its former enemies. W'e have taken counsel together, we have legislated for the

good of the University, we have agreed on most important measures, and we have

differed and argued our differences with warmth and vigor, on questions of policy,

but in all our agreements and disagreements we have been loyal to the great trust

committed to our charge and I feel that when this relationship is ended and I

formally surrender to my successor the reins of authority, when I shall no longer

stand at the helm, the dominant feeling of the Board and all its members will be

loyalty to the State University.    Gentlemen, you have a great trust committed

to you to administer, the beneficent results of which generations to come will

see and enjoy and when the few years which may be still allotted to me of this

mortal life have closed, I shall ask no recognition than this, 'lie was for forty

years President of the State University of Kentucky."  God bless you all and God

bless and prosper the University.

     Said report was by the chairman referred to the Committee on President's


     At this point Acting President White, presented his report, which is as


                                    Lexington, Ky., May 23, 1910.

To the Board of Trustees

   of the State University.


           By your honorable body I was made Vice-President of this institution

June 1909. In accordance with the desire expressed by President Patterson at that

time that he be relieved of active service, a large part of the administrative

duties of the past year were assigned to me.   President Patterson made his report

for your consideration at your meeting the last of this month.   As he has kept in