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  'Qloint Ventures as a Strategy lor (Zompetition,"   suppliers and auto manufacturers have no use  
  ’ published in 7Zw_lr1[mrrc·s0 C?1m_/Je/{/fort. "/’huse 2.   for high school dropouts." Ef;f{fEfif;f{f{{{fQff 
1 Vladimir Pucik characterizes this current trend as :f:f Ile goes on to say that a major constraint , Qififfififififififzfg 
j frecjuently a "clesperate attempt on the part of   in attracting more auto suppliers is the state’s   K€¤t“€kY ls  
  American manufacturers to find a way around   large number of high school dropouts. <)nly %l"1» going to bc  
t their competitive disadvantage." ifif of Kentuckians hold high school degrees — the · ififififtftffffftsf 
< . . ·.; . . . SllCC€SSflIl III —:·:·:·:-:-;4.-.-. -.·t» ;
 _ He goes on to say that these joint g;I lowest percentage of high school graduates in _ ;f:frf;;g;{;r;{;r;t;;;. 
 , ventures are purely defensive in nature. Ameri- Zfff the tnited States. (Zalantone says that "the most attracting and ff§f{f;f;§gf;f;E{{{{{{{ 
f can firms. he says, are seeking these ventures   important economic development decision rnacle keeping new  
j because the once very low cost, competitive [YS. f:f: in the state occurs when a lo-year-old high _ ifififtfifififffifffifi 
  supplier industry is now running even with or   school student decides whether or not to stay in lndustry? We  
  behind the japanese; LYS. industry has lost much   school." On average. a high school graduate have t() have  
of its technological edge, and that japanese Ziii earns $2().()(l<> a vear versus $15500 for a f:f:f:f;f:f:f;ftf;§;Q;` 
H _ II., . ` .. I _ __ I I I _ :f:; I _. ‘ _ I I _, t . _ _ all €dl1Cat€d f:f:f:f:;:;:;;f:f:f:f:_ 
~ partners wrll offer access to the new japanese f.;. dropout with one to three years of high school. .f.f.f.f.f.f.;.f.;.;.;. 
ll automakers. Pucik adds that a belief has   I-le says beyond its economic impact. work fOI°C€.  
f ernergecl that it is more advantageous to join   'l`oyota's presence has had further effect in  
  your rivals than fight them. fifi causing a change of attitude among many  
Calantone says that if joint ventures be-   people who initially resented the foreign  
tween US. and japanese auto suppliers don't {ff} competition. "Another result of Toyota is that the  
work out. the problem may come from the   cultural clock has ticked forwvarcl one more tick.  
Amsrisctn <<>¤tr¤=t¤r ¤<>t twlizitts the r¤l¤ Ms =· littls ¤¤<>r¤ ¤<<¤r¤ti¤s ¤<>~v <>f =·  ZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEiiiiii§iE€§?E?2?E?E?€ 
F $T1‘11¥s’§1l¤` ztrzvttclw 'lAm€l'l€im ¤`<)ml7iml€$ NV   corporation that comes into the community. The  
good at getting in there and cracking open a fifi bedrock attitude of 'lf it isn’t made here. we  
market, then exploiting it. in a business sense.   clon`t want it' has been shaken. l.ots of people  
They're good at achieving financial goals   think that it's good to get ideas from other  
cjuickly. The japanese go into the venture from   places. good to diversify the economy."  
the point of view of technology transfer. They ftfg Calantone adds that Kentucky is be-  
\\‘1tt`t[ to learn how to do something and domi— Eff coming more cosmopolitan. and as it changes.  
nate the market in the long run." ifif people are becoming more sophisticated in  
He illustrates the problem with analogy:   their view of the world. "\\’e're in a global  
"It's like a marriage where the woman gets ifif economy now; we have to become more  
married because she wants to improve her   culturally cosmopolitan."  
financial sittration. and the man gets rnarriecl fifi The report. published by the Center for  
because he wants a family and a srnoothly—run   Business and Economic Research, also points out   .
household. A relationship such as this will ifif that Kentucky is in a unicjue position to take  
sooner or later play itself out."   advantage of japanese investment. Kentucky is  
In their report. KL’II[II<.`]Ql'lY Arrronrolize fifi located at the geographic center of atrto alley. is  
.S`rrI12p/r`c·r lrrtlrrs/rjr.· Tierra/s and lrrrp/ic11!ior1s_   easily accessible and is a prime location for a    
the l`K researchers concluclecl that Kentucky is ifif wide variety of research. educational forums.  
doing cjuite well in attracting auto suppliers   and seminars where people from government.  
j where few existed before. Recent investment fifi industry and labor can meet to discuss research  
and employment estimates have inclicatecl a   problems and issues related to the changing  
significant boom in Kentucky’s atrtomotive Zftf automotive industry.  
supplier industry ln l°)8$. only 9.7% i<>l>S   ln this unicjue position. Kentucky could  
  were attributed to the states whole category of ifif also become a centralized information source for  
f automotive supply. Since 'l`oyota‘s plant an—   economic analysis of the automotive supplier  
j nouncement. however. +580 aclclitional jobs   market. A major policy recommenclatit>n from  
rl have been brought into the atrtomotive supplier   the researchers' report is that a systematic  
f category. (This category excludes truck parts if method be clevelopecl for tracking the growth in  
and industrial processes or other goods for L`LlI`S   japanese direct investment in the l`nited States.  
asa t.-tas.) ;§2§ t,»a—rr·rt—.rri,» in are atm. alley-.  ;;§a§a§a§z§2§2§2§2§2§2§2;2;;;2;2;2;;;;;2;z;2;;;2;g;
"Toyota has been a much bigger event ifif "\‘<'e need a database tracking system that  
for Kentucky economically than anyone thought   would compile information about japanese  
when the agreement was first made." says fifi investment in the six states of the emerging auto  
. ¤t¤- "lt has =tt`t`¤‘ ¤t<>t¤ <<>m¤¤¤¤i· ifi ttllswv" ¤¤ sits "'¤`lt¤·¤ r><>li jms ¢·¤ ¤<*~·¤·t~<* \~‘<>·‘*< *`<>·‘¤¤ ··\¤¤<> EEE? ·‘r·~··r*r‘< tr ~* "··· ’   ··*‘ X *’r~/`K ·‘*· ’*~**‘  
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