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I; Judge Lafferty Makes Ad- ~· Q rg EE ,l"""' " » i Gospel Teams Visit (jarljslo
· dress Before Amemcan ” * T and Falmouth During
Law Schools Body. _ , . the Holidays.
_" ll 2 l   —
__`__   ` O- . V l ,  _
State Unlvcrslty of Kentucky was , ·  _ * _   l ln a tearless, yet helpful manner
repnsonted at the- annual meeting of Q l_   t F l the eight men on the State University;
  tho A··¤¤l¤¤¤¤ of ·¤¤¤¤rl¤¤¤ IM ,,__ _ .   o  Y. hr. c. A. gospel mms wom at their
to ’ 8°h°°l’ in Chl°'•$‘l· J““““'Y 2830- DY ' - __·: WH l _ W _ ow I   · sl i   r v_ work of teaching practical Christianity
r ·'¤°•° W- ’l'-}+•¤°¤Y· Dew °* °h° C°‘· l   . _,     l to the men and boys or Carlisle gud
· l°" °' LV'- ‘**~r—· Falmouth, Ky.
This unoclstlon is composed ot The campaigns W d
. » . er
{ fcrty·thr•• law schools ot standard .----»-- ._..._.... l me days beghmm V:} gon Ected for
l gndo. Ita purpose ls to advance law mth and 'endm mi S ednes `:y’ D°°‘
· s
l school work ¤d.t¤ build up the grade NATURAL SCIENCE °U'L°'N° Carlisle is B sue C0 un as;   3m`
r    mm
l and nundord of the schools. _ —i;"i— 1300 people Som f rt un ic about
I ·' r 9 0
· _ Q 9 _
, The ot the law college ot             I   g Lexington on th L Z :1 es from
· Stats University will be raised next They did not med I mm°°d‘
l YOU'. All students under the age ot |‘ ’ ’ _ mma pahaps than¤t;0¤D6 team any
{ ·"·"*··· ¤···**°··*··*···—= M Str l I lllll lll llllllll llllllll! llllllllll Slllll Sllllllll   town     l °£"°”‘° “°“"
. whim- 1, ms, wm. mroquiroa to ao “"` “* “‘°" hw
__...... ____ pened to have a few live wires living
one you ot collage work before grad· _ _ _ i there who knew th t dm
Moog mm ol, Conoco 0, Low First Ed1t10h of Journal for Umon and Patterson Meet Rehearsals for B1g January ,,,,,,3 md blooded °w° mi"°°° “
t . . , l _ · · Diesen on of
• A number or aaaromn were made Kentucky H1gh m The1r Annual Production Resumed at Christianity to the young people C
at the meeting. Joseph H. Beale, Dean Schools I D b t P C Cole a pmmi t M th . .
. »- . heh .
or uio Law School, mma the prmci- ° a €• atterson Hall- nm mn headed th I il °‘"“ l’“*“
.1. ..1 . o
pal address. Judge Lailcrty made an This week las b'r ht [ th th and was aided r i 0; c°mmm°°’
r i ou r .. , ., om n
dare.- on the uwork of the Pr·cti%‘ g 0 E         The CBSY. {OP Ch8.l‘lBYS Aunt, [h6 b E J D en y throughout
Gnu"'}, l Iflrst issue of the Kentucky High play which is to be put on the road y ‘ ‘ Beem S¤¤<>rl¤t¤¤¤<>¤¤ of the
—-—-—— P b
A very gnurymg incident of tholS°h°°l Q““"“"'l*'· TM ·l°“"‘“l ml The annual debate between the early this month by the Strouem the b;1`§l;r1;;;r;?:nj:;d}?y uSch00L also a
meeting was that, ot the ninety dole- published under the direction of Prof.l Umon and lmwrgon Llmmn, Socio Dramatic Club °f State U“i""S“y· ’·"l house But th Ga if a` wholesah
· . . . o m
Solos prooom from rortyohroo slalom J. T. C. NOG, head of me Department] ` ·ah··ounoed at the close or hutushuuuuyll V an 0 pronounced
ave of the deans were   Kan I · [l€b   be ll€ld ln chapel Friday night l‘€ll€8.l'S8,lS 8{ Patterson   by Her' eadgrshlp in the community is Rev'
mcklum . lor Educatmm and from the mst edi` at eight o'cl0ck. The date for thislbert Graham, stage manager, is as w` F` Reason puswr °f uw Christian
° _ , _ [ ’ l· . rr _
Arrmnmuw no about to be com! tion augurs to become a valuable pub contest was Set for December, but m|l0llowS_ xlglcllwlea ugdo lhs if you ever Saw
rlma whereby Judge George Duran. "°““°“ “" K°“‘“°"’ "‘g" ”°“°°‘*‘· order to sho ore member of the PM- Sir lmls Ch°’S"“y_E‘ L` F""i°”’ First ohrl r e pastor of the
; of Lounvum gndmw of Yolo, wlll Professor Noe has put forth much of- tgrggn Society umpio time to prepare Lawr€m`€burg` but his hesalgu shllm:1 of Portland,
w v · l F0
d•liv•r a course of l•cturo• on Federal fort that The Quarterly might be pub- · , , . S*~*¤l¤€¤ °p°mg“°_“m“““ Shin" , B Own' and he
_ Ihis speech it was pontponed until Fri- mok Shelbyvme mm Gd buck to Kentucky, which he
court practice to the law students of lished and at the Salllo llmo llas been V , ' ' .. ., .. , .
Sum University Judge Duran was a Ida; night, January Sth, rlmSSotl__lolm Marsh, Muysvmo eels seems prowidenttai, as both the
judge on me Appellate bench for Bigml assisted by *”°f"SS°"S· *‘t“d""“* ““d 'l`he Union Society will be repre- Jack (‘hesuey—Louis 1\Iacl0skey, (Qmldr?1 can g° “’ “h°°l HOW ln ***6
y•·r8 and for the   four years has principals of lllgh SCll00lS. sented by luessrsl     Combs C `V Collingswood,     !b0uth* Those Yuen Dl`€[J8.l'Bd [hi) way
Th 1 ui - I ' " ' ~ . · . . Iforasret kb ·
been Federal District Atwmeyn ) e open Hg ar ce was produted Bailey and H. N. Fmmer, and mel (harley tt yhuhummjullleb Maroo.! a w°' Y States gospel
by Professor G. M. Baker, associatel nel', Arllllgtom |t°8·m·
J“d$° L¤·¤°"Y GU'! uw I"' llbmw r I, t, Fd i I Patterson Society by Messrs. 0. \‘»’. . .
is to be In md with addition of 600 p 0 essor 0 . ucat on in the Univer- Wmot J S S tl d F O L I Lord pullrourr Bubbr,rloy..Loo _l_| Skeptical at Start,
V0 \lm9B W ¤ ¤· 0 UW- nci€m_y.,, Many other articles follow U18 ° Br M"S· MANSON CAWEIN   me **-r*~r ¤·¤¤¤r· w·¤<···] tm J"   ,"lE"‘ r .   ..m.....y ...... ru “ T" 21,
. T In b _ i U I i ie excep on o . r. ru or, ows w io cou
After  Sark For 0 GIVE A READINGHl‘_mU“‘“;;vi;;y  ‘;:;“i’:;t°;‘ea;" Aihelall members ot the mlm, which ls rt l"““`ll ll straight Christian massage
G ICS. ` · so ull-on o l l ll and follow it with a al ·
___ Mrs Madlson Cawoln. Loulsvlllo. ll ust or mt- judges has hooh soiohtou ` S [w' mw lu pam in pr°"°°° mn Mrk-
_ Sl ll rl l _ ll I hand-to—hand en- t ... l V 4 _
          give u reading In Lexington Tues. to Select thnxe Iuvlubors from the two] Y0 BF hll'0 UC[ ODS 8l1(*B,l'S&l§ W9]‘6 tin U B I   (Dull er 8 Ul<*d AI. gét
-—— day afternoon. January 12, undgp rho “_um_ to mmwm the Umve it .l`*`=llllli€ll lmmediately oh the ruluru ur! K l resi ent to make url out and
(Lexington Herald.) . r . . _ ` rg y.the members of the cast from their out *******1 Y0? Christ.
l’·u8l·*l¢·98 of UN') (~0ll¤S¤ Wolllllll S Ul·lb· against lleorgetowii ln the Kentucky I ll ·
Eau;-tu of Connie Muu; the lggdgr This Bngugenwm was made www lmmmg Asslwiuuonl lhollday, I llt Mate had the men at Cggrliglg,
O or the Philadelphia AUIIBNGB of the the death of her husband, and Mrs. 'l`ht~ Kontut·ky—Georgetown debate. ———_•-•-•-W M_ las wen as the other mum of me Same
American IAa'8u8' to land James Park' (`uwélll lltibl (l€(?ll.l\éd ll0[ to Cull('€l l[. I “ il] [lp |ll·|d lll our yhupel Friday I       ,5ort at huhuoulhi and both teams
the stellar hurler with the State Uni- Mm llowolll lo ooo or [lm wldolylmgml Mmm no ,l_h`_ question {Url SATURDAY 3:30 T0 5:30 "'“d" '“j°d·
vorslty base ball team for his pitching known ro dom , _, ,. l _ __ { _ Q-- The larllslo Wlllll WHS led by E. L.
u or this ronntu. llw this tlvbztto will be Resolved That 'l`l lll lrd ·· l· l ' · ·‘
Nl! nut ¤0•¤¤¤. Wow nlndo known progyanl rollowo. lu ot Y R 'k ' ‘ " ' "“" “’l’ °‘ “‘*` F"' “lll Nall. Secretary or the irulrrrulry y_
‘ m.`·t· '·t·· l · . ,,¤_ _,l._ , Y _
yesterday   Coach   Brun]- Aurruveung Niall H bv Lady Gregory ith X dig. t) ` lt ll 'llt ) Bl10Uld &(lUl){' lltl llllll lll lll? ··\|lll_0l) 5dllll`\ld) cull l"   ( .     l[ll llllll W't*I`•$ Clluufd [lul-
IDIBG, of NIB UDlV6fBi[y team, through Ur“up of poelns __Yl:hH (Nd q rin   ( Inu kjuuelu h-) steal of govern- llllllll ll`lllll .lj.{ll [0 ,lj;{0_ A Saxophone Sou. Hart Peak and Karl zerfosi
who r · · —U K. uncut. lreorpgvtovitt chose the nega— trio will furnish the music for the Thr. l tu —~
lll the Philadelphia management is --llroumS.·· ..·l-ho whlmmrwm .. ..,1,hel U 1 I _ vi _ ' _ l ll Vlrlsl hosted in advahco by
.,.,,..,... M r....·.. ...rm..   .,..._..,...   ..., »     5,           " ` '`i`i‘` ” ``’''      ' ``’‘' `“¤ ‘’'` `     ‘‘``    
' ’ ‘ · lL\$ \‘t‘ll lftlti YULLFS 5 HUG I 1656 two llS>illl'•.‘tl. · . , _ x , H V
Wright, an outtlelder, also is slated forl Mm ouwoln wm Slug {mw pmlnml msmuuuus mw um in debuw nd TI It iw. i r 1 lint ·l lhnd lssut! Proton! {rlloll
a berm with me Cleveland team, it BN to musk. bv mm!. d Hm J P l ' l n lost trslrut, to attend who lluvoluospel meetings beginning \\'t·dnes-
M l d - · ** » · ·ltli1s contest will be one of much in- unt yet t‘t¤‘t*lV9d lh€ll' tickets Gull Ub·|tl|y evening at the llaptist lillllr ll
l t Eli li »   . ¢ -
(Continued on Page Su,) l run an u. ausen llartmtss. teicst, itnm sauna from tllé &‘0I1llllulld&lll. Il·`all1el‘ and sous meeting and cluuilll;
.l• - \