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Aclmiuistrative officers _ 7, 115 Qvmnveyce   1g? 5
Admission and Cl:1ssi_1·icat10n 42 kducatwn 47, T3
_ Admission by Ccrtiuczite 4.% Graduate 47, 110 —
*  Adinission to Collcgc of Law -12, 148 LZUV _ _ ¤ J '
Admission by Exriminntiou 4; Mcohaniczii and Electrical 47 193
Admission to Frtshincn tlluss 42 E¤;11`¤€€1‘1¤§ W 471 17,0
Adinissicii to ;\(1\'Ll1l<‘(:¢1 ??lAlI1111I1§ 112 _Nm€'S and M€m11ul=·$;9- ,, · 1..., _
.\11]l]1Sf<1l)I1 ns; Spcvizil St11i1111 us (1l'2lt1|lil1T(‘ Studcnts 43 D|'€l\\'1I1S GW
1‘111il'(111(‘<¥ liseqiiiiwiiiciits 111 Education, (jcucgc of U 154
·*\Pi1`1<*¤]U1*`€‘» (1“’1l€S"" of 10* Educational Admiiiistraiion and _
.-\;1·i1:ulturaI .1*1(1I1C2L[10\`1 160 S,,,,€,.vjSj,m 161
` Agricultural Expcrimciit Stution   Iionje ECO¤O]njCg Eduggtjgn 162
··\"1'0¤'>mY - Flcctrical Enginccrincr 134
Aiumni Associzttimi lilo ,§,,Q,,,€€;·mg, (jcucgcbof 123
Aiumui H1»111·c:—;·ntzitivcs on F ];,,g-,,,GC,~i,,g- Algchgnicg 136
i=··¤11·<1 of 'l`1‘uSi_¢¤>¤ 91 11*; mug-11s11, Arts and Sciences 74
fI`i1:c1·s oi`, 1920—2G_ 101 E,,tOmO]Og·y 110
· -\“*11UmY mm Pl‘YS101“·gjY (Eg Entrzincc, Basic Units for 44 `
ANG. L2111s`ll38`<‘S wld L11$· _1‘-· Entrtincc Examinations, Schedule
Auinmi Izidustry   cf 5, 43
Ari _ _ _ ` 2;* Entrance Units 44
' Art, ’1`rn1n1ng tor ’1cacl1·21·s _ gi: Executjyc Officcl-S 10
Arts :11111 ?c1c11g·1-.4. 1‘1{11<é;:’c ot gx Examination Entrance 5,138
. t1c111»1·;1 {Bi]tl1l'€111t‘l1 s f" ]J]X)€l`1I11t:ll[ Station -
(;1'4!ll]1 11t*<|\11l`t*I11CI]1S   Sltttff ( 28
t‘1111111ii1ed Courses 9lf 1·Zxt1·nsion, Department of 170
_\1·1s~L:1\‘1’ Qoursc   lixtcusion Division 122
.r\SS(*l111¤IY U! ,1 _ · 1];-
  ,*J *‘·1 ,   Q1; F?TfTT}}.ih‘Z?1‘¥$2$?1g . 111
A SF(1<‘1z! lj VU L2'.'0  . N " 4;
_ _ , 1,, Pets _ __;
‘\”U°nf’°m}   l·`cl111wsl11ps 11*7 .
B€l<>t€Y101¤§Y   1"I'(’!1U11, Arts and Sciences 102
Ilzisiv l`1ii1S ·‘ _ , · #···
111..1.»c11»111 1»11·111 1,1111111·111111·1· ig G1§'¥;;‘1§{>;_·q,,*8r}“f6“r“d S°“*"°€S   ,
1:11*1:11 1111 11·`1i11;1i)Ls M11 ¤<*1·¤w11. Arts Md 'S¤i°¤°€$ ,1%
. (_, . ,. .   Sp.   ,·· tlrnduzttc $0100} _ ‘j_1
` 11111*`·1m1‘1·111 lh md 4'IIHCW   G1·cck,~ Arts and Sciences 11.1
li11il11in;'s U Grounds _   ,
1;,,,-11.1,1, Ur imbntiiig 1711 History, Arts and Sciences M
1:111·t»11u of 1Ii1`O1`I11i\l1011 110 History and Philosophy of _
1;lll'C21ll of Lcctnrcs 1111 Education _  
. r 11Ii;··11w:1y 1‘111K111C:€1'1l`l§` »;
ggixgéqllg 0,1 .\d1ni“€i"“ l   1[o1`no 1‘]t'OllOl`il1CS, Department of  
.. ‘ 1 ‘ ‘C .— 1 »   `·· Education L
1‘1·rt1i1<·11tc, '1`michcrs 101 H°m‘ l‘“9m)HU€b 1-r
tfhiiiiccs in tfizissiticattion 15 I["“O’;$ L/*)**1*0* _ ) ,.,.   {
('Ii¤Ii11St1')', Arts und Sviciiccs QU 11.;%;,.,,ggg¤¤¤~¤1¤¤1¤¤<11¤ ILO   E
1‘i1·il ]‘:Ylf'1l\Cl?I'1l1,"' 1L'; _ . 1,
. &}11Il:;t1·1·z11 At:tivi;i<·s 1§2 U5H1¤‘“€ _  
tmilcccs 111111 Schtxnis 12, 111 I11c1ustr1a.1 Chemistry *-1
1ic<1ui1·t·1n1—i1ts for __ _ 1l1S1.1'LlCt(?1'S _ _ lf I
(11*:111t1:1tio1151, 107, 123. 11*. 1·1·>1 {hi 1tz1ii;1x1, Arts and Scicllccs IO-: ‘
<`<111iu11·n<·.m1~1‘1t lI11111>1·s 11*211 UL J 1- m 1,,.. ,,,,1 S,,,C,,C,.S S5 ;
l`4\111i1`1¥`·1'('(‘, twliccjc ot` I 1111 L°;mia‘t1S_ ‘Ic)G1m;it ( 4,,
t'<>111mitt11·s of thu $1-11:111; J1 FL °1a‘_m·Y_ *_ 1, " 4, 5
,·,,,,,,.,,,,S 1, I,;1to 11t~r:1>t1:tt1<}n_   ·
=1·:. 1‘11u1|¤i111~1l 5111 l11|11‘:1l‘>‘ N‘*"“C`*‘ ')`)’ I? *
I <51·1—·Ii1. I)t·1iIliI1l1il 111`   I.11:11i Funds 4%  
1·1-1·11111. 1·1·1·111i11<~11, Arts ··*· Marking System i _ *111  
Dem,-ESS, ,1:,1,-,,111_11—c 17, 107 Ahitlicixiutics. Arts and Scicuccs 55
.<, t; .·. ..< .1 11 .11 . il l'IL'll&\l011, .t· . ··
_\,,_ ,,,,,1 _,,,,,,,_ 1‘_ ’1_ 1‘ \l t _1 t _ 1_ —tt111·cs _11 l
1·l11ci111·111·i11;;· -17, igti A’1t*(']l2ll1lL'i11 `1;I1KI1](‘C1'111g` L17 ~ 1
tjoinincnccincnt 11*20 ]1U Mcmoriztl 1· nnds 4b