"Ah, Peyton," said the Parson,
      "I must leave von to your fate.
    Some day you might etome callig,
      But your call may come too late.
    The spirit may get in your heart
      And bring you to the fold
    And warm up worldly feelings
      That are laying iqow so cold;
    I fear the Lord wNill send his Avrati
      Some day to make youl hear."
    Old Peyton turned away and said,
      "It's tuther one I fear."


      Oh, it's summer up the hollow,
        An' a smile is on the skies.
An' a slumber song is stealin on tile breeze,
      An' it 's ev-rv bird a lendin'
        Tune into the paradise
Of clingin' vine an' shady forest trees.

      NVhen it 's summer up the hollow
        Then it's suninner in the heart,
An' it lingers in the young an' in the old;
      An' the sumnimers tip the hollow
        Kindel stand themselves apart
Like a paintin' in a framie of purest gold.

      Ever hear the red birds sin-in'
        On a rosy summer mo)rn
An' the blue jay eallin' back across the hill
      An' it's sweet to hear at twiligllt
        'Round the place where you were born
The serenadin' of the. whippoorwill.

      Ever get away at dawnin'
        Through the diamond-tinted dew,
Hang your basket on a lim' above the stream,
      Drop your line into the water
        Where the bass are waitin' youl
It's the crownin' joy of summer's happy dream.