Mr. Gao. Eh loose, President -2-
»c are not so ourc that thooo 0conputi~¤s como iitiin the racuiromants of tho
Act, but we boliovo that wo can accomplish the work that is noocsoary to do
with *ho same force and still remain within the requiromcnts of tho company's
gQ§g§§&&; Our honoitnl and doctoro’ office is taken caro o? by two
colored maids Whose dutino nr~ to 4onp tho buildin; cleaned up at ull times
and do the cooking for the putiouto in tF¤ hospitwl. ?hair services are
nroctiowlly tho Sumo as domostic bouwoholo servants. Tkoy have been working
aix Tour; owr dow oooh, oouon days a uook, and Luvo boom tnxio; two moalo
at tHo hoooitol ooco day. i talkod this oituutinn over with Ur. Hullon ond
no docidod to *ivo oooh ono of thoéo muiow ooo dnt off ouch wack ~:d lot the
nuraos fill io ith t?oir :or%, w six “our Shift on ono day and n six XOMT
sxift on emot or Guy. Tnis Jill bring ttooo maids? hours down to 56 Fouro
nor mock and their salorios oro VHn.QO por no;th oluo {l5.0¤ por month for
meals, or u total of V59.OQ for Qpt hours, wLich Tiguros out at thc roto of
25; por hour.
TIPPLE: at our No. l tipplc we have two mixht watchman covering
twelve hours of sorvico ooo} night, Tue mum vorks six hours on the first
opift ond the other man works six hours on the second shift. Nucl of those
mon works six days a wowk. T%oy como within thc limits of the aight Fours
Q day, 40 hours a monk, and 25g por Hour, however they Go work Six dovs
por wack inotoad of fivc. 7Nc ”th Gay of their Shi"t is filled in Wy the
co~bi¤ation xi ht wutcimnn and payroll guard. Thio is tho owly case at
tho plant whore wa Love mon *mrking xix dayo por wack ottor ttoo Some few
oolariod om lovos who work six Guys m nook tnkiru two half dayo off ouch
wack. lc believe that this oroooduro ia all right since thorn is nothing
said about thc numoar of dnyo por nook tw bo workod. It uould bo dif”icwlt
to make n chango Boro to five dayx u wack on account of iho fillinr in
;ith other mem ix other occuputi no and materially adding to the expense
of the operation as those two 36 hours por wack shifts roudor sufficient
sorvico for taxing curo of those night watchman jobs.
GHNEHAQ: In several of our operations here on tho outoida of the
plant including the bath house, filtration plant. night watchman, central
heating plant, and icc plant we have mon on several occupations ·,·, r`o fill
in time on othor occupations in order to stay within the limits of the
rcquiromonts of tho aight hour day and 40 hour week. In those occupations
there is n lot of looping over and changing from one job to another. which
complicatom tkinys in kooping track of the varying ¤’ifts, In those several
CHGGS, Rowavor, oatisfnctorv schaduloo have been worked out and those jobs
have boon going on now for a lowg while on this basis and mono of the
omaloyes on those onrticulnr jobs oro working more than eight hours a doy,
40 hou?S o Nook, ond Tivo duyo u wook.
Of course you know that in tho cuoo of our mining occupmtin~s
no oro limited to Bevan hs rs a dny und 55 hours n wack and time and n half
for over time above all thsoo limits. »ll othor occupations on the job
are limitod to aight hours u Guy and 40 hours w wack and time ond o half
for over time beyond those limitoo with tho cxc~ption of salaried employes