X                                      CONTENTS.

Conlt patronage the real source of the evil... 357 Attempt to seize the king at Monceaix . 371
RahukS s            ................................3S 3  Its failure .......................................   372
Remnarks on the great question of hIavesti-  The English ambassador implilicated .   372
     tr-s...............................  3F'lrayo  aoieaflrclfll..........................37
  lure.35                                      Treaty of Bayonne a fablricatiri..........372
Henry II., Frainrcis II., auid lHenry III . 358 Lingard, liallamu, RankS, niod Mackinitosh
The queen regent Catherinle de Medicis ...... 359  allegerl ..........................  372
Henry of N'.avrre .................................  3 0 Second civil war ..........................   372
Calvin inatrigmirig front Geneva ................. 360 The third one ...............  373
And Elizabeth front England .................. . 360 Third general pacification ......................... 374
The contest fairly begins .3690 M1arriage concluded between the King of
Plots, intrigues, and threatened in.surrec-   Navarre, anl the sister of Charles IX. of
  tions..3.0 France ...........                                                           37 4
Tortuous arid unprincipled policy of Cath-  M1assacre of St. Bartholomew .          374
  eirine ..................................   360  Lingtird's account ...................3 75
Conspiracy of A.rloise ........  .......... 36(  And RankS's .................... . . .. 376
Account of Linrgard arid tank6 ..................3..61  Dispatches of the papal nincio at Paris
Calvin s agency examrined ........................ 362  settle the question of premeditation ....... 377
Eliz1iretir at tie bhottom of it .................... 362 Number of victims .................................. 378
Throckmnorton a interview with Antoine de    Religion had ntothing to do with the irrassa-
  Bourbon ........................      362   cre ......................................  379
ltankd's statement exanrined ..................... 362 The Pope ......................................   380
Confirmation of Lirgard'rs stateirrent by    The Catholic lilehops anrd clergy  .   380
  Morley, in his Life of- Palissy the Potter".. 362 Previous trocities voninritted by Iltuge-
Lingards authorities ...............    34    nots ..     ......................................... 380
BankSi, substantially conifirms Lingard and  The Alicelade. .381
  Morley....                              3    The ferocious Baron d'Adro-ts................3S2
Thr conspiracy ilefeated by Guise, and the   II is barbarities againAt Catlolis .   383
  Ifiuguenrt leaders executed .................... 364  Events succeeding the r-wcre ................ 3815
Eliz;aieth's double policy ..........................365   Tire t ienot seize Roei.elle ................... 386
Singular declaration oh peace! ................... 365  Ieltenewed piifticutions .............................. 386
Warlike attitrdle of Con,16 ........................ 365  An]d new civil wars ................................ 3F6
The Irore the Ihurguerrots gain, the more   T'ie lirigrierrot ('onederacy   . .386
  they ask ..... ...................................  366  And the Catholic Lgue .....................a... 387
Their lilrerty. ,(rred,l rut they wish tocrrushl  Assassination of IlenrY III ..387
  that of other- .......................  366  And accesion of Ilenry IN ......................... 387
Who begarr tire war .....   ........... 366  lie becoriles a Catholic err the advice of the
Affair at Vnussy...................................   .67  1ir1gle-nots! .......8....................................3f8
RankSe on thIe Duike of urise .................... 367  Publishes the Edict of Nantes ................... 88
Thre civil warr brr -il out .......................  367 1 Its revocation I-y Lorris XIN ...................... 'F8
Elizaibetir :idls Ith fitgirenots, who deliver  Motives fur thie revoation..        389
  nip to her lhiare arid Dieppe ... ............... 368  Did it impair the prosp-rity of France ...... 390
First camrjpraigri .........................   369  Number of liriguerrot exile .......................3 S90
Bmrttle of I re ..ix                      370 I Testinrony of the Duke of BIurgirmidy rind of
The two cormimnanding generals taken pri-     Caveirac ........................................... 391
  sorrilers ..................................   370  Atrocities on tothid ............................... 391
GOrise rnid Ctligny .............       370 l Those of Ilugrienrits began at an early
Siege if Orleanrs............             370     period.391
Assaissirratiorn of the Duke of Guise, brought !  D'Arrbigur ..1............................................ 3U1
  abrout by (Coligny .................................. 370  The wool-coniber Leclerc .391
Surdden pacification ...............   371   Recapitnilatiori ..................... . .. 393
Elizabeth frilhd ...........           371f The French Reformation and the French
The pacification broken by the liguenots.. 371  Revolution .393

                                     CIHAPTER IX.

                     TnE REFORMATIOs IN SWEDEN, pp. 394-43.

Retfirmation in Sweden the work of the     I The tyrant Christian IT ............................ 401
  (r('wn ..................               395  The "Blood Bath" of Stockholm ................ 401
'irrtaf WVasLa its author .395 Bishop of Linkoping escapes ...................... 402
('rrrrvr-rsirrrr rord civilization of Swede n ........ 396  Gustaf Wasa, the deliverqr of Swetent .   40:2
It. l4i-lrrirrir.s.......I.......I....................... 397  his treachery in breaking his parole .   403
Alid irirly eanretity ..............   39, His remarkable adventures in Northern
'-aldr tire n- trrpolis.............................. 397Sweden..                               404
ULniii  of ainriarr ...................................... 397 His eloquent address from a tombstonre .  404
Swedrn rrlrrtanrt to suhbait ...................... 398  Popular enthusiasm .       405
The Stunrs administrators ........................ 399  The army of independence .  405
Crintesttsand r   omil inpronfise ........................ 399 The Catholic bishops .  405
Tire fauiliries of Sture and Trolle ................ 400 Wasa intriguing with them and with the
The fendl between them............................ 400nobles.                                405
Archbishlop Trolle deposed by the diet ....... 400 Employs force when persuasion fails .  405
Ihishop of Linkoping ................................ 401  his army of foreignn mercenaries .   403
The Pope excommunicates all who were        Ile appoints new bishops, and reorganizes
  concerned         ....... 401 the diet .....                                            4418