7. GAsns AND Accinnnrs. Required of seniors in Mining Engi-
neering. Prerequisites, Physics Ba, Chemistry lb. Three hours a week.
First half of second semester. Professor Norwood.
_ 8. Minus Mscmsnuy. Required of seniors in Mining and Metal-
1§‘ lurgical Engineering. Two hours d week. First semester. Professor »
U Barr.
» 9. l\’l1c·rAL l\’i1:<1noAxD Exmiimlriorc ANI) xr.-\LUATI()N or Mmss. {
Required of seniors in Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Prere- i
quisites, Mining 5 and 11. Five hours d week. First half of second {
semestcru. Professor Norwood. i
10. Al)\'I\NCED Minn AND LAND Seieriarmo, Required of juniors in  
Mining and Metalludgical Engineer. Prerequisites, Civil Engineer-
ing 63, 64. Eight hours a week. Second half of second semester. Pro·
fessor Crouse.
11. Dnvnroriisnr, Woniuyc AND Exrrnscrritm. Required of juniors ‘
in Mining and Metallurgical Engineering. Four hours a week. First
semester. Professor Barr.
12. Ou, F11-;LU Ertoxxicsnrxa. Required of juniors in Mining and
Metallurgical Engineering. Three hours o week. Second semester.
Professor Barr. .
l 1. Assxyixc. Required of seniors in Mining and Metallurgical `
Engineering. Prerequisites, Chemistry 10. Laboratory eight hours a ·
week. First semester. Professor Crouse, Mr. Beebe.
Y 2. IXDVANCEI} Asssrinc. Required of seniors in Metallurgical
Engineering. Prerequisite, Metallurgy 1. Laboratory jour hours a
week. First half of second semester. Professor Crouse, Mr. Beebe. `
3. ELm11·:xrAuY Asssrrxs. Required of juniors in Civil Engineer- Y
ing. Prerequisite, Chemistry 1b. Laboratory four hours a week. First
! half of second semester. Professor Crouse, Mr. Beebe. l
I 4. l\ir:‘1·.xr.Lr:ncY or Inox AND Sri-:1:1.. Required of all juniors in En-
1 gineering. Prerequisite, Chemistry lb. Lectures and recitations two
L hours a week. First semester. Repeated second semester. Professor
l Crouse, Mr. Beebe.
16. ELEC'1`R()—i\’IIiTALI.L'1{GY. Required of seniors in Metallurgical
Engineering. Prerequisites, Metallurgy 4; Electrical Engineering 3
and Sb. Lectures and recitations two hours a week. First half of sec-
~ ond semester. Professor Crouse.
17. Oni; Dmcssriwc. Required of seniors in Mining and Metallur-
gical Engineering. Prerequisites, Physics 3b and 6; Geology 12 and ,
Mining 4. Lectures and recitations two hours a week. First semester.
Professor Crouse.