Bywater's Dance                 533
I am sure you must have heard of it from the boys.
She thinks I dreamt it, she says."
  Judith broke out volubly before Constance could
answer, testifying that it was true, and relating the ill-
doings of the boys that night rather more at length
than she need have done. She and the woman appeared
to be in perfect accord as to the punishment merited by
those gentlemen.
  The bishop leaned over Charley. " You hear what a
foolish trick it was," he said. " \Were I you, I would
be upon good terms with such ghosts in future. There
are no other sorts of ghosts, my boy. "
  " I know there are not," answered Charles. " In-
deed, my lord, I do know there are not," he repeated
more earnestly. " And I knew it then; only, somehow
I got frightened. I will try and learn to be as brave
in the dark as in the light. "
    That's my sensible boy !' said the bishop. " For
my part, Charley, I rather like being in the dark. God
seems all the nearer to me. "
  The woman was preparing to leave, declining all
offers that she should rest and take refreshment. ' Our
turn both down and up was hurried this time," she ex-
plained, " and I mayna keep the barge and my master
a-waiting. I'll make bold, when we are past the town
again, to step ashore, and see how the young gentle-
man gets on."
  Charley clung to her. " You shall not go till you
promise to stay a whole day with us !" he cried. " And
you must bring the children for mamma to see. She
will be glad to see them."
  The woman laughed. " A whole day! a whole day's
pleasure was na for the likes of them," she answered;
" but she'd try and spare a bit longer to stop than she
could spare now."
  W ith many kisses to Charles, with many hand-shakes
from all, she took her departure. The Bishop of Hel-
stonleigh, high and dignified prelate that he was, and
she a poor, hard-working barge-woman, took her hand
into his, and shook it as heartily as the rest. Mr.
Channing went out with her. He was going to say a
word of gratitude to the man. The bishop also went
out, but he turned the other way.