xt7k6d5p8x62 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k6d5p8x62/data/mets.xml Bourne, Ann Shanks. 19  books b92-269-32003530 English s.n., : [S.l. : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Daughters College. Williams, John Augustus, 1824-1903.Davis, Mattie Terhune. Bond, Lydia Kennedy. History of Daughters College (1856-1893)  : and its founder John Augustus Williams / collaborators: Ann Shanks Bourne, Mattie Terhune Davis, Lydia Kennedy Bond. text History of Daughters College (1856-1893)  : and its founder John Augustus Williams / collaborators: Ann Shanks Bourne, Mattie Terhune Davis, Lydia Kennedy Bond. 19 2002 true xt7k6d5p8x62 section xt7k6d5p8x62 


    W 12


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History of Daughters College, from the Clerk's Office in Harrods-
   burg . .......................................................

Founding of Greenville Institute, later Daughters College..........

Biographical Sketch of Jno. Aug. Williams from Kentucky History
   of 1887 ....................................................

Jno. Aug. Williams' connection with Christian College, Columbia,
   Missouri . ..................................................





President Williams' return to Harrodsburg in 1856 . ............ 20-21

Establishes Daughters College ..........   ......................... 21-22

Salutatory Announcement .      ..................................... 22-24

Physical, Moral and Domestic Education ......    ................... 24-25

Domestic Rules of the Early School . ............................. 26-27

The Daughters College Alumnae Association . .     ...................  31

Sketches of Graduates Whose Memory Is Revered ... ............. 34-36

Tribute to Miss Mary Whittington, Lady Principal of Daughters
   College .   ............................................. 36-37

Tribute to Miss Annie Bell Goddard, Owner of Beaumont Inn ..

A Chapter out of Jno. Aug. Williams' "Reminiscences" .........

President Williams Reminiscences of early church music.......

President Williams Baccalaureate Address of 1886..............

Closing Chapter of President Jno. Aug. Williams' Life ..........

Graduates of Daughters College from 1857-1892 ...............


. 42-44


. 47-49

. 49-50

. 51-53


This History of Daughters College and its founder


                      Is lovingly dedicated to

               MRS. ANNIE BELL GODDARD

For her untiring efforts to perpetuate the memory of our beloved Col-
   lege, and for her gracious hospitality throughout many years.

The Collaborators:

           (Mrs. H. K.) Ann Shanks Bourne, New Castle, Kentucky.
           (Mrs. H. B.) Mattie Terhune Davis, Stanford, Kentucky
           (Mrs. W. T.) Lydia Kennedy Bond, Lawrenceburg, Kentucky

                   JOHN AUGUSTUS WILLIAMS

                   (Written for the Democrat)

         When once the great has died-the truly great-
           Who left firm steps that Truth delights to show,
         There is a solace but where memories wait
           Life sobbing down the distant years must go.

                                Kate Slaughter McKinney.
         Class of 1876.



    This history of Daughters College and its founder, John Augustus
Williams, should have been written a quarter of a century ago, when
many were living who could have given personal recollections and
human side-lights on the great Educator, not found in existing biographi-
cal sketches.
    In the last few years the attendance at the Alumnae reunions at
Beaumont Inn, formerly Daughters College, has grown less, for many
former pupils have long since passed into the shadows. and few are
left whose personal recollections extend back to the closing of the old
school, or who remember the talents and characteristics of President
Williams that marked him as an extraordinary teacher. We have only
a few  existing geographical sketches.  His photograph depicts his
strong, benign countenance, white beard, snowy silken hair, bright eyes
and intellectual brow. Behind all this in life, was scholarly mein, a cul-
tured grace and manner, a soft well-modulated voice, and kindly bear-
ing which will remain indelibly fixed in the memory of all who knew
and admired him. His was a "form and combination, indeed, where
every God did seem to set his seal to give the world assurance of a
man." We recount instances in his life that reflected the greatness of
his soul. No man of equal merit, was ever more modest---a modesty
that accomplished great things in a boastless manner. He never dis-
guised himself in affectation or deceit, but was always the impersona-
tion of honor and truth. President Williams grew old gracefully. Time
whitened his beautiful, abundant locks and furrowed his brow, hut the
frosts of four score winters never chilled his affection. There was
neither stain or wrinkle on his heart, which rendered the dear old man
companionable in his last days. We feel the foundation of his useful-
ness was due to his love and knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. Verily,
the old "girls" who survive, revere his memory and 'rise up and call
him blessed."
    By correspondence and interview, we have compiled this abridged
history of old Daughters College and its founder, and the following
pages are authentic.
    To those who promoted the Williams Scholarship, and to Mr. Edgar
C. Riley, who suggested a history of Daughters ('ollege at an earlv meet-
ing of the Association, and to those who have in any way contributed to
this history, we feel deeply grateful.
                                       ANNE SHANKS BO1tRNE.
                                       (Mrs. H. K. Bourne)

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                         HISTORY OF


                 HARRODSBURG, KENTUCKY

       (Copied from records in clerk's office, Harrodsburg, Ky.)

   This school began in a frame hotel in the suburbs of Harrodshurg,
Kentucky, which a Mr. Wilson purchased from Dr. Graham, proprietor
of "Graham Springs," with the distinct understanding that it was to be
used, strictly, as a school; no strangers should be entertained therein.
Dr. Graham would permit no opposition to his beloved hostelry. This
school was known as Greenville Springs Institute. In 1830 Mr. Wil-
son sold to Christopher Chinn, who sold to Samuel Mullins in 1846. He
changed its name to Greenville Institute, where many of our grand-
mothers were educated.
   On July 25th, 1856, Dr. C. E. Williams and John Augustus Williams
bought Greenville Institute from Mr. Mullins, and changed its name to
"Daughters' College," President John Augustus Williams having re-
signed the presidency of Christian College, Columbia, Missouri, which
he had established in 1851. Dr. C. E. Williams took charge of the Busi-
ness Department and he with his good wife, supervised the health of
the students, leaving President Williams free to pioneer in the higher
education of women. Shortly after the Williams' took possession, the
frame building was burnt, and was replaced by the present brick edifice.
   After almost forty years of continuous service, the old College
had to be sold, with all its prized possessions. It was purchased by
Dr. Dalton and Miss Ovie Smedley for 20,000. Later it was sold to
Col. Thomas Smith, who changed its name to Beaumont College, which
under his presidency became a thriving college, until his death, when
again it went under the hammer and became the property of Mr. and
Mrs. Glave Goddard. They converted it into Beaumont Inn, where as
many pleasure seekers are entertained as "Graham Springs" welcomed
in antebellum days.
    As a fitting finish, to this bit of history, we would add a word of
praise for the Builders of long ago. After resisting the storms of al-
most a century, this building stands, intact, today, a monument to their
painstaking skill and excellent workmanship.
    There will necessarily be a repetition of facts and history of these
historic schools, for we have gleaned our information from various and
sundry sources, so the overlapping of events and occurrences is un-
avoidable, but in no way detracts from the interest or importance of the


  Resume of the foundinp, of Greenville Institute and

                      Dauphters Collepe

                (Later known as Beaumont Collepe)

   The old Greenville Institute, founded in 1835, at Greenville Springs,
near Harrodsburg, Ky.. was owned by James Harland, father of Chief
Justice John M. Harland, of the United States Supreme Court. It was
purchased of him in 1841, by Prof. Samuel I. Mullens. Greenville Insti-
tute flourished until 1856, when it was sold to John Augustus Williams
and his father, Dr. C. E. Williams, who christened the school Daughters
College, in memory of the three little daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liams, who died in infancy. On the death of his father in 1881, Presi-
dent John Augustus Williams became the sole owner and proprietor.
In 1891 the property was sold by President Williams to a syndicate,
composed of twenty enterprising citizens of Mercer County, and called
the Daughters College Educational Company. President Williams un-
dertook the management for one year, when he again became the pur-
chaser. Failing health compelled him to dispose of the property again,
whereupon Dr. J. M. Dalton and Miss Ovie Smedley became the joint
owners. During the session of 1893-'94 the institution was again called
Greenville Springs College, with J. B. Bently as President. In 1894 the
college was purchased by the late Colonel Thomas Smith, and, as Mr.
Williams would not consent to sell the name "Daughters College", it
became known as Beaumont College under Col. Smith's ownership. The
latter remained President until his death in 1914.
    During the session of 1914-'15 Miss Emma Elizabeth McClure was
President. In the summer of 1915 the property was bought by Dr. J.
Dowden Bruner and Dr. Ben L. Bruner, and incorporated under the
name of Daughters College Dr. J. Dowden Bruner becoming President.
In the catalogue of 1915-'16 there is named a "Board of Visitors," rep-
resenting the Alumnae of Greenville Institute, Daughters College and
Beaumont College. Mrs. Jennie M. Hardin, the only living graduate of
Greenville, represented her Alma Mater; Daughters College was repre-
sented by Mesdames Cassius Clay, Horace Bell, D. L. Moore, and Miss
Annie Thomas; Beaumont College, by Mrs. Henry B. Cassell and Mrs.
Condit VanArsdall; while Mrs. Glave Goddard was appointed President
of all three institutions, with Miss Cecil Dalton, Vice President, and Miss
Willette Forsythe, Secretary-Treasurer. The Executive Committee was
Mrs. W. L. Beardsley, Mrs. Bush Allen, Miss Ora Adams and the Mercer
County Association.
    The next year it was deemed expedient to close the doors of the
famous old College, and again the property was put up at auction.

Page Ten


    On the 21st of June, 1917, these hallowed grounds and historic build-
ings were purchased by two of the old students, Mrs. Annie Bell Goddard
(class of 1880) and Mrs. May Pettibone Hardin (class '83) for the sum
of seven thousand, five hundred dollars. At a later date, Mrs. Goddard
became sole owner of the property, and in connection with her husband
they established and managed with great success Beaumont Inn, which
today breathes the spirit of peace and welcome, and the business is
ably carried on by Mrs. Goddards' daughter, Mrs. T. C. Dedman and her
two sons, Charles M. Dedman and T. C. Dedman, Jr.

Page Eleven

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    Biographical Sketch of John Augustus Williams,

                         A. M., L. L. D.

(Page 770 History of Kentucky by W. H. Perrin, J. H. Battle and G. C.
     Kniffin. Published 1887, by F. A. Batty & Co., Louisville, Ky.)

   JOHN AUGUSTUS WILLIAMS, A.M., LL.D., President of Daughters
College, Harrodsburg, Ky., was born September 21, 1S24, in Bourbon
County, Ky. His father was Dr. Charles Edwin Williams, a native of
Montgomery County, Ky., a physician of high standing, a man of
scholarly attainments, who for many years was associated with his
son in the management of the affairs of Daughters College, and who
finally passed away in 1881 to the enjoyment of still higher scenes and
associations. The mother of Prof. Williams was Arabella Dodge, daugh-
ter of one of the early merchants and manufacturers of Lexington, Ky.
The Williams family is of Welsh extraction.
    Raleigh Williams, grandfather of Prof. Williams, immigrated to
Kentucky from Virginia with the early settlers of the former state.
Prof. Williams passed the opening years of his life at Paris, Bourbon
County, where his earliest instruction was received, and at the age of
fifteen, entered Bacon College, then located at Georgetown, Ky., as a
student. While in attendance at that institution it was removed to
Harrodsburg and subsequently became known as the Kentucky LTni-
versity, from which our subject graduated in 1843, under the presidency
of Dr. James Shannon. He subsequently received the degree of A.M.
from his alma mater, and later, that of LL.I)., from the Masonic Irni-
versity at LaGrange, Ky. After leaving college lie entered on the study
of law with a view of adopting that profession, but was prevented from
accomplishing that purpose by the development of a very decided taste
for teaching and the discovery of serious needs in the educational sys-
tem of the State. In 1848 he took charge of what was called Prospect
Hill Seminary, a boarding school for young ladies and gentlemen near
Mt. Sterling, an institution which became very prosperous under his
management, and in which he obtained considerable distinction from
his original methods and superior talents as a teacher. He soon after
established a female college at North Middleton, in Bourbon County,
known as Bourbon Institute, in which he aimed to carry into full effect
his advanced plans of education.
    In 1851 he was urged to and did establish his institution at ('o-
lumbia. Mo., the seat of Missouri University. A liberal charter was
granted by the State and under the designation of Christian College it
was formally organized in the spring of that year. His conduct of the
school brought it into popular notice and universal popularity, tilling it
to overflowing, with young ladies of the best families in the State. He
presided over that institution until 1856, when ill health and a desire to

J'qy(, fifteen


return and labor in his native State, induced him to resign. In that
year he purchased, in connection with his father, the property at Har-
rodsburg, upon which is situated the celebrated Greenville Magnesian
Springs, and established the Daughters College, now one of the most
successful institutions of its kind in the State. The name was given
to the school to express the two fundamental ideas of its educational
system that it was both a school that should be collegiate in its domestic
wants of girls away from their parents. The success that attended the
opening of the school in 1856 has been almost uninterrupted to the pres-
ent, a period of nearly thirty-one years. The war of the States cut off
for a while some of its most distant patronage: but pupils continued
to come even during that period, sometimes with military passes in
their hands. CNot a day was lost during the four years of strife, though
the sound of distant artillery sometimes mingled with the voices of the
faithful teachers in the class rooms.
    In 1865 President Williams was appointed to the chair of moral
and mental philosophy in Kentucky University, and afterward to the
presidency of the former positions he accepted and filled, but declined
the latter; yet during his temporary absence Daughters College, though
limited in the number of its students, continued to prosper under the
skillful management of able assistants. In 1865 Prof. Williams resigned
his position in the university at Lexington and returned to his beloved
pupils at Harrodsburg. Soon its halls were filled. Students again
flocked in from Kentucky and the surrounding States. Since that time
it has gone on quietly in its career of usefulness; and, without any spe-
cial effort to obtain patronage, it has always been full. It now has 150
students enrolled, representing fifteen States. It is assumed, in the
system of education at this college, that every student is to become a
teacher and trainer of youth, either in the capacity of mother, or in
that of a professional teacher. The effect of this policy is to give to the
school a decidedly normal character, evinced by the fact that so large
a number of good teachers are annually graduated therefrom. From
time to time. departures from the usual routine and customs of schools
have been made as the experience of the faculty suggested. It has
consequently been recognized as the pioneer in many of the reforms that
now characterize our best female schools. The abolition of the rote
methods of study and recitation, and the discontinuance of all public
parades, rostrum performances and exhibitions of young lady students,
were early insisted on: and papers adverse to these and other customs
have been kept for years before the people in the annual catalogues of
the college. Public sentiment, especially in Kentucky, has at last begun
to array itself against many of these things; and other institutions are
beginning to modify or to discontinue them altogether.
    The life of Dr. John Augustus Williams has been a busy one, yet
the wear and tear that attend the ofttimes routine labor of a popular
educator, has made no strong impression upon his physical resources.
He is still well preserved, ardently in love with his responsible and high

Page 5Sixteen


calling, and actively engaged in solving the great problem of higher
education in Kentucky. He was one of the original movers in the or-
ganization of the State Teachers' Association, has contributed exten-
sively to various literary and religious periodicals, and delivered many
addresses. His life of "Elder John Smith" is a well known and stand-
ard volume. His most important work, however, will be the one on
"Christian Ethics," now in course of preparation. He has also occa-
sionally been induced to occupy the pulpit of various churches, both in
and out of his own denomination. He is a man of fine tastes. has a
great fondness for poetry, literature and art; of genial and attractive
presence, kindly nature and greatly esteemed and respected by his as-
sociates and pupils, as well as by the community at large. He was
married in 1848 to Miss Mary L. Hathaway, daughter of Philip Hathaway
of Montgomery County, Ky., a representative of one of the early pioneer
families from Virginia, and a lady of great excellence of heart and mind.
Three sons born of the union are now living, viz: Augustus Edwin Wil-
liams, Professor of Music in the College; Bowman Guy Williams, book-
keeper in same, and Lee Price Williams, a young student of medicine.
    Only a few years after the preceding biography was published,
President Williams, because of financial troubles and failing health,
stepped down and out, and the College passed into other hands. This
Christian gentleman of brilliant mind and understanding heart, has
long since passed to his reward, but still lives in the hearts of his girls,
who thank God it was their blessed privilege to receive from him and
his faithful helpers an education, unique in its simplicity, unsurpassed
in its Christian training, and unexcelled in its type of womanhood.
    The only survivors of this lovely family are two grandsons, James
Price and Edwin Augustus, sons of Augustus E. Williams; two great
grandsons, Andrew Devine Williams, son of James Price Williams, and
Edwin Miller, son of Edwin Augustus Williams.
    President Williams died in November 1903. His wife and Price pre-
ceded him to the grave. His elder son, Augustus E. Williams died in
1916. Another son, Bowman Williams, died in 1898.
    We are pleased to add an appendix to the biography of President
Williams, of information given by Mr. Edgar C. Riley, President of the
Midway Orphan School: "After making his confession of faith in 1838
when he was fourteen years of age, Mr. Williams was baptized by Aylette
Raines in Stoner Creek, after the ice, then six inches thick, had been
cut away.
    in 1837 he was a student at Georgetown at Bacon College; from
1846 to 1849 he lived at Mt. Sterling; from 1849 to 1851, taught at the
Bourbon Institution for girls at North Middletown, and at the Clay Semi-
nary for boys. From 1851 to 1856, he was President of Christian Col-
lege at Columbia Missouri; from 1856 to 1893, President of Daughters
College at Harrodsburg, but during two years of this time he was at the
State College (now Transylvania in Lexington) teaching English. Dur-

Page Secetiteen


ing two years he was President of the Agricultural College in Lexing-
ton, Ky., he brought with him his senior class of eight girls from Daugh-
ters College. These girls stayed that year with a Mr. Hocker. After
teaching at the University during the day-time, he taught these girls
at night. This was the origin of Hocker, later Hamilton College. Mr.
John P. Sparks once told me that he had a class under Mr. Williams at
the University, and that the latter told his boys, the last year he was
there, that he was and should be a teacher of girls. Next year he went
back to Harrodsburg."

    Historical Facts About the Connections of John

        Aukustus Williams with Christian College

'From "Memorial of J. K. Rogers and Christian College", edited by
     0. A. Carr-John Burns Publishing Co., St. Louis, Missouri)

     James Shannon, LL.D., President of Bacon College, Harrodsburg,
Kentucky, was elected in 1849 to the presidency of Missouri University,
and visiting Columbia to determine the question of acceptance, he en-
dorsed the movement for the collegiate education of women; and re-
mained till his death the ardent supporter of Christian College. He
recommended his former pupil, John Augustus Williams, of Kentucky,
as a superior educator and a man well qualified for the presidency of
the contemplated college. By correspondence John A. Williams was in-
duced to visit Columbia where he delivered an address in the Court House
on education, and fully convinced the people of his entire fitness for the
work about to be inaugurated; so that those who had months previous-
ly subscribed were ready to give to him their support. Accordingly he
began teaching in a small house on Hitt street, where now stands the
residence of Dr. W. T. Maupin. The old Christian Church was used for
examinations and exhibitions as well as for the commencement exer-
cises of the University. So great was the satisfaction from these ef-
forts and so rapidly did the school grow that its friends were encour-
aged to secure the necessary buildings.
    In his inaugural address, which was pronounced by the officers of
the Board "able and elegant" and by the community "most excellent,"
President Williams gave his views on the education of woman, and the
work that was immediately before him, April 7, 1851. (Following are a
few excerpts):
    "Every daughter should be so trained in the domestic school so
taught in useful and substantial knowledge, so habituated in early life

Page Eightccn


to the virtues of self-reliance, self-denial and economy, as to be able in
the greatest drama of after-life, to find in the energy of her character,
and in the resources of her mind, that independence, that honor and
that happiness, for which she is now, in most cases absolutely depend-
ent on social connection . . . How important, therefore, for Woman is
a practical education.
    "Education presupposes the imbecility as well as the ignorance of
the young; and hence it should tend not only to enlighten the under-
standing, but also to develop the various faculties of the mind . . . No
education can be regarded as useful or philosophical, unless it be adapted
to the nature of the individual.
    "I cannot recognize in the school, in the family, or in the nation, a
single principle of genuine virtue germinating in the heart, and living in
the conduct that does not owe its existence and sustenance to the influ-
ence of Christianity . . . early piety, the only basis of a virtuous char-
acter. No compilation, no production of man, can supersede the Holy
Scripture as a text book for the young."
    The incompleted residence and the 29 acres of ground belonging
to the estate of Dr. James H. Bennett, deceased, were purchased of
Honorable J. S. Rollins, by the trustees, in August, 1851, and in this
building on the 15th of September, 1851, was held the first regular ses-
sion of Christian College. To the original structure, designed as a pri-
vate residence, have been added during the thirty-four years, improve-
ments and building which make the present college edifice one of the
most commodious in the West. (1885)
    The following item of history will be appreciated:
    "The grounds and buildings of the College were formally dedicated
on July 2, 1852, with appropriate ceremonies in which the young ladies
of the school took the principal part."
    The following ode was sung on that occasion by the well-trained
College choir. The manner of its composition was peculiar. A short
time before the appointed day, the President, John Augustus Williams,
strolling through the beautiful, but as yet uncultivated, grounds, met a
few girls of his class and proposed that some of them should write the
dedicatory ode and he would set it to music for the choir.
    "Give us some help," said they, "and we will write it." Seating
themselves in a merry circle on the shaded grass he dashed off a line-
        "Oh! pure is the wild rose that blooms in the grove."
    Miss Mattie A. Barnett, then a sophomore, took the pencil and re-
                "And sweet is the harp of the breeze,"

    Thus alternately, line with line, the little poem was completed and
given to the choir."

Page Nbinteen


                            Original Ode

                            July 2, 1852

       Sung by the choir at the dedication of Christian College,

       Oh, pure is the wild rose that blooms in the grove,
       And sweet its the harp of the breeze,
       And soft is the strain of the spirit-like dove,
       As it floats o'er the shadowy trees.

       But the rose of the wild wood will fade in its bower
       And the breeze hush its music at even,
       And the bird will be gone, ere withers the flower,
       To its home 'neath some far, sunny heaven.

       Then why should the heart give its homage to earth
       And cling to the beauties that fade
       Is there naught but what springs full of hope at its birth-
       Then dies like the rose 'neath the shade

       Though the joys of our childhood, the dreams of our youth,
       And the beauties of Earth flit away,
       Yet the grace and the grandeur of undying TRUTH,
       Like its Author, will never decay!

       0, TRUTH. then we hallow this beauteous retreat,
       And inscribe all its bowers to Thee-
       These groves and these halls are offering meet,
       From hearts that are young, light and free.

    John Augustus Williams was the first president of Christian Col-
lege and we note in passing that almost a century ago, the first Charter
ever granted by the Legislature of Missouri for the collegiate educa-
tion of Protestant women, was granted to Christian College January 18,
1851. The five years of Mr. Williams' administration provided the
foundation upon which the college has grown into a notable educational
    The following is copied from the Missouri State Journal of 1856,
after Mr. Williams resigned from Christian College at Columbia: "The
patrons of Christian College will be sorry to hear of Mr. Williams with-
drawal from it, and distant friends cannot regret it more than do the
citizens of Columbia. As a teacher of females he has few equals. As
an evidence of the opinion entertained of him by the Board of Trustees
of Christian College, we give in this connection, the resolutions there-
by unanimously adopted at a meeting held on the 23rd of May, 1856, in

Page Tweenty


response to his resignation, tendered a few days prior to that date, as
    Resolved, First. That John Augustus Williams, as President of
Christian College, has acquired a reputation as an able and accomplished
teacher, that may well be pronounced enviable.
    Second. That we deeply regret our inability to offer higher in-
ducements to retain him in his present position.

    Third. That we regard President Williams, as a good scholar, an
accomplished gentleman, and an able and successful teacher; and whilst
we regret he should feel it his duty to relinquish his present post, we
sincerely desire that our loss may be his gain.
    Fourth. That the Secretary of this Board be instructed to furnish
President Williams with a copy of the foregoing resolutions, and to re-
quest their publication in the Missouri State Journal.
    To show the high regard in which President Williams was held in
Columbia, Missouri, his class of graduates the next year after opening
Daughters College at Greenville, near Harrodsburg, Ky., (1857), con-
sisted of twelve girls from the State of Missouri and one from Cali-
    The writer of this article has at hand a catalogue of July, 1856,
containing the "Educational Announcement of Daughters College-C. E.
and Jno. Aug. Williams, Proprietors." We think it interesting to give
the branches of learning for the four year's course of that earls date.
    Freshman Class: Algebra, Ancient History, Natural Philosophy,
English Grammar, Anatomy and Physiology, and daily lectures of an
hour on The Pentatuch.
    Sophomore Class: Geometry, Middle Ages, Composition, Rhetoric,
Chemistry, Zoology, and lectures on Old Scriptures.
    Junior Class: Modern History, Trigonometry, Astronomy, Logic,
Botony, Geology and daily recitations on The Gospels.
    Senior Class: Ethics, English ('lassies, U. S. Constitution, Political
Economy, Intellectual Philosophy, Book-keeping and lectures on Acts
of the Apostles. This was a full course, even measured by the cur-
riculum of the present day.
    In a catalogue of the school a few years later, there was added to
the curriculum "an optional course in Analytical Chemistry, Telegraphy,
Taxedermy, Drawing, Music, Latin, French and Surveying; besides other
professional instruction, stressed a course of reading for each course,
declaring that "text-books alone. without much general reading, can-
not educate properly; a taste for pure literature, the ability to read
aright and the habit of research by means of the library, are worth
more to young women than the careless study of all text-books in the
    In the 1856 catalogue of the newly organized Daughters College, the
chief officers were: John Aug. Williams, President; Dr. C. E. Williams,

fag)c Twelity-olu'


Patron and Financial Officer; Mrs. L. B. Williams, First Matron; Miss
M. L. Williams, Second Matron, with the further statement that "a full
corps of associate teachers are employed."
    The President's message emphasized the fact that there must be
no extravagance in personal expenses, that "economy is a virtue, and
extravagance worse than folly, and neither wise nor genteel." He ad-
vocated neat, plain, uniform of dress, and to "dispense with every article
of superfluous jewelry." We quote verbatim, the uniform suggested in
the almost-century old catalogue: "For summer, pink lawn or calico
dresses are worn; white jaconet aprons, waist or long; white sun bon-
nets with splits trimmed in blue. For winter. green woolen dresses,
dark aprons and green hoods made for warmth and service. Further
information on this point will be cheerfully f