§§K§§;;;'E'@¤¤¤i.os€1¤@ Dcpt.Hcads, <>H*¤AG¤· M-· March in, iggs
U. S. Works
F¤¤ MR- U. S. Branches
U} S. Transfcr Houses 5: Incrsascd Ratcs Ex Parts l2}
Both carload and loss carload rail freight ratcs will bc incrcasci within
tho ncxt two or throw wccks. The incrcasc was authorized by thc Intcrstats
Commerce Commission and will amount to about l0 percent with somc exceptions
which are outlined bclow. Every cffort should bc madc to ship as much goods as
possible bcfors these increases go into cffcct.
Agricultural Implements. Tractors, Eindcr Twinc and other farm equipment
have bccn made subject to thc lO percent incr¤asc» cxccpt that no increase can bc
made in ratcs that wsrc incrcascd lO percent on Dpccmbcr EO, lQ§Y. Wo furnished
a statcmcnt of ratcs to all branches and works involved when increases wcrc wade
December EO. _
Ratcs on Trucks, Chassis ani Truck Rcnsirs will bc increased l0 pcrccnt,
The Comnission refused to authorize any increases in thc present rates on
Bituminous Coal, Cokc» Lignits and Iron Orc.
On Iron and Stccl, including Stccl Bars, Billcts» Pig Iron, Scrap Iron
and other related articlcs» lO percent increase will bc npplicd on thc rates that
were in effect as of Nqvcmbor lU¤ l9}Y. To cxplain further this particular
increase, it should bc understood that on Novcmbor l5 rates on these articles
wcrs increased on a pcrccntagc basis subject to certain maxima. Now thc
. Commission has authorized that a furthcr increase can bc wadc so as to bring up
thc total increase to l0 pcrccnt.
Lumbcr and articles generally groupcd therewith will bc incrcascd 5%.
Rates on most of thc other commoditics in which this company is interested
will be increased lO percent cxccpt whcrc incrwascs have Econ nadc effective _
since November lU, lQ§Y, in which casc thc increases will bc bascd on thc
November l¥ rates in tho samc manner as ubovc outlined on iron and stcsl, ctc.
Sivilar increases will bc madc in barge and barge-rail rates throuqhout
thc country, Stcsmships oporatin; in thc intcrcoastal and coastwisc trade R¤v¤
indicated that they will make similar incrcascs. It is also cxpcctci that
rates of thc various trucking companies will bc similarly incrcasod in duo time,
but at this writing wc are unable to furnish any definite information in this
The lO percent incrcasc applies to all othcr charges such as switching
(except switching bctwccn carriers in thc Chicago Switching District), stopoing
in transit, storagc in transit• rcconsigning, ctc.
y All of thcsc incrcascs arc authorized to apnly only on intcrstatc traffic,
@/%a/ but it is gcncrally sxpcctcd thot thc intrastatc rates will bc incrvasci on tho
'{§}/>/% samc basis by anpropriatc action of thc various Statc Railroai Comnissions.
\ U Considcring cvcrytning, it is cstimatcd that the ncw ratcs will avcragc
apnroximatcly 5—l/2% kiihcr than our present ratcs.
CC to Hsrncss and Grig s. T_ J, MALONEY)
ml; c Managcr Traffic Dgpartmsnt