`     cdia A A   lcaio  
[i ~  u  »   
2    ; _  
Appendix   5   5 ~"l-·l,;  
In-s  p p      p   
l, Circuit Court (Cont.) Eli; £i~;j
diction over a variety of miscellaneous matters in law and equity. It also g L»tii§%
has jurisdiction of inquests concerning the mental status of persons, and `€;Ky?$§é% VV l‘
power to appoint committees to arrange for the care of the feeble minded g _wi; S; ·-.V'
and insane. é C_q.Yh5
Among other appointments, the circuit court appoints the master commis- g [_uili;
sioner. §;"ii; »l·o l·-i Ei
2. Subject Heading in County Court Clerk's Section, Knox County Inventory. @ QQ Sn;
Revenue i A Si;
(See also entries 82 and 85) E S`,_ii
Taxes (see also entries 255 and 256) E 5 fj
5. Last paragraph of County Treasurer's essay, Knox County Inventory. E ( yn
"For treasurer's settlements with fiscal court, see entry ll." C l V z
4. Abbreviations and Symbols t Y .5;
(a) Abbreviations A C;
Acts -----————-—— Acts of the General Assembly of Kentucky { t‘ .-_4
alph, --·------—- alphabetical(ly) A gl C
arr, --—---——-—-- arranged, arr&ngemO1‘1'b t   A K  
art.(s.) ——-—---— article(s) C ·.;
A. r. rm. —·--—-— tAttic record room Q Ni
- aver, -·-——-— ---- &VO1*!1gG ` _'  
Bd, ------------- Boa rd   · V
bdl.(s.) ·---——-— bundle(s) C · %
bsmt. -·-------—- basement
Carroll —--—-———- Carroll's Kentucky Statutes, Baldwin's Revision
Cf, .--------- -—- confer, comp&I‘O - I ` In
-·~       cism     A ·r » A ·~ A      .~      ~ » — A   —  ~ e r A » » A —