.. 4, -  
. Q
CENThnL dIGd SCKOOL PARENT-TEACn£H ASSOCIATION (State and national Congresses g
of P. T. A.), e/o Mrs. Bryan Greenlee, 216 Ibst Second Street, Maysville.' E
Founded l92l. President, Mrs.‘Bryan Greenlee. Telephone 202-HL Secretary, ' g
hrs, Madison Breeze, H. R. #5, Maysville. Telephone 425-J. Terms expire June, L
. if
Nembership: 50. Opem to parents and teachers or other interested persons. i
-—-—-·—-•-——»~ ·-- Ti
Committees: Zone reperted. Q
vvvvtvvtvrt M
Purpose; To maintain closer cooperation between the home and school for the g
_ inprovement of child welfare. » é
formal Civic Activities; Ceoperatcs with the school in providing food and eg
clothingdTor*R}YY77@Pjdren. g
Defense Activities g lrterestcd in Semin? and Preparation of Sureical Dress- lp
-,.......... -.._....-.--- ..- -.. . e...,.....,............ —# — ~·  
inss, Chyld Care. ?
Local lrslioetiens; Keno. f
DLUGHTAIG OF LNEPICL, DIVERVIEJ COMfCIL¤#Z3 (Netienal Council, Daughters of It
Americe), c/o Miss Llma Potts, Center Street, Iaysville. Founded 1924, Con- M
ncilor, Ars. Jane Sprague, Maysville, Term expiret January, 1045. Secretary, F
Kiss Alma lotts, Telephone 48l. Term expires July, 1945. z if
_ ‘ IC
T Lembersipy; 156. Qualifications, must be American born mele or female of g
i good character and belive in a Supreme Boing. I C ` jj
Committees; None reported. 5
Purpose; To rpomote patriotism, loyalty to God and country and defend the flag. Q
Normal Civic nctivities; Donating hnerican Tlags and Bibles to schools. VQ
Defense getivitiesg Interested in Sewing and Preprration of Surgical Dress- 1%
; ines Led Cross Lssistanco Public S.cakin . ‘ ?@
e » a . E
y  j,.
Local luelications: Lone. _ _ , _ ~ pg
...>..;>..... ...,,.... -_,... ,_,,.,._,,,._, ·  
. E? 
N . . , . . ·.. .,. ,, . ._._ ... . >· 
ers oi ,meriean hevolution), c/o urs. wary e. Davis, maple Leaf Road, nays- V fé
ville. Founded lOEl. Regent, hrs. Iary G.‘Davis. Telephone EEC. Secretary, ·$
.. _ ._ _ ,_ _ ,_ W Q .. . . y le
urs. L. alberta brand, hast Second street, naysville. Telephone 74. Terms_ex- px
= . .i~ ~ eg
pirc, lgie. %.
· . ` ?&
ncmbershipz od. Open te vwnendqgccydcg frmn ancestor who gave aid to the I kg
Lnericin cause in the Revolution. y V §,
· I -  
Cmmnittees: Americanism, Irs. now Caldwell; Girl Eomemakers, Irs. Ernest ig
. Gordner; Conservation, Mrs. Berry Clerk, all of Navsville., · *§
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