In What does it Lie                557
pretty offerings which had been made to Constance.
  I think I may as well contribute my mite-"
  " Why, you have done it! You gave her a brace-
let, you know," cried Miss Annabel. For which abrupt
interruption she was forthwith consigned to a respect-
ful distance; and ran away to be teased by Tom and
  " I have something in my pocket which I wish to
give to Arthur-which I have been intending for some
time to give him," resumed Mr. Galloway, taking from
his pocket what seemed to be a roll of parchment.
  Will you accept them, Arthur"
  " What, sir"
  " Your articles."
  "Oh! Mr. Galloway--"
  " No thanks, my boy. I am in your debt far deeper
than I like to be! A trifling thing such as this "-
touching the parchment-" cannot wipe out the sus-
picion I cast upon you, the disgrace which followed it.
Perhaps at some future time, I may be better able to
atone for it. I hope we shall be together many years,
Arthur. I have no son to succeed to my business, and
it may be But I will leave that until the future
comes. "
  It was a valuable present gracefully offered, and Mr.
Channing and Arthur acknowledged it as such, passing
over the more important hint in silence.
  "Children," said Mr. Channing, as, the festivities
of the day at an end, and the guests departed, they
were gathered together round their fireside, bereft of
Constance, " what a forcible lesson of God's mercy
ought these last few months to teach us ! Six months
ago there came to us news that our suit was lost;
other troubles followed upon it, and things looked
dark. But I, for one, never lost my trust in God; it
was not for a moment shaken; and if you are the
children I and your mother have striven to bring up,
you did not lose yours. Tom," turning suddenly upon
him, " I fear you were the only impatient one."
  Tom looked contrite. " I fear I was, papa."
  " What good did the indulgence of your hasty
spirit do you"
  " No good, but harm," frankly confessed Tom. " I