

PuturwstARY view       useful ............................ 17
Early religious history of England ........ ..... 18
England indebted for every thing to Rome_. 18
Testimony of Bishop Short ......................... 21
11er conversion through St. Gregory the
The early British Churches ........................ 23
Their controversy with St. Augustine, first
  Archbilhop of Canterbury . ..................... 23
Morality of their Clergy ....................   ........ 24
Massacre of British Monks ......................... 24
The Anglo-Saxon Church ..................       ......... 25
St. Wilfrid.......                      26
Testimony of Bishop Short .....................        26
St. Dunstan.................................28
The Primacy recognized ............................. 28
Nomination of Bihops . ............................. 29
Growing en roachments of the Civil power... 30
Under the Anglo-Saxon Princes .................. 30
And    nuder the Norman Kings .................... 30
Archbishops of Canterbury ......................... 30
Lantlranc awl William       the Conqueror .......... 31
William    Rtufus and St. Anselm .............   ....... 33
Varied fortunes and persecution of St. An-
selm..............................    34

Two English Prime Ministers, Flambard
  and Oromwell, compared ....................... 34
General remarks and intrences .................. 37
St. Thomas a Becket .3.................. ,3
And St. Edmund Rich .................     40)
Increasing assumptions of English Kings . 41
Statute ot Provisors .41
And of Priennunire .41
Dr. Lingard reiewed..     .             45
And Bishop Short roltert on. lnvestitures.... 46
The Prinmacy alwas recgiiized   . .47
Superiority ol the L- jIs ro aied by itone.. 47
Prote-staunt authority..     .
Cardinal Langton..                      4b
And Lanfrac...                          4h
Simon ot Sudbury..                      49
And \ illiasu of Wykeb..  ...          4'
Monastic Chronicles...                  50
Curious developments..                     )
And tragical incidents...                5
Modern historic justice .     :
The trite key to the contest, l,etween ELni
  lish Kings and Roman Poirtills iin mid-
  dIle es.           .            
Eve of the tefiation...   ..            54
Spirit of servility aind slavery increasing  54
Recapitulatio.                          55

                CHAPTER I.


The way now       prepared .............................. 59
The " pear ripe" ...................................... 60
Henry VIII. the  founder of the English
  Reformation ......................................      60
Two theories ......................................        61
One of them      refuted ................................. 61
And the other defended .............................. 63
Bishop Short ......................................        64
And the Book of Homilies .......................... 64
What we propose to examine .....................6 5
Five questions ......................................      656
Was Henry sincere ................................         6 66
Auspicious beginning of his reign ............... 67
Defender of the Faith ..................................67 I
The Divorec ......................................         68
llenry's scrples...........................68
Anne Boleyn...........................  68
Sir James Mackintosh and Miss Strickland.. 68
The Sweating Sickness a test ..................... 70
D'Anbignd's moral standard ....................... 72
heroism of Clement VIL  ..   .................. 74
Noble answer of Campeggio ....................... 75
Cardinal Wolsey.     ..........................75
Thomas Cromwell ........................... 76
Was Henry licentious and cruel ................ 77
Treatment of his six wives.    ................ 77
Anne Boleyn, Anne of Cleves, and Catha-
rine Howard...........................77
Satanic conspiracy...........................80
Catharine Parr...........................82
Was lIenry a tyrant...........................82
Conlfiscation of monasteries ........................ 82
Bishop Short testifies again ........................ 84

Protestant testimony .    ................................ 84
Exorbitant taxation .................................. 86
Atrocious tyranny .     ................................... 86
Trampling on ancient Catholic liberties of
  England      .       ........................... 86
Hlallam's testimony  .     ..................... 87
Means of Reformation .   ............................. 90
Cromwell's advice .................................... 91
Royal supremacy _   ..   ..................... 91
Cromwell Vicar-General .   .......................... 93
Degradation of bishops ........................... 93
Testimony of Bishop Short .    ................ ...... 94
Imaginary and real despotism .  ................. 94
IHorrid butcheries .     ........................  9
Fisher and More .    ........................   965
Pole's brother and relatives . ..................... 96
And his mother    .      ....................... 96
The Friars Peyto and Elstow .  .................... 98
Hlallam's testimony .........................   100
Bishop Short on Henry's murders .............. 100
A system of espionage established ............. 101
Curious examples ................................... 101
Froude's idea of law .............................102
Hliisdefending Henry Vm. and persecution. 102
Character of the Anglican Reformation..... 103
The Six  Articles ............................. ......... 104
Catholics and Protestants butchered to-
gether.       ....................................105
Cranmer aids and abets   .    .................. 105
Edward VI      .       ........................... 107
Reformation has now an open Ifield ............ 107
Cranmer and Somerset   .    .107
Gradual Reformation   .    ............... 108