
lle is elected king .................................. 406 Exile and death of Bishop Brask.422
Decides to rob the Church .................................. 407  An extraordinary pastoral visitation .......... 423
Turns reformer ..................................   407  Watching and preyng .............................. 423
The two brothers Olaus and Lawrence ........ 408  Wv'holesale confiscation .............................. 424
Beginning the work of sacrilege ............... 400  New anchnbishop consecrated .................... 424
Waasa depo-es and  appoints bishops ............ 4t rJ  UO-us ............................................... t425
The Anabaptists ..................................  410  S;wrilege and taxation .............................. 426
The Archbishop of Upsala ......................... 412 ( ninfiscation of church bells ...................... 426
The peasants an"d the Chapter of Upeala .... 413 The  Dlmen ............................................. 4n27
Manceuvring of Wana to bend or oust the    llow disaffection was put down..       427,
archbishop ...............................   414 l The priests beheaded .............................. . 428
He deposes him and expels him from Swe-    Ilow the popular grievances were redressed., 428
den ...........  ......................  415 (Confirmatory tetiinony nl U1tijfr ............... 429
The exile and death of the archbishop . ..... 416  Wasa and Ilenry V hI. compared ............... 432
Two bishops mnocked and put to death ....... 416  Avarice of Wasa ..................................  433
The foreign troops furinish the key to Wan'sH tis hard swearing.                    434
  position ........................     417  How lie was rebuked by the two brothers... 436
Diet of Westeras ...........................,.,,,. 418  And how lie punished them .436
The Catholic religion abolished ................. 419  The curse of sacrilege .436
And Wasa declared supreme in church and    Family of Vasa.          .             430
  state.                               420 His death...........                   436
Diet of Orebro completes the work of de-   Imnnorality of Sweden.      .          436
  struction .................          421  Testimnmy of Bayard Taylor ..................... 436
Lament of the people .................   422 Conclusion .............................  437

                                   CHAPTER X.


Reformation in these countries similar to
that in Sweden ..................................... 438
Thn.t of DENMARK advised by Qjustaf Wasa.. 439
Christian ll ......................................      43. 9 I
hlis attempt to introduce Lutheranism ....... 439
His injustice to the Church ...................... 440
Ilunnanne provisions in his code of laws ....... 440 I
'J'he peasants liberated .............................. 441
Tine nobles enraged .................................. 441
lie is deposed .....................................     441
Frederick1. begins the Reformation by
crushing popular liberty ........................ 441
And by violating his solemn oath ............... 442
Protestant testimony ................................ 442
Hlis measures for this purpose ................... 44'3
Contest after his death ... ......................... 41l
Christian III. succeeds him ....................... 415
And completes the work of the Reforma-
  tion in Denmark ................................... 44-,
A  Catholic confessor and martyr ............... 446
The new     church organization .................... 441i
Terrible penal laws against Catholics ........ 44L6 I
Recapitulation .....................................     447

NORWAY ...................................448
De-ternoined opposition to tine new        g'npcl ... 448
flow   it WVan quelled by forc ....................... 419
Penal laws .4..............................0...... 4  
Firmness of the monks ............................. 40
Norwegian independence destroyed ............ 460
the Reformation and despotismutriumn1.h
together.     ................................. 450
Religious liberty, as understood in N:;.y.. 450
'lne bishop of the North Pole .......... ......... 450
Interesting ageedote by Bayard Ta3 lor ...... 451
Its discovery and conversion to Christianity.. 451
Its golden age ....................................   452
The great pestilence ................................ 453
Its annexation to Denmark ...................... 453
The Reformation introduced by violence .... 453
The last Catholic bishop put to death ........ 453
Its two old Catholic sees abolished ............ 454
Its decline since that period ...................... 454
The North and the South ......................... 454
Conclusion.......                    _ 454

                         NOTES AND DOCUMENTS.

N'To A.-ARTICLES OF RELIGION, AND BOOt OF COMMON PRAYER ......................................... 465
NOTE B.-ANGLICAN ORnDINATIONS .......................................................... 459
N )TZ C.-INSTRUMENTS A.ND METHOD OF TORTURE UNDER ELIZAU::TH .................................... 47, 3
N )TB D.-THE FATE AND PNISHMENT OF THE CHURCH ROBBERS ......................................... 474
NOTE E.-SANDERS ON THE ANGLICAN REFORMAfON ........................................... ............ 483
NOTE F.-MORAL CHARACTER OF JORN Kaox .......................................................   489
NOTE G.-INNOCENCE OF MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS .-          ............................................. 496
NOTE H.-THE COROXATIOX OATH OF BRITiSH KNOS AND QUaXan ...................................... 50