"Suctlmu 54Q,5Q5 of the Kentucky Ncvlccé Etutufce lc C”O“WQ7 to rcci ae
“lm the event em employer clcctm tc secrete under this ckcptcr, ihcm every
enplcyc e? arch cmplcycr, us a part of his contract of ifrfn. cr wh; may be
employed et the time cf the acceptance ef the prvvisicms of LMEB chapter by
such cmplnycr, swell be deemed to Mmvc csccptec all the prcvial me cf this
chapter end shall tc bcxnd thcrcby tnlces he shell have S lei, prior tc the
injury, e written notice to the contrary with the cuplgyer, lntll auch notice
to thc ccntrery is ec llvcn (··c to the ctrlcycr, the mcecurc cf liability of such
employer shall be determined accsriinj to the ccnyezsatlwn prnvlsions cf tkls
chapter. lng such employe may, w?tZcut prejudice to any cxlstlhj rl ht or claim,
withdrew his clcctlcn to rcject this chapter by flllu; wlth the emplcycr e
written wetlcc of withdrawal, stet’mj the cate when the with§rcw¤l ls tc bcccnm
effective. “c1l0wlnq the Flline c? srch nctlcc, the status of thc party wlth·
drawlmj ccall bcccwe the same as lf tic former clcwtlnu tc rcjc t this chapter
had mnt been maéc, except that withdrawal shall not hc effcrtlve ce tc any
injury suetmlmei lcse than cme wcc; e?tcr tic notice ls ?l1cé,"
"icction l. That eectinn $42.020 cf tmc Kentucky Hcviscc Aiatutee is
amendee tc read us fcllcwst
”(l) In a£dZtiem tc all cthcr ccwpcnectinm provided in this chapter,
the emnlwycr shall furnish for thc curc enc relief frcm thc cftc ts cf an
~ injury, such weclcal, surgical ani »;epltel treatment, lnclccinj nursing,
medical and eurslcul supplies and awrliunces, as may reescnebly bc required
at the time c? the lnjury and thcrce??cr curiny cleeellity, bat not cxcecdlnq
a total cxpenec tc the employer cF more than twe»ty·Five hunureg dcllere.
If the emmloycr Pelle tc Furnieh auch treatment rccswnebly, he shell be
liable for thc rcescnablc expense, within thc limits cf this cc tion,
lncurrcd b‘ or cn rebel? of the ecnleyc ln prcvlelng such Lrectwcnta, In an
emergency, the emplcye may call in any available physician or ew? Gun _.`t» to
admlnistér EN? fiP$€ 81d PGGBOHHBIY H¤G®SS&Py at the expe¤se.cT the employer
within EEE ligitg 0T his S@°ti¤¤• The b0¤Pd, in its dlscretlwm, tay &p?0Pt—