Vi                                    CONTENTS.

Book of Common Prayer .......................... 109  Put down by foreign soldiers ..................... 112
And Articles of Religion ........................... 109  State of public morals .............................. 114
Inquisition established ..................   109 'Suppression  ol nionasteries a master-stroke
Joan Bocher burned................       109      policy............                   114
11er answer to Cranimer .................... .11) Analysis of Ilallam's testimony and reason-
Barbarous law against mendicants ............. 111  ing on this subject ..........................   115
people opjiosed to the new religion ............ 11 2  The three conctiliscences ......................... 118
Popular insurrections ............................. 112  t on1clus-ion ..........................  11J

                                    CHAPTER Il.

              MARY; THE CATHOLIC RELIGION-4 RESTORED, pp. 120-158.

What Mary and Elizabeth did ................... 120  avowed and acted on by early Protest-
Macaulsy's testimony ......................... .121  ants ................... ..................... 1O0
Current opinion .........................   121  The "original sin` f' the ltelormation ....... 1:,0
What we propose to establish ................... 122  IalIlam and Miss Strickland ....................31
Marv's accession .........................   12-2  Nuntler.of victtilnt ..................................1 2
Conspiracy and rebellion ......................... 12!2  C auses which provoked the persecution...... 133
The relbrmed preachers. ..               1:2.3Political niotives and action.           131
'Cite popular enthusiasm ........................ 123 F Insurrections ied rebellious ..................... 13  
Marv resolves to restore the ancient reli-   !itLrv not naturallv cru.el .             1: 6
  gbOl ................................ 124 jProohf, of he r clemencmy ............................. ]: 6
1e1r constant devotion to it ...................... 121 H1er nercibtl treatment of Elizabeth ......... 18',7
Itidley's attempt to convert her .1.4 1       totCtuitsted stith the latter's Ireftiuteut of
mteps by which the restoration was accom-  l    31ry of Scots.                         1 .
  plisited ..............................  125 i  (mdtid tetiniony ot Agnes Itri, Mand ....... 1:4.
D)eprived Catholic bishops reinstated . 126  Malir3 restored the Uritish CnetittiGtart t-
Trhe acts of Edward VI. on religion re-         gerhbe lwith atltholicity ..]::. S
  pealed...                              126  Matry h tinenri: :l i ietnientl ciCianme. 1:.9
4 compromnise with the Holy See concern-    'I lit. cttreer o, this mat disected.1 ]:9
  ing church property ............................. 127  l,  n recantattions ...... .................. 141
Solemn scene ..............................   12s !iii dehat . ......................... 141
Cardinal Pole .............................. 1.28 . laentMlay's portraiture ........................ 145
His address.......                       128  Other provocations amid palliating circum-
The old Church restored.    .................. 12Sstances. ...........                   47
Chancellor Gardiner's last speech   and       I ,tiner and rthi.12.....                ] ,l
  death ............................    129  Andi other Catholic lisfuq ... ..................... 180
'the qtxeen's noble disinteresteduness .......... 129  Miss Strickland's theoti on the l lsecu-
The spoilers retain their prey .................... 130  lioin ................................ 1.51
fBloody Mary".............., 130F Cardinal Pole.                                     154
The persecution...        ..........,    130   lary's difficulty with the l'.l.1 ]      57
The principle of intolerance generally        Bishop Short's estimate oi Mary .        168

                                    CHAPTER III.


Glance at the four reigns of Henry TIII.,     The ptlulic discussFion .17, 0
  Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth ........... 159  Bishop Fhort reviewerd ........................ 1,1
Elizabeth the real foundress of the Angli-   Catholic bishops intprisoned .171
  can Church..                           160  The arts enforcing conformity.           171
Four questions propounded ...................... 163  And establishing the Iook of Common
The first question .............         161  I'rayerand Thirty-Nine Articles ............. 172
T'mporal interests and political expedi-      The ehirchb establishied bv law .        173
  ency ...........................       161  Cath"lic bi.hops deposed .......................... 174
Mlizabeth and the Pontiff .      ........................3 1  The non-juring clergy .............................17 5
Stern consistency of the Papacy ............... 163  Vacancies in parislos .........................   175
lizabeth takes her stand ....................   161 Slecbanicsappointedtoreadthenewservice. 17.-
sir William Cecil ...........................   165 Bisblil Short's testintom'y .......................... 17,5
iler insincerity and hi.; intrigues ............... IC5 Third question ................ ..................... 1.6
Measures adopted for re-establishing Angli-  Foundations of Anglican hierarchy  .   1 76.  
  (eanim .15.................................. 16  Etilbarrassment  . ............................... 178
1ell lplan ................ .................. 16.5 Parker's consei ration ............................. 1. 178
Firm opposition of the Catholic bishops..... 166. Three great difficulties started .................... 178
14easons for their alarm ......... ......... 166 Thevalidityof Anglican ordiriationsat least
The queen crowned...............         167   doubtful...                    ............ 1l3
And immediately breaks her solemn oath.. 167 F The question of jttrisdictiu .183
The second qttestion ................................. 16! The fourth question stated ........................ 184
Did the Anglican church reform itself ...... 16  And answered ...................,.,.,., . 1f4
A packed parliament ............................ , 168 A curiotis '- bil" of Elizabeth.  1F6
The convocation in the opposition ............. 170 Elizabeth sw-arsa..                14-6
How its voice was bushed ......................... 170 Testimony of Itallamn.14- ]F6