rooms in the building need painting.   Another toilet
should be installed for women and the present fixtures
rearranged.   New hot water storage system will be in-
stalled this summer.

     Education Building.   The customary sash, roof and
plumbing repairs were made.   T2here is a tremendous
amount of glass breakage in this building and wanton de-
struction and damag-e .  The boys' toilet was repainted,
all corridor walls cleaned and electrical switches that
had been removed were replaced.   Sets of shelves were
built and placed in the assembly room.    Several bulle-
tin boards were made and placed in the building.    This
year only the general repairs will be made.

     P           Residence.   Only small repairs were
made and a skylight installed in the studio on the third
floor.   This year the exterior will be repainted and
pergola drainage installed.

     Patterson Residence.   A great many small repairs
were made to roof, plumbing and wiring.

     Women's Gvmnasium.   Only minor repairs were made
to this building.   Another year's use is about all that
can be expected from this building.    It is Anything but
satisfa c tory.

     'ibrarv.  The office used by James K. Patterson was
repainted and a newtr lighting fixture installed.  Numer-
ous minor repairs were made.   Iamp posts at the front
entrance will be repaired this yenr and men's toilet re-
arranged and vented.

     e n'D _oritor.     Hot vwater storage tank heater was
installed and metal fly screens bought and installed.

     Patterson Hall.   The recreation room and dining room
were redecorated.   French doors wvere pleced between the
parlor and hall, and parlor and hall repainted.   Window
seats and bookcases were built in the reading room.    A
bath and living room for servants w~as finished off in the
basement.   A tremendous number of small repairs were made
to plumbing, furniture, doors, locks and key fitting.
Tables in the kitchen were recovered with zinc and stove
repaired.   The gutters to the building v.ere repainted and
new donmspouts put on.   The exterior of the building needs
painting and the woodwork above the porch will need replac-
ing in another year.