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Best Student Organization Dance Festival j
The Student Development Council culti— All Central Kentucky dance students should Sllfllfllllll`. Jlarclv 17 — "Gala Concert" j
vates caring alumni, and unites organiza- make plans now to attend the Southeast featuring student and faculty works judged X
  tions. university faculty. and the people Regional Festival of the American College best—of—festiyal. ’
of Kentucky in the common goal of making Dance Festival. to be held March 15-18. 1990 Lizenbery‘s appearance is funded in part X
the University of Kentucky an outstanding at the lfniversity of Kentucky. by the Lexington Fund for the Arts. [
institution. Some 500 dancers from colleges and Foradditional information.contact: Rayrna  
Voted "Best StudentOrganizationof`1989". universities in Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Beal. festival coordinator, 221 Seaton Build- j
the 55-membersofthe StudentDevelopment Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina and ing. (>06-2€7-2706.  
Council sponsor projects designed to im- Kentucky are expected to participate in the
prove the quality of education at the Univer- three-day event.  
sity. The students assist the Development Gregg Lizenbery, known throughout the  
Council in fundraising efforts as well. dance—world for his extraordinary dance Cone Book
Priorities of the Student Development technique. formerly with the Bill Evans Dance   .
Council are to encourage Kentucky's bright- Co. and the 17tah Repertory Theater. will be The I’11i1*w;(> pages that take a look at life on the l'K  
of Kentucky. ern,jazz, tap.African and llamencodance.as campus over the years. The book covers
The annual 15lue—ribbon Speaking Series well as choreography and improvisation will faculty. student life, student leaders. sports,
l sponsored by the council does just that. be available. founding fathers, presidents, the war years.
Duringthe Christmas holidays studentspeak- Dance concerts scheduled each evening and more.
ers recruited and trained by SDC return home will be open to the public with ticket sales The book`s release was planned to coin-
` to address local high schools and civicgroups. handled by the Singletary Center Box Office. cide with the Alumni Associations centen-
They speak about the advantages of attend- The performance includes; nial year celebrations. and about 1.000  
ing the University of Kentucky, and about Tlvzust/qv, March li- Greg Lizenbery in copies are set aside for sale to Association j
the new developments on campus. Alumni "Men Dancing"—A concert about prominent members at a discount. The price to mem-
are invited to contact the Student Develop- men in American modern dance. bers is 52950. (Kentucky residents must
ment Council regarding this program. ]·`rid¢ri·, March I6- Performance by guest add Sl.-iS for tax.>The book is on saletothe
Otherprograms ol`l`ered by the council in- artists and teachers. general public for $54.9%.
clude the awarding of two $1,000 scholar- j
ships to outstandingstudents. an essay contest D ' .1;;}     lj -» j
that also awards scholarship dollars. and _       -`.»      
recognition of campus organizations that __ _     __ ~   3   1
give to the university. The Student Develop-   D 'I `i:`   _ IA ~ l     "'     5
r ment Council also acts as liason tothe deans y  Q \  l`W'i"°f°"f-`;   Y ·‘   ·   `_ y 1
I ofalluniversitycollegesin developingalumni xl   "  vi   » ` ·` Q. t '`. , l       l
j and community support for their college. V  V   _    ·        it  `   _
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l l .-\lumni.r\ss0ciatiur1prt·sitlt·i1t·t·lt·ct Rirlrartl liean. Dr. (Earl (kim-.
rtssirciatiurt prr·sidt·iit llntce Davis. and associate vice presiilerrt
hr alumni and dt·vt·loprtit·rrt 'Ibrry Mulilvy. intruilurt· ()urtt·`s
latest Irrmli. Hm I 'uin¢·rwi(r Q/llx1'H[ll('klZ‘ .·1 l’icl0riuI lliv/mj:
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