— 25 —
Frou and ncccptod Husons, Ioysvillc Lodgc=#52, C-6; Mason County Form
Eucrcu, C-lO; Pcntccostol Church nssociation, Colorcd, C-l2; Scott's
ncthodist Church Association, Colcrcd, C-144
T V " C‘.·· 'V n . . , · . E- `
;othcl Baptist Church nssociction, Colorod, C-2; Junior Homcn's Club of
Lsysvillc, C-7; Knights of Columbus, ioysvillc, C-8; Tho John G. Frm High
School Toschcrs nssociation, Colorod, C-lég Uhitcd Dnughtors or thc Con-
fodcrscy, Dr. Basil C. Duko Chsptor, C-lé. J °
HcysnoodVHospitol Auxiliary, C-6; Junior é—H Clubs of [cson County, C—7;
Junior Tousn's Club of Lcysvillo, B-7; Lions Club .f hsysvillc, C—9; Jays-
villo Thmcn's Club, C-l2; bt. Patricks School, PQ T. Q.: C-13; Tho John _
Q_ FOG Qjgh School fctchcrs Lssocintion, Colorcd, C-14; Uom;n's nuxiliury V
of Episcopal Church, 3-15; lbn;n’s Iissioniry Sooioty, First Baptist Ch-
urch, C-l5; hhmon's Socicty_o§ Christian Sorvicc, East Lcthodist Church,
;-L" il. 7 Qu _ · ` , _‘ V ` r l j .. ’.
rnzsr gin; ‘ l _ ,   ,_,, · .
American Rod Cross, Eason County Chsptcr, B-l; Dcthcl B1ptist'Church ;ss0—
ciztion, Colorud, C-2; Dusinoss and Professional Uomcn’s Club, C-5; Daug-
htors of Qmoricuh hcvolution, Limostonc Chsptcr, C—4; Girl Scouts of Ncys-
villo, C-6; Hayswood Hospital nuxilixry, C-6; Junisr Uonan's Club cf Kays-
villc, C—7; Lions Club of nysvillc, C—9; jason County Tubcrcultsis ;sso-
cistion C-ll- Pontcccstul Church Associstion —Colorod C-lz- Crdor of
.9 s : 3 :
‘ bastcrn Star, Eaysvillc Chsptcr, C-13; St. Istrichs School, P. T. 4. C—l3;
` Scott's Icthsdist Church nssocictien Colorro- C-li; The John C. Etc
_ V J 1 __ I
High School Toochcrs gsszciction, Colorod, C-l¢; Uomon’s Sscicty if Christ-
• q 4. 'I‘ -· v V " 1* Y ’ ., .. ·‘,r,,‘ ,.1 .,.
inn Sorvico, East ¢cthoqist Church, C-l7; Homin sbSocicty of Chiistlcn
Eorvicc, First Lcthsdist Church, C-17. . ., A .
nnoricsn Logion, Lcslid H. grthur Postg#l$, C-l; gicricun Lcd Cross, Quson
Countv Chuptor, C-l; Bcthol Jiptist Church gssociation, Colorod, C-A; f
Daughtors of nmcrican Rot lution, Limcstonc Ch ptor, C-4; Haysvoodiiosp- I
itul Luxili ry, C-6; Junior Um1cn’s Club nf Qhysvillc, C-7; Lions Club §
of Moysvillo, C-Q; Loycl Tomonls Clsss of Qsysvillc, C—O; Ioson County ‘
‘ Honomgrors nssociation, C—lO; {uso; County lubcrculosis_gscociation, C-ll; :
_hiysvillo Uoman's Club, C-l2 ; Ordor if Eustorn Star, `?7svillc Chaptcr, 2
C-13; Tho John C. Fbc High School Tc.chors npsooiption, Colorci, C-lK;· ~ ·
Unitod Daughtcrs of thc Cpnfodorocy, Dr. Czsii C. Duhn Chcotor, C-14. .