

  That same afternoon Arthur Channing was seated
at the organ in pursuance of his duty, when a message
came up from the dean. He was desired to change
the selected anthem, taken from the thirty-fifth Psalm,
for another: " 0 taste and see how gracious the
Lord is I"
  It was not an anthem in the cathedral collection,
but one recently composed and presented to it by a
private individual. It consisted of a treble solo and
chorus. Why had the dean specially commanded it
for that afternoon Very rarely indeed did he change
the services after they were put up. Had he had
Arthur in his mind when he decided upon it It was
impossible to say. Be it as it would, the words found
a strange echo in Arthur's heart, as the sweet voice
of Bywater rang through the cathedral.
  " 0 taste and see how gracious the Lord is: blessed
is the man that trusteth in him. 0 fear the Lord,
ye that are his saints: for they that fear him lack no-
thing. The lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but
they who seek the Lord shall want no manner of
thing that is good. The eyes of the Lord are over
the righteous: and his ears are open unto their prayers.
Great are the troubles of the righteous; but the Lord
delivereth him out of all. The Lord delivereth the
souls of his servants: and all they that put their trust
in him shall not be destitute. "
  Every word told upon Arthur's heart, sending it up
in thankfulness to the Giver of all good.
  He found the dean waiting for him in the nave,
when he went down at the conclusion of the service.
Dr. Gardner was with him. The dean held out his
hand to Arthur.
  " I am very glad you are cleared," he said. " You
have behaved nobly."
  Arthur winced. He did not like to take the faintest
meed of praise that was not strictly his due. The
dean might have thought he deserved less, did he
know that he had been only screening Hamish; but
Arthur could not avow that tale in public. He glanced
at the dean with a frank smile:
  "You see now, sir, that I only spoke the truth
when I assured you of my innocence."