The Channings

performed on the back of Pierce senior. In like man-
ner-and the coincidence was somewhat remarkable-
Charles himself now entered it, when that same cere-
mony was just brought to a conclusion, only that the
back, instead of being Pierce senior's, was Gerald
Yorke's. Terrible disgrace for a senior ! and Gerald
wished Bywater's surplice had been at the bottom cf
the river before he had meddled with it. He had not
done it purposely. He had fallen in the vestry, ink-
bottle in hand, which had broken and spilt its contents
over the surplice. In an unlucky moment, Gerald had
determined to deny all knowledge of the accident, never
supposing it would be brought home to him.
  Sullen, angry, and resentful, he was taking his seat
again, and the head-master, rather red and hot with
exertion, was locking up the great birch, when the
door was opened, and Arthur Channing made his ap-
pearance; a boy, carrying the college cap, with him.
  The school were struck dumb. The head-master
paused, birch in hand. But that he was taller and
thinner, and that the bright colour and auburn curls
were gone, they would have said at once it was Charley
  The master let fall the birch and the lid of his desk.
"Channing!" he uttered, as the child walked up to
him. " Is it really you  What has become of you
all this time  Where have you been"
  " I have been a long way in a barge, sir. The man
saved me. And I have had brain fever."
  He looked round for Tom; and Tom, in the wild
exuberance of his delight, took Charley in his arms,
and tears dropped from his eyes as he kissed him as
warmly as Judith could have done. And then brave
Tom could have eaten himself up, in mortification at
having been so demonstrative in sight of the college
  But the school was not in the humour to be fastidious
just then. Some of them felt more inward relief at
sight of Charles than they cared to tell; they had never
experienced anything like it in their lives, and probably
never would again. In the midst of the murmur of
heartfelt delight that was arising, a most startling
interruption occurred from Mr. Bywater. That gentle-
man sprang from his desk to the middle of the room,