Preface `
done by Miss Hazel Mastin, under the direction of Miss Edna Wilder, Assis-
tant State Supervisor, who, with her staff in the London district office,
prepared the preliminary inventory, Miss Mildred Shapinsky, Assistant
State Supervisor, aided by Miss Thelma Bryant, Miss Virginia Foley, and
Mrs. Elizabeth Johnston, prepared the field copy into final form, being
responsible for the editorial work, not only of the record entries, but
also of the individual office essays, the historical sketch, and the essay
on governmental organization and record system, The original office es-
says and the governmental organization discussions were prepared by Abra-
ham Freeman, lawyer, from the state office staff, Harry P. Hoskins, his-
torian, prepared the historical sketch, using original manuscripts and
record data located in the Filson Club in Louisville, Kentucky, and rec-
ords contained in the various county depositories. J. H. Raymer, Assis-
tant State Director, classified and arranged the entries according to the
° respective offices. The stencils for the inventory were cut by William
' Remington.
I wish to express appreciation to the officials of the Works Progress
Administration in Kentucky, the University of Kentucky, Lexington, the Fed-
eral Law Library, Louisville, and the Filson Club, Louisville, for their
cooperation and assistance in preparing this inventory, The following
j officials of Knox County were particularly helpful in assisting our workers
4 and in uncovering records which had been misplaced and were difficult to
locate; J. W. Alford, county judge, J. Leonard Davis, county attorney, Abe
Tedders, county court clerk, H. L. Taylor, circuit court clerk, and S. H,
Jones, sheriff. A
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Walter M. Hoe elman
State Di~ecter
- The Historical Records Survey
Louisville, Kentucky
November 20, 1937