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Preparation of Draft Inventory _  
“ Qi 
14, Title (Cont.)  
(c) If a title is vague or misleading, then an explanatory title in  
. or 
lower case should follow, enclosed in parentheses.  
(d) An assigned title is one given a record when the container bears  
   b e
no official title. The assigned title is always upper case, and  
424é·r · ?‘ 
enclosed in parentheses.  
(e) An abbreviated title is followed by fully spelled out words in  
upper ease and enclosed in parentheses.  
. ,, L .  
(f) Only a comma is used alter the full title, followed by the dates,  A 
a period, and the quantity. L: 
15. Dating  
(a) The first and last date should be separated by a hyphen and fol-  
lowed by a period.  
(b) Dates in the same century: the last date may be abbreviated by using  
the two terminating figures. However, when an ending date is pre-  
. .  
coded by a cypher, drop the cypher and write it as l90l·—9.  
· rr- ,r;=  
(c) Dates in different centuries: these dates should be written out in  $2;
ani. _  
·· . ;f.r fi'?
(d) Current records are indicated by two hyphens and a period following   ;;
the first date, except where the beginning and ending date of a  
record is the same. In this ease, a period follows the date.  
  ·r`—   l
(e) Record changes during year; the day, month, and year of change  
should be shown,   Y
(f) lf a record is discontinued, this should be stated, and date of    
vi f`?
. . . ,, . . . .     ,s·,`_
last entry in the record should be given. This information will gay;} at
appear in title line of draft entry, immediately following the quan-   etg, _
I Fm "
lT1'by•  . VV
(E;) Missing reeordsz this Causes gaps to appear in the Consecutive do···   ,,,'_ _
,,   ·
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