xt7kd50fz294_9 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records Minutes text Minutes 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_01/Folder_18/Multipage981.pdf 1935-1938 1938 1935-1938 section false xt7kd50fz294_9 xt7kd50fz294  


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 The monthly meeting of the "arden Club
of Lexington was held at the home of Mrs.
Henry Bosworth on July 17th at A P.M.
Mrs. Louis nillenmeyer presiding.

The mmnutes of the June meeting were
read by the Secretary and approved by the


Mrs, Lawwtll gave the horticultural
Commmttee-renort and read the June letter

The committee on edmmssions reported
a letter of resignation from Mrs. Henry
Martin of Mmdway.

The formmttee on awards reported the
following se is given

Mrs, Herndon 4 blue 1 red
Mrs, Bullock 1 red
Mrs. Bosworth ‘ gold

Ttwes moved by Miss alay, sedonded
by Mrs. Hernion and passed by the Club
that a copy of the Book on Herbs being
published with the fllizebeth Irice
Memorial Fund be subscribed to by this

Tt was moved by Mrs. Welter Hillen
mower and lulv “assed that the Tree-
surer send ¢°S,ofi to the Contributors

A letter from Mrs, Robb wee reed
remmnding us thet our Club had obligated
itselfl for financial support to the Save
The Hills of Frankfort movement. This
was passed to the neat meeting in order
that more in: rm”*'“' " abtaihnd.

fire. Lawwill told of a letter from
Mrs. Crowningshield suggesting that we
present the name of Dr. Mary Breckinridge
for Member at Lara, "a ‘9 G.C.of A,
Tt was suggested that Mrs. Lawwill take
this utter up further with Mrs. Crowningshield.


 Thu filub rose ad, fifond in 2 women? of
o? 9-1 nae a n ‘ribute to our Beloved mambev
Mrs. glmore,

This completed fhe business of *be meeting
n36 Mrs, Tandy hughes gave a splendid fislk
an Indoor Gardening,

”he Club was invifed info :he garden by
‘be hastess Where tea was served,

Raupeetfully submmfted

(-4 L W“ a} - 2;;
my ‘ L m v’ufl,‘ “Es/KC,»

_...m o _ . _ K\ wk“
@W.‘_fl._m¢\ J -.\


 3he Board pf the Garden Club pf Lexington met
September 15 at the home of the president.
Mrs. Hillenmeyer presided and the following
members were present : Mrs. Wanless. Mrs. W.
Hillenmeyer, Hrs. Coke, Mrs. Lawwill, Mrs. Stoll
Mrs/ McDonald, Miss Clay.

Mrs. Lawwill, acting chairman oi pregramm
read a letter from Mr. Hemingway accepting the
invitation to Speak tothe club at the next

The president discussed the Hills of Frank
fort project. Mrs. Lawwill moved that this club
send 1;..§0.00, this was seconded by Mrs. McDonald
and unanimously coted.

The president announced Gtfiober 15thand 16th
as dates of the state Bederation Meeting to be
held at Middlesboro. The Garden Club of Lex*
dngton to sponsor Mrs. Cooper of Henderson
first vice president, Mrs.W.C.Lawwill 5rd vice
president, Mrs.Marshall Bullitt of Louisville
treasurer and Mrs. Layson, Maysville as Secretary.

The president read a letter irom Mrs. 3.3.
Crowninshield, So thern Regional Director of the
Garden Club of America, inviting our president
and five other members to attend a regional
meeting at Galatin,Tenn. Oct. 14 to 16 as her


A letter was read from the Garden Club of
America concerning the prOposal of Mrs. Mary
Breckinridge ior a Member at Large of the
Garden Club of America, and asking that three
members of this club write personal letters
sponsoring Mrs. Breckinridge.

Mrs. Daniel Healy’s Club Scrap Book, recently
received, was presented. Miss Clay moved that this
interesting book be kept in the Club library
where it would be available to mehbers. This
was seconded by Mrs. Lawwill and duly passed.

It was moved by Mrs. Lawwill, seconded and
passed that if we are to have a Christmas Greens
exhibit plane be started immedirtely.

The meeting adjourned on motion.

3 QEUdll““\§3dfl£4«s Cisknmgh,


 A mes ing of the Garden Club of ILexing-
ton was held on Sept. 181h a; three p.m. with
. Miss MayBelle Van Meter as hostess.

In the absence of the secretary, Mrs.
Wanless read the September board meeting.

The treasurer reported a balance of
The awards 00mmittee announced the
following: 1 gold 2 blue, Miss Van Meter
2 gold 1 blue Mrs. Deren
2 gold 7 blue 9 red Mrs Billenmeyer
2 blue Mrs. LIIWWIl.

The president greeted the Speaker,
Mr.Bemmingway, State Nrtional Forest Representative
who was in turn introduced by Mrs. Lawwill. Mr.
He mingway is now 1 cated at Winchester Ky. and
under Federal direction has t ken change of the
Cumberland National forest area Which comprises
1,558,000acres. Mr/ Hemmingway stated the 62s?!
of all iores: fires in the U.So las year were in
the Gumberland tract. He suggested that fire Act
Lesislation be Sponsored by this Club and other
civic organizations.

The Secretary read a list of books
missing fr0m the club library and asked the mem-
bers ‘o assist in locating same.

. A mot'on made b Mrs. Clamc that W6 8
send $25.00 to the ave the Hglls of Frankfort
Movement and appoint a committee to investigate
the case before sending an addtional $25.00 aws
seconded by Mrs. MtDonald and on count defeated.

A second motion was made by Mrs. iHillenmeyer,
seconded by Miss Hume and passed that we send $50.0
now and not obligate the club for further donations
unless it is the will of the club at some future

A motion.was made by Mrs. Clark

that we sponsor as nomineew fa~oifice in the

State Federation Mrs. COOper, Mrs. Bullitt, Mrs.
Lawwill, Mrs. Lason .

The secretary read ers. Crownin-
shield's letter of invitation to the club dele-
gates to be appointed by the president.

It was moved by Mrs. Ilawwill,
secnnded by M1 Mcdaaald that his club Sponsor


 Dr.Mary Breckinridge for memh or at large of
the Garden Club of fimerica. This carried

Mrs.Floyd Wright was appointed by the
president as ch irman of the Nominating Committe

firs. Clark moved that a vote of’thanks be
given Mrs. Healy ior her beautiful work on the
Club Saran Book and the secretary send a letter
to hrs. Healy. This motion passed.

The meeting then adjourned on motion and
the members enJOyed tea with the hostess.

Beepectfully submitted
EVA WAHLHSS Sec. pro tem.


 The regular meeting of the Garden Club
of Lesington was held on October 9th at the
home of Mrs. Marius Johnston. In the absence
pf Mrs. Johnston, her daughters, Mrs. Wright
and Mrs. Joe Graves were hostesses.

Mrs. Hillenmeyer called the meeting to
order and the minutes of the July and September
eeting were read and approved.

The treasurer reported a bank balance
of $51.91.

The membership cOmmittee reported
five vacancies, but the treasurer reported that
on her books there were seven vacancies to be

The cOmmittee on awards reported
2 fine seals and 1 gold seal to Mrs. Jo Graves.

Mrs. Lawwill, Horticultural Chairman
asked that the members report and plants or

shrubs that did well this summer under the
climatic conditions thrt previaled.

It was moved, seconded and passed
that on the request of the Danville Garden Club
a COpy of our prOgram be sent.

I letter was read by the secretary
from Miss Lillian Lindiey thanking this club
for the gift of $50.00 to the Save the Hills
of Fra nkfor t movemen t .

Mrs.Wright, Chairman of the Nominating

00mmittee reported th following.

Mrs. Wanless, President

Mrs. Lewwill, lst vice president

Mrs. Louis Hillenmeyer 2nd vice president

Mrs. Stoll, pressurer

Mrs. McDonald, recording secretary

Mtss Clay, CorreSponding secretary

Mrs. Kavanaugh, Auditor.

§. The president read the program of the
Federated GardenClubs of Kentucky to be held at
Middlesboro on October 15 and 16th.


 It wss announced that in addition to the
pregram of our November meeting, that Each member
is asked to make an exhibit of a centerpiece £0
a Thinksgiving table.

The president then asked for a discussion
fnam the club as to whether or not we have a
christmas Greens DiSplay this year. It was
moved by‘Hrs. Kavanaugh and seconded by Mrs.
Coke that we do not have this exhibit this year.
On the count of the vote this motion passed.

Miss Daisy Hume made a report on the meeting
of the Canservation Committee of the Garden
Blub of America held recently in New York.

Hrs. Brooker told some of the high points
of her summer travelling in Europe and described
the planting of the hi hways.

The meeting then adjourned on motion and

the club members were asked to enjoy tea with
. rBs. Wright and Mrs. Graves.

Respectiully submitted
mmmhw Gama/LLQN

Reconding Secretary


 A meating of the Garden Club of Lerington was
held with Mrs. Talitha Stoll on November 14th
at 5 p.m. with the president in the chair.

In the absence of the Secretary, firs. H. S.
Brooker read the minutes of the last meeting,
which were approved.

Mrs. Stoll, the treasurer reported a balance of
$52.00 in the checking account.

In the absence of Mrs. Kright, chairmrn of the
nominating committee, Mrs. Bedford Brown read the
names of the ballot as proposed at the October
meeting. Upon motion of the Mrs. Walter Hillen—
meyer these names were unanimously elected.

It was announced that the name of Mrs. Mary
C.Breckinridge, sponsored by the Lexington Garden C
Club as member at large of the Garden Club of Am-
erica at the suggestion of Mrs. Crowninshield, was
rejected by the National Admissions Committee, the
reaspn given She Was not the owner of nor eSpecial
1y interested in gardens.

A letter irom Mrs. Oliver Iselin asking our
Blub for its yearly contribution of $5. 00 toward
the publishing of the roadside beautificrfion
bulletin was read. A motion made by Mrs. Wanless
and seconded by Mrs. Coke and passed to the effect
that this amount be,qiven.

The Conservation Committee asked for 310/00
ior having posters made in beheld of protection
of Christmas greens, these posters to be placed by
Federal Forrestry department in schools and
'churches in regions where such maternal needed
protection. The motion made by Mrs. Clark and
seconded by Mrs. Wanless was passed.

Upon the conclusion of the business session
yrs. Clark gave a brief report of the annual meet-
ing Of the State Federation of Garden Clubs held
at Middlesboro.

Mrs. Lawwill reported the meeting of the
Southwestern Zone of the Garden Club of America
held at Gatlinbung, Tenn in October


 Seventy iive slides of the gardens of New-
port were shown and enjoyed.

This meeting was designated ior an exhibit of
ThsnkSgiving table errangment to be made by the
club members and the following seals were given
by the judges.

Gold Seal Mrs. Luther Caldwell
Blue hSeals Mrs. Venless

firs. W.Hillenmeyer
Kiss Harriet McDonald
Red seel Mrs. W.L.McDoneld.

fiter the meeting the members enjoyed tee
with.the hostess.
ResPeotfully submitted

Mary W.Brooker, Sec'y pro tem.




 A meeting oi the Garden Club of Lexington
was held on lecember llth at the home oi Miss
Isabel Clay. The prOgram preceedéd the meeting
'nd the speaker oi the aiternoon, M. Henry
Kenney, Who is assoczited when the University
oi Kentucky this year was introduced by Mrs.
Lafferty. Mr. Kenney chose as his topic
Design in the Garden and illustrated his talk
with blue prints of the Cochran garden in
Maysville and the Womans ClUb garden in Cincinn
At the end of Mr. Kenney's lecture, the
Club heard over the radio the Speech of Edward
VIII inwhfidh he abdicated the thwone in favor of
his brother the Duke oi York.
Mrs. Hillenmeyer, the president. then éalle
the meeting to under and the following business
was transacted.
The secretary read the minutes oi the
last beard meeting and the last general meeting,
both of Which were aptroved 5s read.
The treasurer sent in a report of a bal-
ance in the checking account of ;l;OO.
Miss Hume gsve a report oi the Conser-
vation Committee oi the Garden Club oi America
and showed the poster printed ior the conser—
vation oi Christmrs Greens and rep:)rted that
500 let: ers had been sent out and 1, COO 1iosters
giving the proger instructions ior the cutting
oi greens.§‘“”‘t-v' -«e*« i '9
Mrs Lawwill, horticultural ch22irman
gave a report irOm the monthly letter.

The meeting adjourned on motion, and
the club members enjoyed a delightiul tea with
Miss Clay and Mrs. Judson.

ReSpectfully submitted

wkfikum easy»; L
RGCOIding secret ry


 A Meeting of the Board of the Garden
Club of Lexington was held at the home of the
president Mrs. Hillenmeyer, at IO A.M. on
Janfiaryrl4th with nine mshbers present.

A balance of $17.75 was reported
in the checking account.

It was decided to have the scrap book
kept by Mrs. Healy in the Transylvania library,
and to pass the Club history on to the new pres—

Mrs. Hillenmeyer brought to the at-
tention oi the board a gift to our club by Mrs.
Crowninshield our zone chairman a book " A handss
book of Conservation" published by the Massachu—
setts club.

It was decided to write a letter to Time
and enclose a clipping ironxthe Leader that told
of the cutting of the giant pOp