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      Governor Breathitt said both Dr. Caudill and Ms. Little are role models
in Kentucky for citizenship and service. They are heroes for all Kentuckians
for their many contributions.

      P.   Naming of Fellowship Awards (FCR 9)

      Mr. Hardymon said FCR 9 is the naming of Fellowship Awards and he
asked Dr. Fitzgerald Bramwell, Vice President for Research and Graduate
Studies, to comment.

      Dr. Bramwell said that after eighteen years of administrative service,
including six and one-half years as Dean of the Graduate School, Dr. Daniel R.
Reedy will be returning to the Department of Spanish and Italian. Dr. Reedy's
contributions to graduate education are many and varied, and his long-term
stewardship of the Graduate School has been marked by tremendous growth,
expansion and by a significant increase in quality and standards.

      The Quality Achievement Fellowships, instituted by Dean Reedy, were
first offered in 1991-92 to graduate students. They provide a supplemental
stipend to be added on a regular fellowship, teaching assistantship or research
assistantships. The awards are potentially renewable for a second year for
master's students or for a total of three years for doctoral students. The
fellowships enable the University to attract outstanding graduate students by
providing a critical margin of financial support and additional prestige to the
graduate program's regular offerings. It is, therefore, fitting that the highly
competitive and prestigious awards be named for Dean Reedy whose name has
been synonymous with excellence and achievement in graduate education.

      Mr. Hardymon moved approval of FCR 9. Professor Mather seconded
the motion, and it passed. (See FCR 9 at the end of the Minutes.)

      President Wethington acknowledged Dr. Reedy's presence in the
audience and thanked him for his many contributions to the academic
programs of the University of Kentucky, particularly the Graduate Program.
He said it was a pleasure for the administration to recommend to the Board
that the Quality Achievement Fellowships be named in Dr. Reedy's honor. He
asked Dr. Reedy to stand and be recognized. He was given a round of applause.