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° —` ULYU -1938
Cover crops, to be most effective, l1l>   ,   _t_,e    {   *`     t.   y
1 · · » t ·.: v*.v       ’  Q .  1. ;   2  _, `~  >— `>.  L  ·. gi
cover crops and do not sow them early enough CSPH GM wu M Wllhmh      .» _  ‘  t  _;~,‘__, w ‘_ "  _ .   we   .,     _ {__
to obtain sufficient growth before winter: there- ‘l glass   '          
- - · · . .··,  ·.»eé1-;`·:»e¤;l:¢.-`-·f·‘w~·1* .» `   3
lore, the lollowing seeding rates 2\ll(l dates are   ·r‘’-5   ,,      
` `     ._
l`€(`()11ll1l€lT(l€(lZ As soon as ° ’·     ,~-·       .
  ·   =¤»    ¤r‘ ».,/ Y;
_ . preceding crop   ·rr; ,i;‘·sZ·.?;z. ._`, ·
Kind Date Rate - `    5 .,·` ¤  
‘* l“""'€S‘“l ° X  
Rye Aug 20-Oct 1 6· 8 pecks .  
Wh€9·li Oct. 5—Oct. 15 5- 6 pecks ¢ 1 »:      »;._g;:¤é;5;jq··,uq;.:#;.a·<~··;;;¤·;>_ 5,,;
Barley Aug_2()—Sgpt_2() 6- 3 packs (lt>\'€l‘ (TUIJS will 110l (lo it all-  
Crimson clover July 20—Aug. 20 15-20 lbs. - . . Y
Other essentials ol good soil n1‘t11’1>`·· » ·   *
_ _ _ .1 . g . ( t gcnient art. 1
Vetch July 15 Oct. 15 30 40 lbs. ` · _ · · .c _} Cover Crops
Use ol Iune aud lertihzers where needed.
Use ol terraces where needed. Reduce Emslon and Leachmg
Maintaining large percent ol` larm in grass * ~· Provide Cheap Feed
and legume mixtures.
      l,mm_ u__ [ I, _ { _ _ _ _ . lmprove Soils
A [_   X _  1 st o rlllll lllilllllllf and t1op IL*>I-
Q  l‘‘‘' ‘   e,‘·..     4;if       ~ ·—1- _   _ eetre   l·or Iurther uilormation consult your (iountr ‘ V _ _ { Y k I , l_ L
_   e        ,;_tr·{e,1:\ e   :.1 es .\ ,. >]`(,‘e· ·_\g_€nl‘ or wrilc U) [hc Kentucky A_\gl_iCullul_dl l lll\(l>ll\ o lxtutut y. .c\111gl•111. xtlllllt \
··   »~         ""... VI,~,‘..; lixperitneut Station, Lexington, lientttckv. "`¤•<1*1\~ l’·(;"""""· l)°`*"‘ *"‘*l l’l"""""
1 2 ny ,`.< .s r` r; ;· ·"····¢     ''``' ‘. ·'   ‘
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  /_/·` Q!r’Ea;g,_,¤;_   fg ·         ,\. f Published i11 connection with the agricultural t=xtt·usiou
Tight     /_  *L{v'i°';'."ri H`.    work carried on by co-operation oi the College of Agriculture,
'ltnjiisg    L; ,;..;   Untversity ot` Kentucky, with the U. S. Department of A;1r1r
culture. and distributed in ilirtherance of the work proritleti tor
No treatment. Lime and phosphate. Al 2 ‘ in the Act of Congress ol May B, 1914.
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