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BAHACA CLASS, FIRST BhPTIST CHURCH, c/o Sam Troughber, Sutton Street, nays- j
ville. Founded 1915. President, Sam Troughber. Telephone 762-J. Secretary, §
J. L. Bradford, East Second Street, Maysville. Terms expire December, 1942. { y
. . . — U- . · . F?
Membership; 60. Open to adult males of Maysville and environs. g
Cmmnittees: Vklfare, Charles Bate, Houston Avenue, Maysville. · · %
Purpose; Bible study.~ ·. i» ` · 4 _A` All g
i M
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-, . . . . . . . . . _ . n
rormal Civic Activities: Aids and works with various community services. Q
""‘""”“"""‘“""“""‘ ”' ¤ `  C 
Defense Lctivitics; Interested in Air Raid Harden Service, Civilian Air- § X
  ¢—······. ——·:—·—·r····=-·····—-·-. . . ·  TT
craft Larning Service, nuxiliary Fire Protection, Motor Corps Sorviee,_Lm- ,§
bulancc Service. {E
Local lnblicatiens; Tone. pg
·- BETEUL D-TT1ST CHURCH LSSOCILTIOU, Colored, (State and National association), }é
q/o Roy. 1. T. Keeton, 127 Nest Fourth Street, Maysville. Founded 1866. Pres- ·@
ident, Menu L. T. Keeton. Telephone 850. Secretary, Miss Janie Smith, 110 if
West Fourth Street, Neysvillo. Telephone 658—N. Terms indefinite. iQ
. . . of
Membership: 55o. Open to church members of either sex. is K
` ‘ 1  
1 C0mmitt:~e; iblfare , Mrs. Sadie Brayton, East Fourth Street, Maysville. tg
l ··Purpose: To better the community ani public service and welfare activities. .§
Normal Civic activities: Cooperating with the Health Depsrtmon in any and all ]§
emergencies. ln` · ji
Defence activities: Interested in Air Raid Harden Service, Auxiliary Fire gi
Protection, hospital and Clinical Assistance, Sewing and Preparation of Sur- gi
gical Drcssings,‘hed Cross Assistance, First Aid, Preparation‘and Serving of `§
» . q ,, · . - . .  is
Food, Child Care, Collection oi Scrap Metals and Other petals, Entertainment, ,%
A Library Service, Collecting Books. ‘ »§
bocal Publications; Uone.i ` _ T Zi
`°`°' “""“`”"" "" °"`“_`"`_` ‘ L i 
America), e/e L. H. Travis, 1250 Uast'Secend Street, Maysville. Founded TE r
1957. District Chairman, L. F. Travis, Term indefinite. ”· fg
‘ ` — x
Membership: 10e. Open to boys l2~18 years able to pass scout tests. r ig
‘ ° 1 v ~ ·  
Committees: Camping, Emory Rogers, 409 East Second Ctrect; advancement, John _@
Shaw, 216 last Third Street; Finance, George L. Fitzgerald, Edgemont; Loader- _§
ship and Training, l. H. Travis, 1250 East Second Street; Public Safety, Ray- Ӥ
mend Lnderson, 1OSO East Second Street, all of Heysville. EQ
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