WW I S 0 O N S I N S T E E L 0 0 M P A H Y, Inc.
C 0 A L A H D 0 0 K E %‘O R K B
a IAD Settlement 891.34 1,394.84 891.34
b IAD Expense 35.56 408.14 36.56
c Donations
d Bpecial Expense 3.90 20.85 5.90
e Strikes 6,2Z6.71
f Experiments and Invsstihatlons
g Floods and Storms 92.07
X h Mircellaneous
1 Tran:p0rtat10u $503 .45 2,244.42 2,303.48
j RR Wrecks and Live Stock -d11ed 11.11
k Bad Uebts 136.86
1 Cleanimg up tzcvm in general other
than strcqts and tenements 257.70 1Q3.43 287.70
m Safety Appliances 4.36 8.11 4.36
u First Aid and xelfare 5.00 ( 5.00 5.00
0 Medical Exnense 634.10 917.30 634.10,
r Dzss Ky. Mine Assn. i C·A.
s Harlan C0. Coal wp. issn.
t Conmuuity Christmas Tres __2£.§Q _________
4,166.44 J:M.28 4,166.44
8a.1auca January 1, 1920, 31,354,63
  * if iw V.» · , _ b gaéhzi 5 222 BB 5 4g4 ag
Total 5,424.24 5,972.88 36,788.87
Lew Expense g,]§§,·g»4 8§§,$>,8 A, 355,y,
B&l8¤¤€ iH Fund 1,257.80 6,831.16 32,622.45