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Sociology Program Awards Extravagant Affair Kerley New President of HCC gi;igig§;Q;Q;QgQ§Q§Q§Q
'1`homas R. Ford, directorofthe UK Center for Where will you be on the night of February A. james Kerley, dean of academic affairs  
Developmental Change and professor of 25. lc)90? at Madisonville Community College, has }{QZ}EQZ§Z§i}i§i§i§i§i
sociology, has become the third member of The University of Kentucky Student been named president of Hopkinsville Com-  
lZK‘s sociology facultytobe awarded the title Government Association hopes to see you munity College, replacing I-lCC's first and i§i§Z§$§i§i§i§i§i§l§i'
Distinguished Rural Sociologist by the Rural at EXCELSIOR, the 2nd annual campus- only president Thomas L. Riley who retired  
Sociological Society. wide formal. june 50.  
'l'hetitle was bestowed upon Ford during Like the old saying "If it's not broken. Kerley had served in the No.2administra-  
the 1989 national meeting of the Society. don't fix it," SGA has kept the same basic ele- tive slot at the Madisonville college since  
Presenters cited Ford's "contributions torural ments of last year's dance. The ball will be 1986. Prior to that time he taught at Union  
sociology andthe respect in which he is held held at Heritage Hall from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. College in Barbourville, Valdosta State Col-  
in the profession" as well as his "lifelong with a reception at 8 p.m. The Monarchs, lege in Valdosta Ga., and Florida State Uni- ·l{§iQi§E§i§i§i§i§ifiQi
record ol scholarship and his excellence in back by popular demand. will again keep versity in Tallahassee. ‘  
teaching and advising." everyone rockin' and rollin' with music from The new president has a doctorate from  
the 50s and 60s. Florida State University, a master's degree  
llotel rooms at the Raddison will be from the Citadel and a bachelor's degree  
available at a discount rate. Geno's Formal from Tennessee Technological University. QQEQEQZQEQEQEQEQEQE
_ '   Wear willalso offer a tuxedo rentaldiscount. "We‘re pleased to have an experienced §§i§i§iflfEfififififi
A  k { `(  V What will be different this year is the UK community college administrator to fol-  
  A i   number of people in attendance. We anti- low in the footsteps of Tom Riley," said ifi{i{i{ifi{ifiEiEiEEE
if L    pate 700 — 1000 people — students, faculty. Charles Wethington, chancellor of the UK  
“” j  "     administrators, and alumni —· enjoying the Community College System. '[lames Kerley  
_ W A 1990 EXCELSIOR Ball. has demonstrated his leadership abilityin the  
` ·   ‘ "1.et‘s not forget that all this fun, food. and UK system with creative and dedicated per- §§{Z{Zfif1}I{Zf{{§}EQ
V drink is for a worthy cause - scholarship. formance as dean of academic affairs at  
Ford, who joined the faculty of UK in With money and education being the maior Madisonville Community College"  
l‘):»(>. is the third memberol`l'K's sociology issues facing our legislators, all those in- §Qi§iQi§E§iQi§i§ifi§i
faculty to be so lionorecl, following llowarcl volved Willi the Unl\’C1'SlIy of KenIUCl