- GILDIR ······················ ···;;;; j;;;§l*3f4"i;:_';_““*‘°j` mm, oxomm mm. from force of jects that are forelgn to my school work ln order to help overcome my hunt]-  I
0 mon moy num in to comb o com iatlng prolgnclallsm, and keep me in touch with the real world ol the campus. ’
 ........._..—.. ;.j._._... ooo MIL I WI if God gives me strength to overcome my plot fallnrn, meet all I
FARMERS, WEEK my engagements and other obligations promptly. I have been unfair to {
° Mu,. on', omo., oomohmom hoo others and myself in these matters. I
' {mod, oo o lon noon tho lon of o I WILL regularly attend my Bible class, church, the college Y. I. C. A.  ~,
Some years ago there was lnstltuted at the University an exhibition of Csmomu ck In-- wa hutch with monk'. ond chooot I hou boon wumooic md wo mann"' to my on  ZI
· as I II . rs, ·
farm products and farm machinery which is known as Ihrmers Week. I b L do M. “ me d it hood. md my mmlonoo upon onion II
This affair has grown and thls year hundreds of Kentucky farmers are ·' ° u nm u N · r 
. ....... me ml. .. ....... of me U...m..r .t........ I.cr..... ...¤ v».w.;¤··°• · *··•*·· *···*··*··¤· "”“"‘ °°"°"""’ """" °°" '°’ "‘° "’°"""""° """‘°‘° ”° '"' ""‘ W
p' 8 U y· g me ln getting a college education, and will from now on try and do some- s 
•-•¤1¢$•-:·——— e ·
ln! *1*** p"°d“°" nd *“‘P'°m°'“’· I thing for someone less fortunate to show my humble gratitude for this ·· 
The exhibits cover nearly all products grown In our State, are all of an IO O 0 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 9 9 Q nut Noam;  if 1
excellent quality. Here much infomation valuable to the farmer can be'O WHO'! WHO AT ITATI O I WILL ronow my nom for oo"_m“°o,”· tn to uvo o mo of `moouoh; ’
readily obtained. It may be said that farmers week is related to a oountyit 0 O 0 O O Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q moo lot only pm., motive- gown, and otrho In ou thm!. to dn my Lord V
fair, yet many differences exist. The county falr has a. display of products Joouo Chun me m_o_ommo¤oo_
and shock, but thls department is visited only by a few farmers, while tbel W