Governmental Organization and Record System
collectable in and for the year 186h, except so much thereof as, by exist-
ing laws, was for the use of the sinking fund and for the support of the
common schools. The revenue assessed for this year was to be collected by
the sheriff, and applied, up to a certain amount, exclusively to the erec-
` tion of a new jail (Acts of the General Assembly of 186h, ch. 525, secs. 1-
hj ch. 2h5, secs. 1-5, p. E7). —__
The third constitution provided for the election of a surveyor for a
term of four years (Const. of 1850, art. 6, sec. 1; Revised Statutes, vol.
2, p. MO2). It was hiE—dEty—iZY7§Zecute orders of survey issued by any
court, of land lying within his district.
The county road supervisor was appointed by the county court, but his
appointment was qualified with the restriction that he was not allowed to
5 resign before two years without the approval of the court (Revised Statutes,
vol. 2, p. 289; General Statutes of Kentucky, 1875 ed., p. 102).-m-—-`____
As established by the fourth constitution, adopted in 1891, the fiscal
court in Knox County has jurisdiction of all administrative and fiscal af-
fairs of the county. This court is composed of the county judge, who is e-
.’ lected by the county at large for a four-year term and is presiding officer
of the court, and the eight justices of the peace, each of whom is elected
‘ in his respective magisterial district (Const. of 1891, sec. llh).
The circuit clerk is elected by the county for a six-year term and is
the recording agent for the circuit court and for the master commissioner.
The circuit judge, the presiding officer of the circuit court, and the com-
` monwealth attorney are elected for a six-year term by the electorate of Ju-
dicial District Ho. 5h, of which Knox County is new a part. The circuit
court sessions in Knox County are provided for by statute (Carrollis Ken-
tucky statutes, ieee ee., See, 965-5h), and the Geert itse1?"§§“§?E$§EEE
for in the fourth constitution (Const. of 1891, secs. 125, 129-151). The
` three offices, circuit clerk, cirEuit—judgE7_and commonwealth attorney, are
constitutional offices provided for in the same constitution (ibid., secs.
97, 129). The master commissioner is appoiHtGd for 3 f0¤F·Y€QT term by thc
circuit judge (Carroll, op. cit., sec. 592).
ln Knox County the offices of county judge, county attorney, county
court clerk, coroner, surveyor, sheriff, jailer, justices of the peace, and
constables are elective offices, provided for in the fourth constitution,
‘ and serving for four-year terms, all excop“ the sheriff being eligible for
re—clection (ibid., sec. 99).
Th® three elective offices in Knox County, provided for by statute for
terms of four years, are the county tax commissioner (Carroll, op. cit.,
S9C• tl-O}.LE&—·2), the county board of OC1LiO‘?.'t`»101’l, GOIHPOSOG. of five l1;JT1b'JI`S
elected by their respective school districts in the county (ibid., secs,
1599*17, 21;), andthe school trustee (`j;_b_i£1—,, Secs. 14599-1, OTE-E9-kl.)-
The county court, as provided for by constitution (Const. of 1891,