xt7k9882kz3n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k9882kz3n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19790525 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, May 25, 1979, no. 276 text The Green Bean, May 25, 1979, no. 276 1979 2014 true xt7k9882kz3n section xt7k9882kz3n ° ·e.-J °“ffQ~
y MAY 25 [ww?] NO. 276
I g c gAr&Npgg
; .“` Till Sept. 9 Special Collections closed on Sundays
, ‘ May 28 Library closed - Memorial Day
May 29—30 Special Collections closed — Inventory
I A A A June 29 Library Staff Organization Picnic
§} A EXHIBITS: Letters of Maria Rilke; Foyer, King North
i Story of Postage; Gallery, King North
A ‘ Contributors: Linda Newman, Joyce Welch, Rebekah Har1eston_
Ԥ (editor), David Farrell, Barbara Galik, Faith Harders, Paul Willis.
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E Booksale l .
» The Facts: The sale grossed $913.00, which will be deposited in the
“ General Funds for the purchase of library materials. Everything was
sold by early afternoon on Friday. .
More than 120 volunteer hours were donated during the two days. "Friends
of the Library," among whom were former staff members, the wife of a
’ former University professor, and just plain friends made the event
. successful. David Farrell orchestrated sale. Thanks to him, and to
j · these who worked hard and enjoyed it: Anne Campbell, Manager,
Beverly Farrell, Jean Gossick, Jackie Hopkins, Betty Kirwan, Jean
Whitney, Olivia Buckner, Gail Kennedy, Mgr., Karl Boewe, Phil Dare,
M Claire McCann, Betty Tevis, Barbara Hahn, Barbara Randolph, Ruth
Vaughn, Mgr.,.Susan Allen, Betty Kirwan, Bill Marshall, Mrs. Tom
l Whayne, Melda McHone, Trudy Purcell, David Farrell, Mgr., Jacqueline
Bull, Frances Lowery, Mary Powell Phelps, Gay Reading, Terry Warth,
and Martha McMeekin.
Bake Sale
l Thanks to all the staff who donated baked goods and who bought goodies.
· The proceeds will help finance the picnic and other social functions
‘ V as well as programs. L
I Gnomes vs. The Rest
Is it modesty on the part of the Super Gnomes, reluctance by the Rest
of the Library? There have been no loud hurrahs, no open weeping to
hint the outcome of the softball game at the May 6 picnic.
Investigative reporting — that is, asking one of the participants —
has revealed that the Gnomes won. But Peggy Lewis assures us that the
· Rest gave them a good game, and that they triumped only after a hard
and well—fought battle.
- When is the rematch?
Picnic to be Held at Keenland
.· All staff members and their families are cordially invited to the 1979
LSO picnic at Keeneland, Friday, 29th of June, from 3pm on. Formal
announcements and signmup sheets for food will be sent to departments
- shortly.
ALA at Dallas
ALA is sponsoring its first workshop for library newsletter editors in
a pre-conference June 22 and 23. The program indicates that more
sophisticated publications than the Green Bean are the order of the
day. But those interested in writing and·editing might find the
Q days worth while. For further information, seewMr. Willis.
5 ` ·

The "Text or ;..‘ ;enciasion and Recommendations of National Inquirey into
Scholarly Communication" has been placed on "reserve" in the Circu-
lation Department in Mr. `·l‘ Hillis’ name.
The Reference Department has received a new SPEC Kit, #53, entitled
"Performance App aisai " The SPEC Kits are published by the Systems
and Procedures nrpnange carter of the Association of Research Libraries.
They are availanie at the Reference desk.
Sf jA|§E D   “ ·        
F`. ....1 nal IRG. F¥*9iE.l?i,
The Staff Deveinpn»n‘ wcmmittee had a busy year. We sponsored an
Emergency Medical workshop, a program on The Handicapped and the Library,
which was very parole ·_#; Live and timely in view of Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation net, and a filmy The Time of Your Life which dealt with
Organizing your Lim .,,. we mcntinued to promote the study of foreign
languages ny sp»n» »Ti·, ring Hessian for Librarians, which was again success-
ful. Karl scene has ag .,,·r sed to teach German for Librarians which will
be ready in the wall 1 have spoken to Nancy Little in the College
of Library science ~:~nt the possibility of getting CEU credits for these
coursesl she inomynt it was a good idea and stated that the College
, of Library ec&e¤.; x ,·a¤* ~l1 *~ milling to co—sponsor these programs. I
will continne to sur; ~i:n lr.. her on this and will hopefully have something
arranged by nazi valir we would like to urge the next Staff Development
Committee to nnntinde apc -»c= caring these language programs, possibly adding
a French for Libra ll.* in A, =,l, ¢e would also like to see the Emergency
Medical Workshop bynwhe a regular program of the Committee.
F·¤q1 i       ‘_t,‘      
It is a program nesiqued mainly for students from other countries who
need to gain English p ,·;· oritiencyr The eight week — June 14 — August 9,
1979 course will meee xh;ee hours daily, For further information,
contact the English n partmant,
CRL". I}2E$i'2.a   ·‘*.
A reminder of ncaa ml: library Management Intern Program for 1980-1981.
For further inf ·,¢_ epsilon, see Mr, Willis,
Long~term were