xt7kd50fxx3w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fxx3w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-12-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 1988 1988 1988-12-06 2020 true xt7kd50fxx3w section xt7kd50fxx3w  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCll. No. 81

Untwnlty of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Tuesday. December 6, 1 988


UK to have key role in next lobbying effort

Editor in Chief

FRANKFURT. Ky. — Although the next
regular session of the state legislature is
more than a year off. students already are
planning the battle for increased higher
education funding.

The Student Advisory Committee of the
state Council on Higher Education ap-
proved a framework yesterday for lobby<
ing the state General Assembly for higher
education in coming sessions.

The plan. developed by members of

UK's Student Government Association and
SGA President James Rose. places UK at
the center of lobbying efforts by students
for higher education.

While student representatives at each
university will be in charge of contacting
local legislators and coordinating advoca-
cy efforts. UK will act as the coordinator
for lobbying efforts on behalf of student
governments at the state‘s eight public

The CHE's student advisory committee.
composed of student government presi—
dents from each of the state's eight univer-

stties and a student representing the 14
community colleges, met for the second
time yesterday.

Jeff Speaks, who will serve as the state
coordinator for the lobbying effort, said
the lobbying would begin by concentrating
on three higher education concerns :

0 Full funding of the (‘llE formula for
higher education.

. Financial aid to students

0 Further funding of the state's centers
for excellence and endowed chairs

The centers for excellence are areas of
academic excellence which receive tund-

ing grants from the t‘lll-Z tor iiirther re-

developed it}. the

on the

The funding formula
(‘HE in 1982. places a percciitagc
the top level being too pcrcciit
amount of state funds llt‘t‘llt‘tl lit

The funding formula recciitly has re
ceivcd attention since it is being reviewed
by the council. But in hearings at tiiiitcrsi-
ties across the state earlier this sr-iiiestci‘.
university representatiycs told t Hr; mciii
bers that the problem was with thc funding




Professor gives
feet, students
breathing room

This is the second in u weehlong se-
ries of articles about some of UK's
more interesting and popular teachers.

By .Vll('ll.»\l€l..lt).\'l€S
Staff Writer

At a glance. Ron Pen looks just like
any other professor on t’K‘s campus

His short. well—kept hair has just a
hint of gray.

He usually wears solid, colored dress
shirts with multicolored bowties.
There’s nothing extraordinary about his
khaki pants. either

It‘s his feet that tip off the observer
that there's something different about
Ron Pen. He wears a pair of the stra«
pless sandals known as flip»flops.

Pen said his “feet hate to be inSide,
they feel constrained. physically. and
mentally it gives you freedom to do
things you wouldn‘t normally do "

His teaching style is even more unor-
thodox. He teaches Introduction to Jazz.
Classical ll and History of Rock ‘n‘
Roll. as well as various other mustcal
courses that change each semester

One year. to get his jazz class ac-
quainted with music. Pen threw a cock
tail party He turned down the lights.
served nonalcoholic drinks and played
cocktail music on his piano

"One can teach a class as one has
been taught. or one can teach a class as
if you're writing a piece of music or
playing jazz. where you improvise."
Pen said "ln a jazz piece you always
have a structure and I guess in my case
its class notes I know I‘m going to
play a certain piece of music. but I
don't know how I‘m going to do it until I
get up at the head of the class "

Pen always has been intolved in en—
tertainment Born to a father who was


Ron Pen speaks to his History of Rock 'n' Roll class Pen‘s
students say his laid-back attitude allows them greater

an artist and a mother who was it pro-
fessional actress. l’cii started taking
piano lessons at age 4

Except playing in a rock group. Pen
steered away troiii music when he
started school at Washington and Lee
l'niversity in Virginia it wasn't until he
was assigned to do an English paper on
TS Eliot's “The Wasteland” that he
got back on the musical track

‘It was the night before the paper
was due and l didn t know what to do A
friend and I decided to do .i musical

treedom to

rendering of it for .st‘i'l tlt't'lt'tt
gmtar." l’cn said

”The teacher comes up Add may”
What is tliis"' We say. "l‘lits i our
homework. oi'coursi- ‘ tiesiiid

Finally. the distressed English tuacii
cr took it to a music professor who was
tiiiprcssed l’cn got an .\ "t the l‘dlL‘llstl
class and became .i lilt‘lilltt‘l‘ "t "it-
music department


”So procrastination
\i'lltl with .‘l smilc

pti‘w it

l’en said that the first istiic lit‘ ixllt‘u

he was destined tor a music I .ticci‘ was

poreSS lhemselVPS in.
three ClaSSQS ppm writes TEWPWS it}; ngit‘A/r::\gi:‘l\[47;‘


DAVID MULLINS kivrn "ta"
addition tn ti


it 'z'.c tn'l‘lttl‘llillitt' . '
\‘Jatei' .\lH\|t i‘v- ' Ml
pings o' ., itig \lliitt mint-m
.—ho\\ and pcoplc it. no ,. .no
\tlllll‘l iltiiis
Witt-it "to

._ ticrt' t‘

r'tit‘tctl t.
ticai‘ =' t'ic loot
“tic \iintlow

'Vit‘ pit-cc

did I will -t’ '





Lottery legislation receives its first formal vote

enues iii tiic ltl‘\l uni." c‘ "Y‘t‘li'
tit'l‘cctit til Mlt cccttitiu _\ t'.il'\

Associated Press

FRANKFURT. Ky Lottery legislation
that includes a new restriction on the pttlllr
ical activity of lottery vendors got its first
formal vote yesterday

A subcommittee of the House State tiov»
ernment Committee defeated amendments
that would have required the lottery cor-
poration to set out rules on who may ob»
tain a terminal to sell computerized
games, The result is that under the current
proposal. Virtually anyone willing to pay
the price determined by the corporation
may obtain a machine and sell lottery tick»

The full committee is scheduled to take
up the bill today, though several more
amendments are expected. The full House
will likely vote on the bill by Thursday

The amendment to prohibit contributions
to any candidate for statewide office was
proposed by Rep Greg Stumbo. D~Pres~
tonsburg. primary sponsor of the lottery

The amendment is designed to assure
lottery vendors they are “not going to be
subjected to political pressure from any
one . . in order to keep domg business
with the lottery

Under the proposal's terms, no Indlvldll'
al. corporation or corporate officer that is
selected to provide a "major procure»
ment" item would be able to hold the con-
tract if it had contributed to a statewide
candidate for three years before its rec-

eipt. during the term of the contract or for
three years after it expired

Frank Keener. chairman of the Ken
lucky Lottery t‘oiiiiiiissidii. argued against
the proposal. which originally applied to
anyone who did any business with the lot-
tery. including selling a few tickets.

The exclusion does not apply to contribu
tioiis to candidates for the General Assem—

"Legislators really have no direct in-
voliemcnt in either the day today opera;
tions of the lottery or, for that matter. any
type of power that might lead one to be-
llt‘\t‘ they would have influence over
the selection process. " Stumbo said

ltcp Bill Lear proposed the amendment
that would require the lottery corporation
to use "objective criteria" to award com
putcr terminals for the sale of lottery

“Without this. there is nothing in this bill

that limits the unfettered discretion of

the president and the board in the award
of onlinc games," Lear said

btuiiibo said his proposal. which was in»
cludcd in the bill. would allow anyone Will-
ing to pay the cost the right to obtain a ter

The original lottery bill barred convicted
gamblers, or people with any felony con-
viction in the past it) years. from being
chosen as a lottery retailer The bills late
est version applied the same limitation to
corporations. partnerships or other bust
ness entities

i‘Iach version. however, iiiiidc t-xccptions
in the ciciit ot a pardon or rehabilitation.

The suticoiiiiiiittec also added to the i.:ii
a section that would iiiakc ll .t t lass It tel
ony‘, punishable by i 3 years lll ltl'l\tlll. "
pay a "kickback "tor a lottery contract

The \Ul’X'tllllllllllt‘t‘ rejected an tiiiicntl
them that would hayc required the illltll“
ney general to investigate any potential
irregularity or '.'l()l£lll(lll of any ‘ltlllllt‘
concerning the lottery

Stunibo opposed the iiiiiciidiiicnt Hc \titl
it would allow the attorney general to Ill
\‘cstigatc any person on any matter what
soey'er.” as long as the pcisoii had sonic
connection with the lottery

"'l‘hat's part of my definition oi sqiicaky
clean. I guess.’ said ltcp Hill Mar. 1)
lA‘Xlllglml. who unsuccessfully oitcred thc

Also rejected was a Lcai’ amendment
that would have required the state tinaiicc
secretary to approve any contract thc lot
tery corporation wanted to award for SI)“.
one or more without competitive bids

The sulx-omiiiittee also rejected amend
ments that would have placed most lottery
employees in the state merit system.
where they could be fired only for legal
cause. and capped the lottery "s adniinis
tratii'e expenses at '20 percent of gross rey

ii!" \v‘l‘iil't \
willlll> :lill til ‘ivcttiaiiuia

or llt‘ill ly

in [all We hit
t'tytliiitg t st
’lic itoiitiscs

3.tl,\ Z-i't'il

how many yl-ai s it :akcs

,.__V—..A_.._.__--. w- .c. aw-.. .___ . ,. , .


Sex adviser

Stall rcpoi ts

'l'llt' Sllitlt‘lil
will ttt‘cst'ttt
.latiics R l‘ctci'sci.. ..‘ :‘ l .:
day Hi the (liaiid llaliiwo. ' it-
tieiit t'ciitci'

titI‘.t'lI.l..t y ,
. V‘ t .
’it' lustre. i...»..u

.\ tl

l'ctci‘soti will inc .i t'iiiiia n
on sale sc\tl.il l't lat .otisiop

For more than it years 'tit l'tayf in
.\tlvisoi has lit‘t‘li gluing till-lit f.l\li
ion. dating ctiqucltc, ’ott .ii. ~c\ a,
inorc than .l million t't'.ltlt’l\
month llc has iiioi't- than
sociologists. clinicians and icstaiihci's I


, I


3"“ l'it‘lltl.\.

w hoassist hiiii in his i‘csciii t l:

\dinissioii is lf‘t‘t‘



. to give talk :

formula not funding it The ltll’ll‘itllzl now,
is thiiiiled at about 84‘ port mt

speaks a lobbyist for Sti-\ during last
year ~ session of the state General \ssciiir
lily said it is iii.portaiit t t liat'c illl oi‘ga
iii/.cd cttoi’t iii


Minn. v-i '~ii titutit' "’lllt :i


'l'lic a',l]t)lt' Kt“. lit'l..’ «l our group i: Tliii'
»\t’\t‘ ant to 'lllllvl'dlttt! ioi
otttt- lw lt‘l 'llt‘fl‘ pcopii

\pcaks said
that .41» arc going it. in: ii


aiw‘lp .i
‘.ttlt‘l l)l'n’ aiiil'l.i‘ ll w, ./

New game

loaded with
hoop trivia

tt\ l‘.l.\l\l.t \l’.\l \\



“'1‘”, , .4 .. c,

~Hiiitii‘c pt H\ vs ‘llt t t'sst‘iii

-tcl- ilipp-t ._ ..;'

- l“\t

ingots ".

Kcti’tltky “ildcai Kasai-Etta}; i
«.it‘. tic i‘tiitlia‘tul .i’ (Lt l l\ li‘ookst it
ltawiiliat‘c's itx.i‘.iii.s Ninahl-s l‘ipts i
\tufl and 'l‘hc Tm \‘bop l‘lic gait-c .t-fis t .






Today: Sunny
Tomorrow: Sunny







Welcome to
“Wiggy World”

Katfish swimmers break
22 records at meet.




See Page 3






 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday. December 0. 1m

spy satellite

Hy I.t\l'll.\'l‘tll.l.l£\‘
Assix'Iated Press

Sl’At'l‘I (ENTER. Houston The
military astronauts aboard the
spice shuttle Atlantis planned to
end their secrect mission today.
h.’|\ iiig deployed a powerful spy sa-
tellite oier the Sowet Union,
sources said yesterday

\Aht‘i and Air Force officials
tiaie kept mum about the mission,
saying they would only break their
silence to L’J\t' 24 hour notice on the
shuttles landing time or ii' a mayor
pi ol-Iein developed

\ltlioiigh no oi'iicial word was
lti'._l'tl ti'iim either agency by early
Ji‘let'lltmll yesterday. a source der
niaiidiiig anonymity said the crew
tIl.sltitetl to land this afternoon at
i awaids \Ir |-'orce liase In (‘aliior~
ll i

the tliuht~ under Air Force coiii
i‘ and has been shrouded lll seere
i : «:tII'e \tiantis blasted oi'i Friday
., “'Pttilt,‘ trom ('ape t‘anaveral.
l" l

‘s the tive military oi‘iicers
their iourth day in orbit
\t I'!tl.t\ morning knowledgeable
wort-es said the crew had success
mitt deployed a $500 million La
.ose \.‘tlt‘llitt’tl\t‘l‘ the weekend

She siltllt't'\ who spoke on condr
ot .mony'IIidy said the satellite
- oiwratiiig well ill an orbit that
i‘III'tes it met‘ till percent Ul the So
\tr‘l t iiioii lieployment oi the sur
'I‘Itittit‘i‘ satellite was believed to
Iinlitan chiel

lo itI

!» Iii: niIssIoII's

saleilite Is said to be de
gather extremely sharp
.«z sinner radar images oi East
Hint military targeted and
would help \merii an Intelligence
.ILJ'liilt'N monitor Soviet eonipli
«In it'llItl'lll.\l'tlllll“llll‘t’élllt'fl




”mutually it also would serve
a the radar eye tor the new [#2
~lttillll tmnitier That would elimi-
iiaie .i lioiiiiicr crew s need to use
'iiI _iiierait s own radar, which
Iaglit disclose Its location

“More yesterday. no lll'l'llghl in
t-it'liltllltlll had been leaked to news
ttti'llt tes as It was during two ear
Department shuttle

lit" lletI-nse


tt seems the :\il‘ Force and
\ \\ \ ’Iaii learned how to plug the
leaks one oi‘iicial said Sunday, on
t" Iiidit am he not be Identitied

Don’t Pay through iheflMaii ihisflC



JAZZ GIANT: Ellis Marsalis plays piano at his concert in Memo~
rial Hail Friday night Marsalis has been a major influence to Brandtord,both of whom are accomplished musicians

STEVE WIS/Kernel Stan

many jazz performers, including his two sons, Wynton and



Bush will face Gorbachev as his equal

By TERENCE lll'N'l‘
Aissociated Press

WASHlNG'l‘tW (ieorge Bush
and Mikhail Gorbachev Will be
dealing With each other as equals
tor the first time when they conier
along with President Reagan In
New York, sizing each other up III
advance ot a likely superpower
summit next year

Although Bush Insists he'll take
part In tomorrow's lunch merely as
\‘I('(‘ president. he pointedly adds
"i expect they'll be aware they're
talking to the next president "

Echoing that lll‘l(‘t Senate Minor:
ty leader Bob Dole, R-Kanc said
Reagan is "going to he III charge
until the 20th oi January George
Bush understands that tiorbachey
understands that But ‘(it)l'l)ileht‘\
also knows that's not very iat‘

t'nder diplomatic protocol
thought Bush will be at the meetiiiL’
as Reagan's understudy not as
presidentelect (‘oliri l’oweili the
White House national security ad
VISOP said that given itiish‘s posi
tion "it would not be appropriate
then. for the the \l(‘(’ president to
have a separate agenda '

2 ii“



.I .


Bush was asked yesterday about
SoVIet reports that tiorbachcv
would bring proposals that Ameri
cans should consider as a
(‘hristmas present “We're not
going to open ll lieltll‘i' t‘hristinas. ’
Bush linked

More seriously, liiish said. "We'll
consider whatevei it Is he has to
say And no. certainty there'll be
some talk oi substance at the meet

He and he had “made very clear
to the leaders III the Souct t'nion
that i am most (lll\ltlu.\ to i-ontniiie
to seek ways to work together and
to have progress

"But i lla\e not .isseiiiliied my
national security team III toto
Bush said And there will not iii-
any commitment on my part in
terms oi specilII' arms control pro
posals or things II! that iIatIiI'I
“e'll listen make i'li‘.il‘ we want
progress it‘s oi interest to .\lllt'l'
tea and cyeryliody .Iround the
world lll my new not not start
llitl\lllL1 lorward in detail on strate
gie arms, eonientIoiizil lt'tt't'
dealsoraiiythtngetse ‘

'l‘o eiiiphasI/i- that he i» not i‘i'
I'l'ttitt‘lttilL‘ on Reagan itiisn will not
take to \ew York his own national





security adviseritesignate. Brent

Powell said he did not know it
general timing ot a Busiitlorba
chev meeting would be discussed
toiiioi‘i'ow but that Bush had not
Indicated he would

“lie '(lorhacheyr has never seen
him illusht as the man who's going
to be president” said William 'i‘ay
lor. yice president ior politIeal IIiii
itary' aiiairs at the ('enteI tor
Strategic and international Studies
“He's going to take llllll yer). si-
riously now lies going to hang oi.
his every word '

Taylor said liush would ‘estaii
list] the iirst contact with the lead
er oi the other superpower that he
will have had with the hill toi'th
coming authority oi the ottiee ot
the presidency behind llilll There s
riot going to tit-any deiereIIi-e

llelmut Stillllvlllt’ltlli a
State Department otiieial
worked on summits during, lllt
\Ixoii and Ford administiations
tlt‘st't'lltt‘tl (lorliaehey as a man to a

w ho

i thinl. M. has been iiyno,‘ to
hustli- lnIII l4tl\llt into a lttl'llMl
llli't'tlltL‘ oi some itiisli
careiiil permit



been not to

Gorbachev is rather insensitively
trying to crown Bush president and
get him to make statements" on
yarious issues~ he said

Sonnenteldt said (iorbachey may
regard itush as “a vulnerable
equal" because lliisli is just getting
his ieet on the ground and may be
Interested in loreign policy suc
eissos to distract from budget

The White House has played
down the notion oi mayor devel
opttii'tits coming; out ol the meet

'We are being very realistic.“
said White House spokesman Mar
liil Fit/water “We have a presi
dciit who‘s leaying oi'lice In a iin
weeks w ho Is not going to he mak
ing any promises that he's Iiot here

'And we have a new president
who‘ll llt' taking otiicc In a tew
weeks who's not going to he mak
mi: commitments when he doesn‘t
ll.i\t‘ {tll administration In power
that i‘.ill iiilly analy/e and make
these Iiidgments



More Than

10% Off



385 S. Limestone

L \



\ \ /

Moderate job
market is

Associated Press

LOUISVILLE, Ky A survey-
released yesterday predicts a mod
erate job market in the Louisville
area for the first three months oi

The latest Employment tiutlook
Survey i'rom Manpower inc
among the world's largest teinpo
rary help i'irms, shows l7 percent
of the area employers polled are
planning to increase stait' size. 7
percent are expecting to downswi-
stall and 76 percent are maintain
ing current personnel levels

area manager oi
Manpower's Louisville otliees.
said, however, that this period
usually coincides with slinkttlu llit
mg momentum

Elaine Brown ,


Ron Pen

('oiitiiiiicil iiiiIIi l'.irel

Pen encourages his students
to seek careers in the music ”I
dustry. lle, however, does tto'
encourage w’ouldAbe composers

“I think you should disconi
age composers as much as [)tl‘s
sible and ii they end tip still
wanting to do ll‘ they‘ll do ll
Pen said “i don‘t really
courage them. hot that s silt'll t
tough path,”

“He's got a lot oi really llttl’
ties and here it is wIiiti-I'tnne
and he‘s still wearing those s.;lt
dals,” said Wyn \iorris. a tele
communicat Ions sophonit Ilt
“He's got a casual but Inioiiiial
style ol leaching llc lets you do
whatever you want iiii? lli
makes sure It gets done

"You can tell that he s lt‘illlx
Interested III what he ». lt‘.il llltlt,
and that Interest
his students." said (mini-I tiit
chi‘Ist, an advertising
"It's not like theres
pressure on you like youye :Jo'
In yourother classes "

In addition to ieacltitiiz l’v'
writes niiisie I'eiiews toi 'tm
l.e\Ingtoii llt‘ill‘ltlllt‘atlt‘l ltI
itlso Is editing it liook till the =‘l
gins oi rock ‘n' roll

ltui he still linds his IIIa’i
success iii teaclnttL’

“l lo\e iiIiisti
~iiist want to


translates t»


.i liit ivt

\iI lltllt h it’tif '

shaie tit-







Katfish swimmers smash 22 records in meet

Staff Writer

Saturday at the Purdue Invitatio-
nal Swim Meet at the Indianapolis
IUPUl Natatorium. UK swim
coach Wynn Paul was hoping for a
good showing from his men‘s and
women‘s teams.

“We had our fingers crossed, but
we thought we would have a good
meet.“Paul said.

He received more than just a
solid effort from his swimmers. as
they swam their way to 22 school
swimming records, winning 18
events during the threeday pro

To top that off, two of his swim.
mers from the women‘s team qual-
ified for the NCAA meet in March
with record-shattering perfor-
mances from Bartley Pratt in the
165(H'ard freestyle and Mary Jane
Brown in the the 2t)()»yard breast»

Pratt, a junior from Huntsville.
Ala. swam the 1650 freestyle in a
brisk 16:34:90. Her performance
earned a first~place finish in the

Pratt became the first l'K
woman swimmer to qualify for an
individual event in the NCAA.
Pratt also added the Still-yard free»
style and the 400-yard indiVidual
medley to her winning portfolio.

Brown won the 200-yard breasts

troke in 2:19.02. 30 minutes after
Pratt's record-setting swim. The
sophomore from La Plata, Md..

The record-setting performances
by Pratt and Brown left Paul elat-
ed about what the future holds for
his swimmers this year.

“Usually swimmers will try to
make the qualifying times at the
Southeastern Conference meet in
late February." he said. “The fact
that Pratt and Brown are going so
fast in December means that by
February and March we can think
about placing in the NCAA rather
than just swimming in the meet."

The record times of Pratt and
Brown overshadowed the efforts of
Kellie iloran, who won three
events at the meet. Moran won the
30—yard freestyle in 23.79. the 100-
yard freestyle in 31.44. and the 200-
yard freestyle in 1 :5084,

In the end. all of Moran‘s times


“The fact that Pratt
and Brown are going
so fast in December
means that by
February and March
we can think about
placing in the NCAA. "

Wynn Paul,
UK swim coach

turned out to be team records tor
UK, which also won the worm-i: s.

200-and Wyard freestyle relay ~~

Although they didn't pla1~11
qualifiers into the men's
meet in March. the men‘s

.\I. '.-‘i.-\
'1‘ iii]

gave an equally lmpl‘t’sslw- ~h~


“We were stunned from tt:- p1
formances that the men 11.1.-
Paul said. ”Every single 111,1.
one or two record times "

Jim McCarthy. a _|lltllti.'
Daytona Beach. Fla, won 11111
yard freestyle in 4:31.23 1m
16:30»yard freestyle in 13.411 11.;

Both times were new l'lx' i111." 1'

records. Ed Weckwert turnwi .=
first-place finish as he won 111.1
individual medley in 1:31 W .11‘11







Between 7 and 9 p. m. on Wednesday,
December 7, you can sign up for the
College Days Ski Trip. Only $359 puts
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\\ as also a new varsity time for the

The men didn't stop With just
.\ic(‘artliy's and Weckwert's record
times" Brad Kale and Ken Aikln‘
:~on won the zoo-yard freestyle and
too yard backstroke. respectively

The men also won the «loo-yard
iziedley. «too-yard freestyle relay
.1 ml the Ron-yard freestyle relay

"This was probably the greatest
~wiin meet for a Kentucky team in
terms of number of iiidiyidual per-
i-irinances.” Paul said. "Qualifying
two swimmers for the NCAA is just
‘._l't‘1'tl. but the overall team perlorr
iii.1ii1'i~ is equally inspiring for the
t1‘~l 111 :h11seasoi1 "

l’.iiii said the Victory in the Mir
111111 Invitational can he used to
mow- lltltl teams up the national

This is .1 huge hit m‘t-l‘zii] he
1iiise they we swinniiers: seen
hat [It’ilt' training has (lone tor
lflt‘lll. hi- stiltl "This Victory wilt
31- .1 ;.:i».-at asset i'l l’t't‘l'lllttllLZ \.-.ith
the eimt times we had and ',‘\‘1‘t1
'm new pool opening up

\‘11‘1t1H‘11t the help of his coat lit’.s
2’.1111 -.tltl ttit- tiici‘t 'asmi/he' hm.-

, van-“tut

‘il' .l.-.\l."t1llli.* (liti 1’1 1111'11' llit‘ ll

Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday,Docomber6.1988 - 3

Tom Spaldlng
Sports Editor



NCAA won’t act until
the spring, Burch says

neliete tor :is to ask 1'11

M111? 1;! .111141‘1': Md.

The ‘\t'.-\-\ ai'r'iiserl t h ;1.
Milt t‘tiat‘lt liwane tnsrw

.rioii~ rei-rintiinv
\.\|t1lllltlilL' m1-
’tlill‘fit's tit (it‘d'it‘tfiil'
.‘Silltlst sophomore for 1-...
".Lil'ilni to!

“l.“ 11!!

\ssociati-il Press

Any action by the \(‘AA in
connection with allegations
against t'K's men's haskethall
program likely wont take place
until spring. ”is tiltt‘l"!tl .1‘1‘1

.loc Burch, t K s interim ath
tetii- director. mat the t‘nixersi
ty's response to .\'t -\.-\ .itiega
lions against the progiaii. tlt
.itltlliltit. to other pl‘tai‘tltll‘.i1
~teps. would delay .11. t 1'
M111: by the \t‘.-\;\

During an tilllit'iil'a’.‘ ,. '11.
\KlllX 'l'\' s \mir 111111-11.
:iieiit' program Sillitid‘. l’itll1ti
out the timersity 1\ ~‘il1 i111-
pairing its response to me tit :11
It'iliitttmx and it ii..1 111’
'm-tii Iiiiishi-il hf. '
"i‘mllllll- \lon1taj,

”We wait '11-

il't' "ill '


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1i1~1 t'»\.1 :is

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04 Parking Structure #2






 4 — Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday. December 0. 1m

N o regrets
for UK’s

It) I! \W\ (MRNHR
t'iinli'rbiit ing Writer

It be had a chance to do it all
again, Brock 'l‘oiiloukiaii
would slIII haye taken the jttl) he
holds as graduate assistant coach
Iill lIlt‘I Kbasketballtcaiii
I didiit have any
thoughts about coming here.” 'l'oii
I-iikiaii said "I think il'K basket
' roach Eddie: Sutton is one of
.i up li\.(.' coaches in the country
l s .III opportunity of .i litetiine
I'oiiloukian who grew up in In
maria understands the tradition in-
\rlI‘.t'lI\\ilIlI Kliasketliall
tradition always carries high
Inl‘iltil exposure It doesnt bother
said I‘m nisl happy to



I’lt‘ hr
in Ili'li'

I'oiiIiiiikiiin grew up in Peru
Ind and graduated troiii I’urilui-
Iiiiii-i'sily in law. Sinii' grailiia
lioir he has worked as an assistant
roar. Ii ll'l I'iii‘due and also \t'l\t'lI

‘.\t)ll|t‘li \ rent I; tlii-i‘i

as gitii' ‘inic

to with In kcs til the trliiiexchange

aliiiosphere has helped to lessen


New UK assistant coach Brock Touloukian said he has “no re
diets“ about his deosron to come to UK

'I‘ouloukian said “They lthe play
el'si work hard and play hard," he
the said

said family

Because of the youth and merit

List ‘w‘tii

since he s. been at I IN. ’l‘oulorikr
.tll has been liiis\ learning the new
sxsli-in .irid gelling ,ii-«iiiaiiiteil ~.\llII
'llt' personnel
. worked on Illt‘ tall i'tllltlllliili



\kIlII .Is\l\l.llll i'ii.ii'.l=

\lllt’t‘ pl'ai'llics

the pain for tlic Wildcats. whose re
lord dropped to N after being
soundly defeated by Ilie l'iiiy'et'sily
Ill \Iilt't' I iariieSalurday

The players are real close to
t‘iItli other, they care about each
"I'hey're like a

other llt stilil


when that‘s ll'tlt'. good things

pericnce of this year‘s Wildcat
team. riiuch ot the time in practice
has been spent teaching the play

'I‘ouloukian admits that the tough
schedule is going to be a challenge
for the team

“It takes time and experience."

Patience and persistence paid
off for UK volleyball team

Staff Writer

Before Sat~
urday night‘s
NCAA tourna»
ment game,
UK volleyball
coach Kathy
DeBoer wrote
two simple.
but very ini- ..
portant, words
on the chalk- C033
board in the locker room
tience" and “iwrsistenee. "

And when it came down to the
fifth and final game of [IK‘s match
against tttth—ranked University of
New Mexico. the team played like
they rememtx-red those words
They hung on to win. 3 2

“I feel very fortunate." IleISoer
said. “But what it came down to
was patience and persistence. and
I feel like the team did just that "

But at times it looked as if the
IIlh~ranked Kats were going to
fall. Led by senior middle blocker
Lisa Bokovoy. the Kats rolled over
IINM in the first two games But
the Lobos didn't give up and look
the next two games to force a frltli.
decisive game

The drastic change iii momen
tum might have surprised a casual
observer. but Deliloer said momen


it was a momentum game," De-
Boer said as she was celebrating
the victory. “It was classic volley-
ball it was a great volleyball

That it was. UK was led by Boko
voy, who had a season~high 27 kills
along with nine blocks. and Veroni-
ca (Tobb, who had a careei‘rbest 17

Bokovoy has been expected to
lead the Kats all season. It was
(‘obb's first time in the spotlight.

“It has to be Veronica (‘obb's
best match this year." DeBoer

“Veronica played out
mind." Bokovoy said
was her best game."

”I came in with the Jitters,"
(‘obb said. “but I kept saying we
were going to Win. It was the
NCAA tournament. and we had the
confidence. "

But confidence has been felt only
off and on throughout the season.
IJeBoer says it all depends on who
they are playing

“The level of confidence depends
on the opponent." Delloer
“They felt real good and confident
against New Mexico. but against
some opponents we lost confidence
when I didn‘t think we would

"((‘onfidencel has been a factor
at the end of the season in the SEC
tournament , " she said

Enthusiasm and determination

of her


chemistry, and that was a strength
at the beginning of the season,“
DeBoer said. “These kids like each
other and, even when they might
get a little angry. they can put up
with each other.“

DeBoer said one of the best
things about this team has been the
way youth and experience have
worked together.

“The inexperienced players need
to be accepted by the experienced
players," DeBoer said “The older
players need to help them along
and encourage them, and I think
that happened on this team."

A new player who has blossomed
this year is setter and team leader.
sophomore Laura Linder She has
already scored more than 2.000 as
sists (2,828) in her career. and was
namid first team All SEC. by the

(‘alhy I)ebuono is another young
er player. a freshman. who has
made a significant contribution
The middle blocker has come oil
the bench this season, and. coming
into Saturday‘s game. she had 130

But the bulk of the team‘s scor
ing has been handled by seniors
Bokovoy and Kim ’I‘hoiiipsoii, The
duo came into the (‘oliseiiiii Saliii'
day with 907 kills

But Iirst they have to gel by No
2 seed l'niversily oI 'l‘c\as Arling

distingmsh this team ti'oni past I'K
teams. Boer said
“This team's

tum changes are what makes up a
"classic" volleyball game.
“We did lose some intensity. but

he said “IWi-‘rei going to take it
one game at a time Each game
we'll learn s