The Channings

herself the arncnde for Roland, so far as she could do
so. She found both M\r. and MIrs. Channing at home.
The former had purposed being in Guild Street early
that morning; but so many visitors had flocked in to
offer their congratulations, that he had hitherto been
unable to get away.  Constance also was at home.
Lady Augusta had insisted upon it that she should not
come to the children on that, the first day after her
father and mother's return. They were alone when
Lady Auusta entered.
  Lady Augusta's first movement was to fling herself
into a chair and burst into tears. " What am I to
say to you." she exclaimed. " WXhat apology can
I urge for my unhappy boy"
  " Nay, dear Lady Augusta, do not let it thus dis-
tress you," said Mr. Channing. " You are no more
to be held responsible for what Roland has done, than
we were for Arthur, when he was thought guilty."
  " Oh, I don't know," she sobbed. " Perhaps, if
I had been more strict with him alwavs, he would
never have done it. I wish I had made a point of
giving them a whipping every night, all round, from
the time they were two years old !" she continued,
emphatically. " NWould that have made my children
turn out better, do you think"
  Mrs. Channing- could not forbear a smile. " It is
not exactly strictness that answers with children, Lady
  "Goodness me! I don't know what does answer
with them, then ! I have been indulgent enough to
mine, as everybody else knows; and see how they are
turning out! Roiand to go and take a bank-note !
And, as if that were not bad enough, to let the odium
rest upon Arthur! You will never forgive him! I am
certain that you never can or will forgive him! And
you and all the town will visit it upon me!"
  When Lady Augusta fell into this tearful humour
of complaint, it was better to let it run its course; as
Mr. and Mrs. Channing knew by past experience.
They both soothed her; telling her that no irreparable
wrong had been done to Arthur; nothing but what
would be now made right.
  " It all turns contrary together !" exclaimed my