xt7k9882kn3p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k9882kn3p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19540507  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May  7, 1954 text The Kentucky Kernel, May  7, 1954 1954 2013 true xt7k9882kn3p section xt7k9882kn3p The
yoi ami: xi. v


















Li .fr1



Klcctions l
22 positions in tin Student C.o nniH'iit Assiicia- tion will Ik- held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (DST) Wednesday.
From the candidates, a president and vice president wil be
elected. A new secretary and treasurer will le chosen in the first
meeting of S(IA alter elections, on May 17.
In order to vote in the election, Graduate School woman-at-largstudents must present some kind of Member of Phi Alpha Theta (standID card, ing not listed i.
standard identification
Debbie Schwarz. candidate for
draft card, or driver's license at the
voting booths.
Arts and Sciences upperclasswoman
Voting Places Listed
Delta Zeta, past
Graduate students and students in president of the House Presidents'
the College of Arts and Sciences will Council, president of Theta Sigma
vote in the Student Union. Law Phi, vice president of Suky, secrestudents will vote in Lafferty Hall. tary of Chi Delta Phi, League of
Education students will vote in the Women Voters, Panhellenic Council,
Taylor Education Building. Com- Pitkin Club, assistant managing edimerce students in White Hall, Agri- tor of the Kernel, assistant editor of
culture and Home Economics stu- the
Mortar Board, and exedents in the Agriculture Building, cutive board of the National Interand Engineering students in the collegiate Pep Council: 2.2 standing.
Margaret llolyfield
engineering assembly room.
Outgoing officers of SGA are CarMargaret Holyfield. candidate for
ter Glass, president; Fred Williams, College of Agriculture and Home
Presivice president; Pat Morrissey, secre- Economics woman-at-largtary, and Jim Perry, treasurer.
dent of the Student Union Board.
Glass and Williams are United vice president of Phi Upsilon Omi- Students and Morrisey and Perry cron. Mortar Board, student advisor;
are Constitutionalists.
for Home Economics Club, and a
past member of Cwens and Alpha
United Students Candidates
United Students candidates, as
Delta; 2.5 standing.
given Tuescfay, follow:
Bill Macklin, candidate for lower- George W. Shadoan. presidential classman representative of the Col- candidate. President of Tau Kappa lege of Agriculture. Kappa Sigma.
Alpha, Kappa Sigma, past president Phi Eta Sigma. Keys. Alpha Zeta.
of the UniteH Students Party, vice and SGA; 2.5 standing.
president of Omicron Delta Kappa,
Noble Stevens, upperclassman
past member of the board of direc- candidate for the College of Agri- tors of the College Chamber of Com-- ; culture. Farm House (no other in- merce, member of the UK debate formation listed!.
team, and past first sergeant in
Jack Freeman
Pershing Rilles; 2.2 standing.
Jack Freeman, candidate for low- Bill Billiter. candidate for vice erclassman representative
of the
president. Phi Delta Theta pledge College of Arts and Sciences.
master; Keys, Outstanding Fresh-- i
student, member of football
man Award, Lances, president and team; 1.9 standing.
past treasurer of Alma Magna Mat
Don Whitehoiise, candidate for
er, feature editor and past assistant lowerclassman representative of the
news editor of the Kernel, SGA, College of Arts and Sciences. PresiNewman Club, Young Democrats dent of the BSU.
Pitkin Club,
Club, and editor of AFRGTC iitews- - YMCA. and Phalanx; 1.4 standing.
' - i .';;
" .';
Elizabeth Bell, lowerclasswoman
candidate for representative of the
Ray M. Duteher
College of Arts and Sciences. LeaRay M. Duteher, candidate for gue of Women Voters. WAA. Kappa
BacGraduate School
Kappa Gamma. Cwens, and secretary of the United Students Party;
teriology student, graduate of Florida Southern College, B.S. degree in 2.4 standing.
Leslie Morris
1949; 2. standing.
Leslie . Morris, candidate for upJudith Griffin, candidate for perclassman representative of the
College of Arts and Sciences. Phi
Eta Sigma. Keys, Lances. Lamp and
Cross. Phi Alpha Theta, past presl
dent of the Interfraternity Council.
Kernel columnist. Phi Delta Theta.
and a member of the SGA judiciary
committee; 2.6 standing.
Don Smith, candidate for lowerclassman representative of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Society, Delta Tau Delta;
1.8 standing.
Kenneth Lutz. candidate for lowerclassman representative of the



week are front row 1. to r.. Sue
elections next





May Day Will Begin
With Float Parade


Phi Sig, ".American in Paris;" Sigma
Chi, "Gone with the Wind;" Phi
Delt, "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes;"
SAE, "Titanic;" DTD, "Rose Marie;"
ATO. "Stalag 17;" ZBT. "The Eyes
nnd Ears of the World;" and Phi
Xo Late Permission
sororities, residence units, and other
Tickets for the dance, which are Tau, "Joan of Arc."
campus groups, will assemble on
Last year's May Day queen was
Limestone Street near the Student $1.50 stag or drag, have been on
Union at 1 p.m. and will go down sale all week. Late permission will Barbara Baldwin. Tri Delt. The
High and Broadway to Main. Dur- not be granted, Dean of Women KD's with "Red Roses for a Blue
Lady," and the Delt's with their
ing the parade the Judges will de- Sarah B. Holmes has announced.
It has been requested that no "I'll Never Walk Alone" theme, were
termine the best floats on the basis
the float winners.
flowers be given.
of originality,

Scenes from popular American was selected Thursday evening by a
movies will be reviewed at 1:30 p.m. group of judges.
Linkous will also introduce the
tomorrow afternoon when 27 floats
begin the annual May Day parade. new Suky members and the trial
The floats, entered by fraternities, members at the dance.

Float entries and their sponsors
are Boyd Hall, "By the Light of the
Silvery Moon;" Jewell Hall, "Hans
Christian Anderson;" ADPi, "Million
Dollar Mermaid;" Alpha Gams,
"Painting the Clouds with Sunshine;" Alpha Xi Delta. "Sombero;"
and DZ, "Stairway to Heaven".
KAT, "Kentucky:" KD. "Cinderella;" KKG, "My Foolish Heart;"
ZTA, "The Greatest
Earth;" DDD, "Roman Holiday,"
and Chi Omega. "Fiesta."
Othar Meals Listed
Triangle, "The Robe;" Sigma Nu,
"Captain's Paradise;" KA. "Ma and
Pa Kettle on the Farm;" Kappa
Sig, "Something Money Can't Buy;"
and PiKA, "Showboat."
Lambda Chi. "Sadie Thompson;"

jPJii Beta Initiates
Five UK Students
Phi Beta, national music fra- ternlty for women, initiated five
students at its annual spring initiation service, Sunday, in the Fine
Arts Building.
Margaret Meehan, Joan Goldsmith, Peggy Shannon, Suzie Melton, and Nancy Mefford were initiated by the fraternity, Sally Hoffman, president of the Kappa .Chapter, has announced.
Following the services, a breakfast
was held at the Kentuckian Hotel.




man-at-larg- e.

UNITED STUDENTS CANDIDATES for the coming SCA election are. front row, I to. r.. Don
Whitehoiise, Ed Faulkner, Centre Shadoan, W alt Currie, and Hay Duteher; hack row. Helen
Vance Cilh, Li Hell. Bill M.uklin. Judith ( li lli 1. Don Smith. Dehhie Schwarz Jim Lnoii.
Margaret llolyficld, Ken Lucas. Wanda Pace, and Leslie Morris. Not shown are Eil Fos.sctt
and Hill Milliter.

Dartmouth Prof
Is Last Lecturer

Blue Heaven" has been
chosen for the theme of the annual
dance, which will climax the May
Day activities. Charlie Blair's orchestra and combo will play for the
dance from
A highlight of the dance will be
the presentation of the queen and
her court by Dave Linkous. and the
crowning of the queen by Dr. Rhea
Taylor, Suky's sponsor and professor
The queen, whose
of history.
identity is unknown until the dance.

prof Robert Kenneth Carr,
of law and government at
Dartmouth College, will deliver the
sixtn and !inAl lecture in the 1953- 54 .sei.ies of Blazer Lectures Thurs- day xhe address, "Congress and
its Investigatory Powers." will be
presented at 8 p.m. in the Guignol
Theatre of
Arts Building.
rjr. jasper B. Shannon, professor of;
political science, will preside.
prof. Carr, who was educated at
Dartmouth. h:rs written several
books on the subject of government,
Among them are "Democracy and
the Supreme Court," "State Control of Local Finances in Oklahoma."
"The Supreme Court and Judicial
Review," and "Federal Protection of
Civil Rights." Prof. Carr is also an
author of one of the volumes on
civil rights published by the Cornell University Press.




Ilacterioiogy CI lib
Elects President
Donne Gail Hopper was elected
president of the UK Bacteriology
Society at a recent meeting of the
FYanrps Williamson
nampd yiee
Other officers cfiosen were John
J. Cooper, secretary: Eloise Nantz.
treasurer; Delia McCormick. sophomore class representative, and Betty
Coleman, Junior class representative.



Alum Association
Will Give Seniors

Free Memberships

History Society
II (mors Hamilton


ti iiiim'ii



Ixxlv olf t..reiior i.asanoxa is earn eil to an ainhnlance alter he was
allegedly shot by llnhe Tasslesw itch outside tin Student Union Mondav altenioon. The trial
will he held in the Law Biiildinu this altenioon.






Fake Murder To Be Presented
In Law Day Demonstration Trial

A full day of activities, beginning
with courtroom competition at 8:30
this morning to determine representatives for a National Moot Court
contest, has been announced by
Dean Elvis J. Stahr Jr. of the Col-lg- e
of Law.
All students, .staff and faculty
members have ben invited by Dean
Stahr to attend any of the Liw Day

and moonshiner, has
been charged with murder in connection with the fatal shooting of
Gregory Casanova, music major.
The killing occurred in front of the
Student Union, apparently as the
Scholarship awards of $200 each result of an argument between the
will.be awarded to two UK students two men.
by Lances, junior men's leadership
No. tins didn't happen. li s just
In the murder trial this alternoon
a theoretical case prepared for a
Recipients of the awards, tu be demonstration trial this altenioon Professor' A. B. McF.wen of the Law
school year, as a part of the Law Day activities Collge will preside as judge in the
used during the 1954-5- 5
Latterly Circuit Courtroom.
will be William G. Moody, junior in
Four Seniors Will Participate
Facts to be presented during the
Agriculture, and Thomas A. Gover,
Four senior law students will participate in the prosecution and de- demonstration trial are as follows:
junior in Arts and Sciences.
Tassleswilch is now being held in
The scholarships are given an- fense of i lu- murder case scheduled county jail
after the (.'land jnr
nually li'itiu ftiiuis raised in a I. ill :it 2 nn.
an indictment ol lnsi ciig.i .
Cariii. al suii.sorcd by Lames.
ii ii.
murder against il.. i, f n

Lances Awards

Two Scholarships








Reports indicate that the defend- ant and Casanova began quarreling
in the Student Union grill and were
asked to step outside by grill em- ployees.

Both men continued the quarrel
in front of the Student Union, police say, until Casanova was shot
once in the back and several times
in the chest.
The defendant remarked to a
Kernel reporter ihat Casanova "got
what was coming to him."
The shelling victim reportedly
had recently been dating Tessie
Tasslcswitch. daughter of the de
fendant and



a music




malm ai t
it as ai
fab1- -



Members of the Interfraternity
Council were told Tuesday that the
Rules Committee of the UK Faculty
would not support a new IFC proposal to lower the 1.3 scholastic
requirement for fraternities.
Leslie Morris, former IFC president and member of a committee
which formulated the proposal, said
that thp Rules Committee List Fri- , lv
Pn(1rsM nilr, nf ,h(.
IFC resolutions, but Tuesday de- cided the plan was not workable.
IFC was given the option of dropping- the -- resolution. Morris said.
However. Morris related. IFC intends to present the resolution before the faculty Monday afternoon.
The reason for thus, he said, will
be to bring up faculty comment on


-- Patterson

fraternities must make a 13 standing or be put on social probation.
Should a fraternity fail to make a
standing a second time, it would,
under the faculty rule, have to show
reason why its charter should not
be taken from it.
IFC's resolutions, in essence, were
to lower the fraternity scholastic requirement, to have fraternity grades
averaged after all grades have been
turned in. to eliminate graduate students' grades from the
average, to extend the period over
which a fraternity may keep a
pledge before dropping him. to remove the probation clause under
condition that the all fraternity
averaverage equaled the





Committee Lists Reasons
the present fraternity situation.
11 Fail To Make Standing
Morris said the Rules Committee
(Eleven UK fraternities failed to gave the following reasons against
meet the 1.3 scholastic requirement supporting the resolution before the
this semester. According to a faculty faculty meeting Monday:
I. If the fraternity averages are
rule passed on April 21. 1952. all
good, individual fraternities will not
work to maintain their grades, al- -.
average to
lowing the
carry them along.
2. If the
dropped, all fraternities, according
to IFCs logic in presenting the
Guignol Theater will continue per- - plan, would be penalized, regardless
formances of "Dream Girl" tonight of individual standings.
and tomorrow night. Curtain time
3. A
extension of the
is 8:30 p.m. DST.
length of time a fraternity can keep
The leads are played by Lelia a pledge before dropping him withSherman and Buddy Rogers in the out having his grades counted would
parts of Georgiana Allerton and be in violation of national fraternity
Clark Redfield. respectively.
Dream Girt" is about a girl who' 4. The present rule, bv statistics.
Is working and would be difficult to
is afraid to face- - reality. In so doing she dreams of men in her life.
throw out.
No Criticism Offered
Tickets are $1.25 for adults and
Morris said his committee had no
70c tor students.
criticism to make against the Rule
Committee's handling of IFC's resolution. He said IFC had received
fair treatment in every way from
the committee,
In the future, he said. IFC w.U
continue to make suggestions to the
Dr. Lange explained the ulnm- - faculty as long as individual fra
terniues feel that the pre-ewas ".something like plynium-fo- il
wood, but made of hydraulically can be improved.
Morris also said that two points
forced aluminum." Experiments are
also planned, he said, with plastic of IFC's resolution had been promised support. The rules in question
tank compartments.
these concern the way the
hen a combat plane
avertanks takes off on a mission." Dr. age on which
Lange explained, "the gasoline in ages are compared is compu'td.
From now on. Morris said, the
the open spaces between the comaverage will not be cc 'reused
partments, or tubes, will be
first. Tints when a plane enters puted before all grades are in and
i Continued to Page o1
action territory, all unu.-e- d
will be in the compartments.
Tanks Will Not Leak
"It a bullet enters a single com"that one unit
partment." he




Tonight, Saturday






Air Force Gives UK $100,000
For Aeronautical Research

Work is scheduled to start soon in
the UK Aeronautical Research LabAll UK seniors graduating this oratory on experiments with
airplane fuel tanks for
year will receive a year's free membership in the Alumni Association the United States Air Force. The
which will entitle them to a Kernel experiments are provided for under
subscription, the Kentucky Alumnus a $100,000 grant received Monday
by the University.
magazine, and football ticket prioriMonday's grant, the largest ever
ties. Miss Helen King, secretary, has
awarded the University, is actually
In order to receive these privi- an expansion of an Air Force releges, seniors must send the Alumni search contract already held by UK.
Office their name, mailing address, About a year ago, the Air Force
and class so that it can clear their granted approximately Sj.OOO for
eligibility for, ticket priorities preliminary work with compart-mente- d
through the Athletics Association.
Dr. Karl O. Lange. associate diThe gift membership was established to keep closer contact with rector of the engineering experirecent graduates. Miss King said. ment station, and Dr. Mi ll Baker,
director of the Kentucky Research
It will last for one fiscal year.
In addition to the other informa- Foundation, announced the $M0.000
tion, the Alumni Office also wants grant. The project will be administhe names of two persons who will tered by the research foundation
always know the correct address of through the mechanical engineering
each student who accepts the gift department lure. Pi of. F:. B. I'emvd
is head of the mechanical engineermembership.
ing department.
Tanks Will He Kuilt Here
Under the project. 1'2 sample tanks
will he constructed on the campus,
mirier Dr. l.ai.ge's super, i. ion. and
then delivered to the Air Force.
They will be taken to Wright
Air Force Base. Dayton. Ohio,
for membership in
ODK. national senior men's leader for observation under similated bat- ship, honorary, must be in the of- - tie conditions.
fice of the Dean of Men by 3 p.m
"German scientist first experi
Tnik- - of tinTuesday.
mented with
To be eligible for ODK a junior type during World War II." Dr.
or senior must have a 2. overall I anee said, "and used parchment
standing. Applications, with the tubes as compartments m the tanks,
ODK point system explained, may which is a simple variation oi what
he obtained from the office of the we plan to do. We will employ
Dean ol Men or Irom any ODK built-u- p
aluminum toil material m
making the tanks."

ODK Applicants
Must File Soon

Rules Group Advises
Against IFC Plan

lildZCr Series

Representatives from the present
freshman class, the incoming freshman class, and graduate students
will be elected next fall.
Dr. Ralph Weaver of the Bacteriology
Department spoke on
College of Commerce.
Sigma Chi, "Rapid
Methods Available to the
football team, and president of Kit- Bacteriologist for More Efficient
ten Lodge; 1.7 standing.
Diagnosis" at the meeting.
(Continued to Page 3


Holman Hamilton, graduate student in history', received the Pclzer
Award for 1954 given by the Mississippi Valley Historical Association
at its annual dinner last month in
Madison, Wis.
The award is presented to the
graduate in residence who submits
the best historical article to the
Valley Historical ReMississippi
view. Hamilton's article, "The Compromise of 1850," will be published
in an early issue of the Review.
Dr. Thomas Clark, head of the
UK History Department, said that.
Hamilton, who was given a gold
medal for his achievement, defeated
very stiff competition to receive the




Charlie Palmer, Eleanor Shelton. Wendell Norman, and Maxim Thompson; hack
row, M. J. Ixnparel, Dole Oliver. Ken Harris, Vickie Shaver, Kondall Stnll. Handy Dnpps. Hose
Gavle Waterfield, John Strachan. and lL.rry Mason.

and appropriateness to the theme.
Trophies will be presented to the
winners and runners-u- p in the men's
and women's divisions. If a group
has employed professional help for
the construction of any part of its
float, it will be disqualified from the
parade. Dave Linkous, Suky president, said.
Three high school bands, Paris,
Lawrenceburg, and Newcastle, will
lead the May Day procession. Miss
Marjorie McLaughlin, one of the
founders of Suky, which sponsors
May Day. and the Suky members
will ride in convertibles and precede
the floats.
Finalists Will Ride Floats
The queen finalists for May Day
queen, seven girls elected by the
ttudent body --this week, will ride on
Suky's float, The Star." This float
Is not an official entry in the parade
and will not be in competition for
May Day honors.
The finalists are Barbara Leet,
ADPi; Rose Gayle Waterfield. SN;
Lucille Mills, KAT; Jean Skinner,
KD; Ann Wennineer, DTD; Diane
Hunt, PDT; and Maxine Thompson,


New Officers,
Represen ta tives
To Be Chosen




Fill DAY, MAY 7, 1954








ntucky Kerne






Musicale Planned

will be knocked out of commission
but the remaining compartments
will not be alfei ted. Also, each
tube will contain a valve
that will allow gasoline from the
damaged section to dram into a
large bottom tank where a sump
pump of complex design will reel) innel the u'lh.vd fuel."
A fuel tank that
continue to
function, even alter it has been
riddled by bullets, is the ultimate
aim of 'he research engineers. Dr.
Lange said.

For Amphitheater
The UK Concert Band under the
direction of Flank Pniuil will mak
its second appearance of the
as part of the Sunday Al'eriioo.i
at 4 p.m. dST Sunday. The concert will be given outdoors in the amphitheater behind
Memorial Hall. The program v. ill
cons'.-- t of lighter band literature.
The concert will feat tire Virgnu.i
Lutz Bradley, oi piano and member
faculty, in light open
of the mu.-i-c
Rector, trumpe'er
excerpts anil
t from
and sophomore mu.-Lexington, in the selection ' Hungarian Melodies" by Vincent K.u ii
An arrangement of "Star Dust" by
former band member James Fvei o.e
will be included on the program
The rest of the program will be
announced inlurmally from :!.t
-- ea-ou

Mu.-ieal- es


Project upcr isor.- - during the research period will be Dr. W. Merle
C'aiter. Prof Warren Walton and
Piul. O W. Ciard. Research is expected to continue for about a year.
With the latest grant. Air Force
expel lmintal projects in progress in
UK lab- - total three. Others are
il s4J.0O0 project testing lubricant podium.
additives md an SI 1.400 aircraft- The bnnd la.- -t 'Jfk representee',
the University at inc Kcu.-i-;
Derby in Louisville.

R-'- .v





* l.l'J.




The Toolbox

Ancient Planks Appear Again,
Can They Be Carried Through?
It seems to us we've heard that song lx'fore . . .
the trouble is. the melody is growing rather tiresome. The Constitutionalist party has presented a
platform with five or six planks in it that have lx'en
rehashed time and time again. We agree that these
timewom problems should le solved, but from past
experience we doubt il they can be solved by a
student group.
Nearly two months ago.. Kernel representatives
went to an SGA meeting and asked just how much
work had lx'en done on the platforms which were
published last DecemlxT. Some of the
planks were also on those platforms and
we were toldlbat either a solution could not or had
not yet leen reached. For this reason, we can't help
but lx dubious when we see these planks appearing

The United Student Tarty has prepared a different type of platform than has leeii presented on
the UK campus for some time. Their platform
could easily be a step in the right direction. It's a
little early to forecast but the US party has avoided
some of the promises that have been so prevalent.
However, their third plank, "through impartial
representation, to deal w ith other issues as they
arise," is rather general.
In regard to the candidates running for office,
lxith parties have very capable people on their
slates. It is up to you. the University students, to
see that the. most capable and conscientious candidates are chosen as your representatives. Stop and
think carefully alxnit each candidate's capabilities
and willingness to work, Ix'fore vou cast vour'vote.

There is a certain amount of prestige connected
with being elected to SGA, but the responsibility
involved is the primary importance. For this reaas well as those
son, the new memlx-rmust lx willing to assume their rightful responsibilities.
We may be .rather pessimistic, but one plank
which seems to us to be practically hopeless is "a
solution to the parking problem." After months of
batting the parking problem back and forth, the
faculty-studecommittee appointed to investigate
the situation came up with no solution. Instead, it
suggested that UK retain its present permit system.
The one plank we know will not lx- carried
through is "Financial support to the Kernel so as to
enlarge its circulation." The Kernel receives financial support from no one and intends to continue
receiving our inthat way. We are
advertising and subscriptions. As far as
come from
the faculty is concerned, all faculty members who
have mail boxes on the campus get papers every
week, and another batch of Kernels is sent weekly
to the Faculty Club. In addition, many faculty
memlxrs have paid subscriptions to the Kernel.
But don't get us wrong. There are many worthwhile planks on the platforms and they will strengthen the University greatly if they can lx carried
through. So vote next Wednesday for the candidates you feel will do the best job. By giving your
support you will be backing both the Student Government Association and the University.

Senator Doaper


The Kentucky Kernel
University of Kentucky
Entered a th Post Office at Lexington, Kentucky, at second
class matter undc-- r the Art of March 3. 1879.
Pvblisned sveektv during; vh'ml cacept hotidaS't and rxjiaia.
41.00 per semester


I! 4 VT Rcxake
kantr rar.a

Ronkie Binxtcn

Sports Editor
I mature Editor
Society Editor

Managing Fd.
News Ed.

Dirt: Kkaps

Business Mgr.

DrhHiK S hwap.z Asst. Mng. Kd.
I.itc hpiki.d Asst. Stmt Ed.

John Rvant
Bill Billitet
Ann O'Roark
John Mitchell
Leslie Morris
Jim Rarriekman and Ana Beard
Jim Perry and Carl May
Cynthia Colli!
Ctrrularisa Mgr
Keportees Refia Helen Adams. Oavid Allen. Pas id Coapman, Tempi Cole, Constance foreman. Pat George, Fh.abeth Hibbs, Bob
Hortftr. William F. Jolly. Jndy I,eter, Frank Marnhout, Eugene
1,. Marvin, Norman F. Miller Jr., R.crhara Morgan, Nancy Paul,
Bow Poss'eil, l.oius Prichitt, Emntett V. Rogers, Jaiuca Rogers,
Phyllis Bogirs, John T. Walton, John E. VVUti, and Dot)
Young Jr.
Sports .Qi-eai- a
Allen, Bill Burleson. Don Henry, Bill Knight,
C:ert- - WofMT, Hank Mayo, David Nakdimen, Dick Purkins, and
Biltv Siirfacs.
fcdvtrtiiinf Salesmen
John Clover, John Spurrier, Jan Col


"Oh, Sam,

have just finished reading the tid bit of a letter
offered by "UK Student'' and printed in your April
0 paper which criticized the KerneT s selection of
news items and stories. I have never felt the urge
to express my opinions in print before, but I deckled I could let off the steam it pnxluced better on
paper than verbally since he respectfully requested
that his name not be used, any retaliation would
have to be in print.

My first impression was that out, good "UK Student" who is so concerned with decent journalism
was probably involved in one of those rotten situanose
tions that your paper "sticks its
into." However, that is not what I'm really concerned with in responding but the attitude expressed. He and his request thatyou "print some
of the good things and let the ba(3 ones go," made
me think immediately of a story I jjhee heard alxnit
a newspaperman's reply to his daughter who asked
essentially the same question. Heboid her that the
public wants to read news and good things are sufficiently common so as not to 1m ntwsy. If we ever
get to the place where bad news is not news, heaven help us.


Your critic also remarks that ituloesn't do anyone any good to read such things. I can hardly see
how reading an article about cheating or slum bar-

racks can hurt anyone. Unless he has such an immature easily influenced mind that such reading
might give him bad ideas the old story of crime
comics, etc., predisposing to juvenile delinquency.
Certainly, nothing can be gained !)y ignoring the
situation in hope that it will go Away. The public
(UK's student body and other involved persons)
must lx aw are of the problem before anything can

isn't it just fun,


'It drives 'em nuts! The motor's in the trunk!


The Gallery

Hope Didn 9t Kill Himself Here,
Only Blood Was In Audience's Eyes

Now that Bob Hope has left the Bluegrass for
the Burntgrass of the California hills, we are ready
to review the impact of this great comic upon the
Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Now we admit to a minor prejudice to begin
with. Several weeks ago one of those personal notes
(Hollywood variety) came into
our hands, in which Hope urged
UK to please
run off a big contest
select its Campus "Casanova."
This cat's name would then lx
tossed into Paramount's top hat,
juggled around, and if chosen
the lucky lad would receive a trip
to the Tlolloyvvoods, would appear on Hope's TV
show and would get
the original
1954 Varga calendar models one for each month,





Well, we hate to admit it, but we didn't feel like
pushing a beeg, stupid contest so Mssr. Hope's new
picture could get some free publicity, so the letter
was wrapped around the remains of our salami
sandwich and deposited in the nearest
We haven't heard, but some rake at Pasadena J. C. probably lucked out and received a free
bus ride across the border' into L. A.

waste-bucke- t.

the sixth, and rushed to the infield where it was
that he was to ignite a giant beacon
to inaugurate a national charity drive. The drums
rolled, and we expected to see Hope grab a firebrand and shinny up the tower instead he rolled
up his sleeves, wheeled and flipped a convenient
flickered and the big
this exhausting endeavor,
drive was launched. After
Hope bowed out, and loaded his money-bag- s
the fastest flight west.
But getting back to his derby show may we
quote a poem:
"We did not dare to breath a prayer
Or give our anguish scope!
Something was dead in each of us,
And what was dead was Hope."
-- Oscar Wilde.
Speaking of the derby shows, we would like to
add that we thought Tony Martin's songfest was
the strongest of the series to date. Everybody, except Art Kassels tin section, was great: the fabulous
Coolers, the DeMarco's, Frank Fontaine, and last,
but not least, Tony Martin, who has the best
in show biz today. We might also
of praise for the efforts of the Caylords
add a word
on Hope's fiasco.
Everytime we think Martin and Lewis are slipping, they manage to come up with some brilliant
last Sunday eve was
comedy display. Their TV-bjust about the lx'st we've seen in many a moon.
Deano was in fine voice, and as for Jerry, well
we've always said that only Donald O'Connor has
more natural talent. You might laugh at this, but
A Prediction: if Jerry Lewis were given a straight-rol- e
in a dramatic picture, he might become a menace tt) the Oscar colony look at Sinatra. In other
words, we've always thought Jerry could be a sensitive and serious actor if he wanted to be, but why
change his salary alone could pay for Pvt. Schine's
khaki's . . .
"Exec Suite" an
We give MGM's
We thought we were seeing one of the rare, great
movies anil then something went
tell me. As for Hope's picture, we hate to pour salt
in an open wound. See you next week.







When Hope in the flesh (which gives us a lot of
hope) arrived, he went right to work. In the afternoon he treated an enthusiastic gallery to a rousand carded a forty-oning game of hatchet-gol- f
Well, this wasn't so bad, but he then proceeded to
retire to the Coliseum that eve and added a double-bogeIvhich ruined his score for the day. As we
said before, the
doesn't kill himself when
he conies to town, but last week he didn't even
wound himself; in fact, the only blood we saw was
in the eyes of the audience.
After the political rally, Hope then fled out the
back door of the garage, and hopped a fast freight
to Louisville where he partially redeemed himself
by performing on a benefit TV show over a local
outlet. The next day he reached the Downs before






Our Readers Speak: Students Defend Kernel
Dear Editor:


"Yeah, it's all kinds of fun."
"Saynmmm! You sound sar-



Warm weather brings out pretty girls, convertibles, and the urge for lxach parties. Tliat's all nice
and normal, but these open-