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lg   I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P O I I I • | I I I I I O 0 1  
2. Preface .............................. 1  
5 | T       C     S I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 U F 1  
4: O         U i O O I I I G I Q I I I I I I I n q I | 5 I I O I I 1- I  
5. page Numbering ........................... 2  
e. Section Headings .......................... 2 ‘  
Féection A   A.
7- Hiswricel Sketch ......................é . . . 2  
Creation of county. First settlements. First settlers.  
Government. Educational system and special features.  
Trails and roads. Natural resources and occupations.  
Population. Citations. Bibliography.  
8. Governmental Organization and Record System ............` 4  
Data on courts and offices. Chart of governmental organi-  
zation. Essay. .;,¢_ 
9. Housing, Care, and Accessibility of Records . . ......... . 5 F  
Files. Volumes. Lighting. Filing space. Ventilation.  
Arrangement of containers. Subdivided locations. In- `  
dexing of records in subdivided locations and plan.  
Type of records in container. Attitude of public offi-  
cials. Faults found. Generalization.  
lO, List of Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes . . . . . . . 6  
Abbreviations, Symbols. Explanatory Notes.  
  7*   V
secticn B  s
ll. Essays ..................... . . . . ...... 7  
Individual offices. Titles. Combining. Trustee of iury fund.  
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