
     '(c) Ra]2airs.  The following report has been received
from Superintendent Nhipple on the cuestion of repairs for
University buildings.   I am submittinp this report in full
as it may be of some interest to you.W

     Annual Report, Department of Buildings and Grounds
                   School Year 1922-1923
                       June 11, 1923

   President F. L. 1;IcVey
        University of Kentucky
             Lexington, -Te ztucky

   My dear President:

        Below is a summary of work done the 1rast year:

        ? 'Constretion.    Underground light and Power In-
   stallation.   This work was started in April.    It has
   been held up from time to time Tor lack of materials.
   The last cable is now here and the work will be com-
   pleted by June 25.   The work consists of underground
   conduits for lighting and power lines and two transform-
   er houses with two banks of transformers.    We buy the
   current as untransformed power at Winslow Street.    We
   save about one-third in the rate per K. W. hour.    This
   saving is approximately $3o000 per year.    The cost of
   the installation is about $90ooo.    It eliminates all
   light and power poles and conduit was placed for tele-
   phones.   The telephone company will probably place their
   cables in the conduit without charge, eliminating all
   poles and overhead wires on the campus.

        Administration Building.   All windows in the chapel
   Were overhauled and sills renewed.    The roof was painted
   and nut in first class condition.    This year halls and
   stairwells will be repainted.    The present paint has been
   on four years.

        Gymnasium Building.   A great dea.l of lebor has been
   put on this building the past year in the way or minor re-
   pairs.   Sash and roof and glass replacement being the
   biggest items.   A new floor in the Armory is the largest
   item for the coming year.

        Old Chemistry BI  din.    Only the necessary small
   ropaiiinz has been done on this building, leaving the
   larger repairing until the building is completely over-
   haulad .