`*  , ‘   "   __’» _,. _, -, A.._   ~ ,4; ,-’_¥g_   . 1 1 r     j ·   . V     }»,#~ -_~—   , - » , re ‘     T         e . [  K 
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Appendix    *   
5. Draft Entries (Cont,) [rfgrieig
L-it `;_::   r  
Settlements of division of lands by guardians or administrators, showing 1.i1°$ig%
. ·····. ..... ............... Contains; Judgments, entry 201. Arr. alph. by 1"“"»1fQ
section heading, and chron. thereunder by date of ,,........ No index. §;"T i;;§§
Hdw. on pr. fms. 4%x10x6, Co. ct. clk's. off. t 4~Yd 1; ifi '—':
E,   ?i€.·; 
194. (PETITIONS), 1906-8, 1926-29. 1906-8 in Suits, entry 198; 1926-29 §V ;~gQ;§
in Knox County Court Papers, entry 222. §:=;·X*{§
Petitions made to county court for .. ..... ........ .... ., showing .... ···· ·• 1—;_°¤irg
' 198. SUITS, 1904-8, 1915-17, 1926--. 18 file boxes. 1 .121;%%
    |||O•II•lIIO•n••|••••|||•|•,   il|•|||||I•I•l|¤••|    
(Petitions for New Roads), 1906-8, 1927-51, entry 1; (Petitions), 1906-8, {;: ,,.. ;yg§
· entry 194; warrants of Arrest, 1950--, entry 195; Report of Land Appraisers, Q 7 eel?
Surveyors, and Road Viewers, 1926-29, entry 517. ll file boxes, 1905, 1915, 1 .4gff
1926--, arr. alph. by names of parties involved; 7 file boxes, 1904-8, 1__**g YQ
‘ 1915-17, 1927, 1950--, arr, chron. by date of ...... No index. Hdw. 4 5/4 1 .7,}i
A xl0x5 7/8. 8 file boxes, 1926--, cc. judge's cff,; 7 file boxes, 1904-8, ` s ` is
1915-17, 1926--, co. ct. c1k*s. vlt.; 5 file boxes, 1927-29, co. ct. o1k’S. y ;""f
off. ; t·‘*
218. (sunmonsss), 1841-45, 1907, 1911-12, 1920--. 1907, 1911-12 in E l 1 "#
Court Order Books (Court Orders), entry 204; 1951 in Civil Execu- - "eg
tions, entry 206; 1920-51 in Miscellaneous Papers, entry 221; 2 c, {
1921-22, 1950-- in Papers on Docket (Miscellaneous), entry 225; r_ y
1841-45 in County Court Papers, entry 226. · i ‘
Summonses and subpoenas issued by the county court and executed by the Sher- 1 . ,j
    !O||•IIO|I|||I|•¤•6il•|’   |lIIII¢IIQI||II| '  
Note the cross reference in entry 225 to the entry on settlements, entry 1 _1 _Q
185, where additional records of same series are to be found. Entry 185 is r .Y
not an artificial entry. Note in entry 185 how reference is made to entry ‘ l ,
225, guiding the reader to other records of same series. ; i
The cross reference in entry 225 to (Summonses to Appear in Court), 1921-22, . E C11;
1950--, entry 218, refers to the artificial entry 218. This is written in I rt
lower case, in parentheses, in the body of entry 225 but is shown in upper 1 y
case in parentheses, because it is an assigned title. rg
225. PAPERS 0N DOCKET (Miscellaneous), 1921-22, 1950--. 5 file boxes. 1 1,1
Motions for appointing guardians, showing ..................... Contains: . Y
(Road Petitions, 1950--, entry 1; Judgments (Settlements), 1951, entry 185; Y · py
(Sugmnonses to Appear in Court), 1921-22, 1950--, entry 218; Affidavits of ‘
Unwed Mothers, 1950--, entry 227; Road Orders, 1921-22, entry 519. 2 file 1 ‘
bcxeg, 1921-22, 1951, arr. alph. by subject; 1 file box, 1950--, arr. alph. P ;
by subjeet and chron. thereunder by date of motion. No index. 2 file boxes, y ‘ g
1950--, hdw.; l file box, 1921-22, hdw. on pr. fms. 4%x10x6. 2 file boxes, 4 ‘
1950--, co. ct. c1k's. off.; 1 file box, 1921-22, co. ct. 01k's. vlt.
336, COMMISSIONS, 1904-5, 1912-18, 1921-21, 1950. 9 file boxcs. _
Appointments of notaries and other officials by governor, showing .. ..... . _ ‘ N
Contains: Surety Bonds of Notary and Other Officials, entries 78 and 80. I
  ·;1r T  i t  —   ‘